The King's Beloved

Chapter 226 - The Supreme's Judgement (Part 1)

[Music Recommendation: "Listen to the Cries of the Planet" by Nobuo Uematsu (instrumental only - FFVII OST) - available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the true atmosphere of this scene ~

A heavy atmosphere filled the whole cave. King Eli and Queen Alice could only imagine what the Supreme told Rania and Elliot. Would He be the God of Mercy this time? Or the God of Justice and punish Avarus for everything he had done? Or something else?

"The Supreme?" Avarus raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "You can hear the Supreme? HAH! That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. What are you? An Oracle? An Interpreter? I, myself, find it hard to believe in the Sortis family. Isn't that all a hoax? They just say things that will bring the most benefit to them. That's how they've been close to the royal family all these years! There is no Supreme! There is only POWER! And some are blessed by that power, while some others are not."

"You're wrong!" Rania argued. "He is very much real! Just because you cannot hear Him or see Him, it doesn't mean—"

"Stop. Please. Spare me the religious talk," Avarus interrupted her and shrugged his shoulders.. "So, what is it that your so-called Supreme is saying? What's his verdict on me? Or should I say… YOUR verdict to me?"

Elliot's eyes furrowed. "If you only knew how much I wanted to kill you right now, you wouldn't be saying that."

"Then go ahead. Do it!"

"… No."

"HAH! Coward. If you're not planning on killing me, then what do you want?"

Elliot sighed deeply, as he accepted the instructions of the Supreme in his heart, convincing himself that it was the right thing to do. He shouldn't be blinded by vengeance was what he kept on telling himself.

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"The Supreme… has given you two options," Elliot confessed.

"HA-HA-HA-HA! Options? Me? A criminal like me who killed probably millions of lives, given an option?! HA-HA-HA! If that's how much of a pushover your Most High is, then by all means! What are my options?"

Rania and Elliot clenched their hands.

"… One option is for you to… repent and change your ways," Elliot said as his jaw tightened. "If you chose to change, then you will be put under trial, and since you have done a lot of terrible things, you will be found guilty, stripped of your title, and be imprisoned for the rest of your life. What's more, your magic will be taken from you to ensure that you will never be able to harm others anymore."

"And the second option," Rania continued the rest, "if you don't repent and change, you will bear the weight of your sins, and pay its full price."

"HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!" Avarus laughed maniacally once more. He couldn't believe what he just heard. Instead of being killed on the spot, he was given a chance to repent? What an utterly foolish thing to do. He could simply fake his repentance and plan out to escape the prison anytime he wanted. Even if he were to be stripped off of his magic and title, he still had loyal followers who would do his bidding. And for sure, there would still be a way to get magic back. It was all too easy for him. Who in their right mind would choose the second one?

"Elliot…" Queen Alice and King Eli worried. But then again… if it was the Supreme's words, surely, there would be no better way than this.

"In that case, I choose the first option," Avarus replied.

Rania and Elliot already predicted his choice, along with it, all the plans and things that could have gone into his head after all of that. But the Supreme already made His decision, and they, too, had made theirs to follow His will.

And so, Elliot cast the binding magic unto his hands. Golden chains enveloped Avarus' wrists and feet, making him unable to use magic. Rania removed the barrier from him and they all guided him towards the door to get out of that place. King Eli and Queen Alice, though in spirit form, also followed them and kept a close watch towards Avarus.

As they all walked together, Avarus sneakily rummaged in the inside pocket of his coat. For some reason, none of them noticed him doing so until he managed to pull out an octagonal box and held it in his hands. It was as big as his palm so he was able to hide it really well. Then, his eyes kept on looking from left to right, as if waiting for an opportunity. Yes, an opportunity to strike again. Truly, there was just no end to his evil.




Alas, he found his opportunity! And not just any opportunity! It was a chance to steal Elliot's spiritual core!

Before reaching the giant Ancient door, Elliot and Rania turned their backs against Avarus as they tried to open the door wider. They wanted to carry all the magical weapons inside to free them from the wretched place. After all, each spiritual core still contained spirits trapped within the weapons for so many years.

But then, as they turned their back, Avarus threw the Exsorbeo towards Elliot.


And the Exsorbeo, sensing his powerful spiritual core, immediately shifted its form. Its huge claws came sprouting from its body and—


"ELLIOT!!!" Queen Alice who saw it first, shouted his name and teleported towards him in an instant.

King Eli followed up, casting a strong wind to blow Elliot out of the way.


Rania, who noticed it last, cast wind blades to cut the claws of the Exsorbeo, and burned it while trapping it inside a small barrier.

On the other hand, Elliot who was pushed back was thrown towards the wall. Seeing this, Avarus lounged at him after picking up one of the lying swords on the ground.

"HA-HA-HA-HA!" Avarus' sinister laughter echoed throughout the whole cave.

Just a few more meters and his sword would pierce through Elliot's chest. Then, once he's down, he could use another Exsorbeo to extract his core inside him. And once he had it, he would be invincible.

"Ughh," Elliot grunted from the impact. By the time he opened his eyes, Avarus was already in front of him, just a few inches away from the tip of his sword.

And then… though none of them noticed it… 

From the inside pocket of Elliot's blazer… 

came out a black crystal orb.

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