The King's Beloved

Chapter 229 - The End Of The Longest Night (Part 1)

[Music Recommendation: "Zanarkand" by Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy IX OST) - available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the true atmosphere of this scene ~

[PS. Sorry for the delay of this chapter due to unforeseen circumstances. And thank you for all the golden tickets and summoning pens. Indeed, I have been summoned. XD]

After mourning, Rania and Elliot burned all the weapons and Exsorbeos inside the cave. This time, they used Holy Fire to burn them. It was because Rania figured out the Exsorbeo's weakness by accident when she cut the claws of the one that almost took Elliot's spiritual core during Avarus' last attack and burned it. She didn't know why or how—she didn't even think about it but she cast Holy Fire to burn the monster. To her surprise, it burned and turned into ashes instead of simply absorbing her spiritual energy. But then again, she thought that she shouldn't be surprised anymore seeing that the Supreme had been faithful and kept on guiding them in every step.

And so, Elliot communicated telepathically to the whole team—the Guardians, Calum, Clavis, Illuminaire, and Selena—that the way to defeat the remaining Exsorbeos was by Holy Fire. Yes, apart from those that were directly controlled by Avarus' ring, there were still those that attacked freely, uncontrolled by him.. As Elliot instructed, everyone followed and killed all the remaining monsters. Afterwards, he ordered them to gather at the Coliseum and to bring all the dead bodies of Avarus' knights with them. Lastly, was an order to the Sortis family that stayed behind the Forbidden Chamber while the war was going on. Elliot told Mitis to bring everyone to the Coliseum.

Once again, everyone gathered at the Coliseum. Most Magi were wary and confused, still taking time to digest everything that just happened—from their king becoming mad and wanting to kill his queen, then the maiden suddenly appeared in front them, followed by the man who had white hair and looked the same as the late king and queen, the Oracle and her Interpreter announcing that he's the real heir to the throne, then… the Exsorbeo's attack… and the war that happened. Though Calum and Illuminaire explained everything to them, still, it was a lot to just accept in one go. Despite all that, they still followed in respect towards their saviours. After all, if it weren't for them, perhaps, none of them would have survived.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Everyone," Elliot called their attention as he stood at the middle of the stage, looking at everyone in the Coliseum. 

In the same manner, the crowd looked back at Elliot.

"I am Elliot Verus Regis, the only son of the late King Eli Verus Regis and Queen Alice Regis. You can call me the Crown Prince, or the True Heir to the throne, or the Anointed King of the Supreme, or whatever you want to call me—though I'd prefer to be called by my name, Elliot. Just Elliot."

At these words, the crowd was shocked. For the True King to tell his subjects to call him by name? That… was unprecedented. How could they dare do such disrespect? That was the same as levelling the king to their level! As if they were so close to him like friends that they were allowed to suddenly call him by name! How could they possibly treat him like that? Or perhaps… Was it his own way of extending his hands to them and bridging the gap? The crowd speculated a lot of things but none of them was the real reason why Elliot said that. In truth, it was something really simple—he just wanted to be called by the name his parents gave him.

Seeing the crowds murmur, Elliot chuckled and continued with his speech.

"Please, don't overthink about it," he jested. Then, in a serious manner, he said, "Anyway, the only reason I called everyone here is so we could mourn together and pray for the souls of these innocent people."

Elliot turned towards the lifeless bodies of Avarus' hooded knights, much to everyone's surprise. They thought, 'Why in the world should they mourn over the enemy who wanted to kill them? Towards the enemies that was stupid enough and blindly followed Avarus?' But when Elliot removed the dark cloaks and black hoods of the undeads, they all began to cry, realizing who those people were all along.

One by one, every Magi came closer to the undead lying on the ground. One recognized that it was his uncle, to the other, it was his cousin, then to another, a brother, a sister, a friend, a mother, father, and so the list went. They were people missing from their lives! Missing for so many years they thought they just died or somehow disappeared. Turns out… they were turned into these "undead" people like puppets.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" a young child cried out loud while hugging an undead woman in his tiny arms. "Mother! Waaaaaaaahuhuhuhu!"

"Hu-hu-hu-hu… my sister…" another cried.

"Sniff… sniff… w-what happened? H-how? W-why?"

Knowing their families, they knew very well that they wouldn't do something to harm the royal family, or be a member of an evil force who wanted to destroy the kingdom for whatever reason. It was simply impossible. Seeing their unrest and questions, Rania and Elliot explained everything to them.

Everyone was horrified and appalled from what they heard. They became angry… so angry that they themselves wanted to kill Avarus themselves. The nerve of him! He was truly a demon in disguise! How dare he do such a thing?! And to think he was one of the nobles! More unrest came to them. And rage. And bitterness.

"Everyone," Elliot called their attention again. "I know that this is something very hard to accept. Truthfully, it's extremely unacceptable. Even when I first saw my own mother turned to an undead with her sword pointing at me, my whole being was shaken. And at such times, it is so easy to hate and seek revenge. But know that vengeance is the Supreme's! And vengeance He DID take for us! Avarus was punished with the worst punishment there ever was. So please, with that knowledge, do not live in hate. I'm sure that all these innocent lives wouldn't want you to live life in hatred and regret. And most of all, let us respect their memories and sacrifice. I'm sure they weren't caught in this mess without a fight. So I believe this is not the time for us to think of ourselves. Instead, this is the time for us to honour them for the last time and guide them into the afterlife. They all died as heroes. Let us treat them as heroes."

At these words, every Magi's heart who had been crushed and pulverized to the highest degree… was comforted. Their cries grew louder. Their embraces to their loved ones went tighter. And with all their heart and soul, they offered a prayer for them.

Shortly after, the priests and priestesses of the Sortis family began the "Ritual of Passing"—a traditional way for the Magi to bury their dead. They all circled around everyone and began singing the Hymn of Passing. The families of the dead continued their prayers. The Oracle stood in the midst of them and prayed as well. Then, with her holy power, she purified the souls of the undead until their bodies slowly turned into glowing particles and flew with the wind. The spiritual cores that were implanted in their bodies didn't disappear with them so Rania helped and commanded the cores to return home once again.

As the glowing lights surrounded the air, everyone offered flowers to the dead while they all continued to cry and mourn. No one even noticed that they had been crying for hours. They only noticed it, when the sun started to rise again. And along with it, peace and hope began to rise in their hearts.

At last, the very long night ended.

At last, it was time to welcome the break of dawn.

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