The King's Beloved

Chapter 231 - The Beginning Of The End (Part 1)

[Music Recommendation: "Dewdrops at Dawn" by Yoko Shimura (Final Fantasy XV OST) - available in Spotify or Youtube] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this scene ~

So many things had happened and yet, there was still so much more to be done.

I welcome you all to the Book of Dawn—the last installment.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for staying this far. 

May you enjoy the rest of the journey, take the lessons and memories with you, and share them to anyone who needs them.

Let us all spread some light in this dark world.

~ from the author, Macy Bae

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Anxious but excited; uncertain yet certain; fearful but hopeful—such were the emotions that circled through everyone's hearts as they prepared for their next journey. The Root of Evil might have been vanquished but they still had a whole planet to save—the Magi's very own planet—Gaia.

Elliot busied himself with Ducis and Bruma, trying to learn the Ice Guardian's unique skills as fast as he could. They only had 40 days left and he couldn't afford to dawdle or waste any second of it. So he decided to divide the tasks amongst themselves.

For Calum and Azalea, Elliot entasked them with freeing the humans and making peace with them despite all the tragedies that happened. It wasn't an easy task especially that Calum was the one who ordered the conquering of planet Earth which resulted in the death of many humans. But still, as much as Elliot wanted to help out, he had a task only he could do, so Calum had to try and do his best. Good thing Azalea was with him—the woman that tens of thousands of maidens knew from the night of their capture. After all, she was the one who was courageous enough to ask the king of Magi to release the unneeded maidens, thus resulting in the freedom of tens of thousands. To human's eyes, they were the Villain and the Heroine—enemies and yet, they joined hands to start the peace.

"We, out of our abundance of something we don't even need, turned our backs to the desperate plea of those in need," Azalea addressed during a worldwide broadcast. She stood tall on a heightened platform, in front of millions or billions of people. The microphones on the podium resonated her voice for everyone to hear. "And the needy, being desperate as they were, decided to plunder in order to save their people. Thus, resulting in a worldwide war ending in humanity's captivity and the deaths of many."

Multitudes of reporters gathered near her, wanting to listen in to every word she would say. Along with them, all the people kept their silence in respect towards her. The humans still didn't know a lot of things about the truth of what happened from the very first day that the Magi race came to the planet, but Azalea was prepared to shed the light of that greater truth to the whole world—and to all Magi as well.

"Humanity made a mistake," Azalea continued, "and so did the Magi. It was wrong to be selfish, and it was wrong to steal. Should we have only learned to give, then they wouldn't have to steal. Should we have chosen peace, then there wouldn't have been a war in the first place. Something so simple, and yet we failed to see. Perhaps, we were blinded by greed, or scared of the unknown—I don't know. But one thing I am sure of… today is the day we correct all those mistakes."

Tears fell from everyone's eyes as they listened to her. The memories of the past were still fresh for most of them. Some still couldn't accept everything she was saying with all their different opinions in their heads, but still… Azalea was right. Indeed, it was time to put a stop to all the fighting, and move towards a brighter future.

"Yes, we have lost many in this great war that shouldn't have been. We all have suffered immensely and no words could even begin to describe the pain we went through to the point that even the words 'time would heal' is no longer true… because I know we will carry the memories of the past unto the future. But I ask all of you, my fellow humans, do not carry the pain, do not carry the hatred, and do not live with nothing but revenge in your hearts. For as long as we carry them, there won't be true healing. It is time for us to let go, and move forward. It is time for us to rebuild what was broken, and to regain what was lost. To let our hearts be healed, and to be free again. So I ask all of you… let us all join hands, and make peace with one another. And let us all start today."

Under Calum's command, the Magi helped the humans rebuild their ruined cities, villages, and all destroyed places on Earth. They helped heal the wounded, and restore those who suffered great handicaps because of the war. Those who lost an arm, or legs, or both, or anything physical, the Magi helped restore bone to bone, tissue to tissue, and skin to skin. They may not be able to revive the dead, but they could at least help in healing and restoring. It would probably take them months to reach out to everyone but still, it was their first step towards peace with the humans.

For Clavis, Illuminaire, and Selena, Elliot instructed them to prepare the royal priesthood—the rest of the Sortis family, to go ahead of them to Gaia, and aid everyone there that might have been affected by the dark miasma. They needed all the hands they could get to ensure the safety of those Magi left in Gaia.

For Rania and Lunaflora, they also went ahead of Elliot towards the Eleventh Gate to prepare the way for him. They ensured no darkness crept inside Lunaflora's domain, and no monsters were in the way towards the temple so that when Elliot followed after them, it would be a smooth journey for him.

"Lunaflora, is this really alright?" Rania asked her fairy friend—well, Grand Fairy for that matter, given that she was actually one of the Guardians. "Shouldn't there be a trial for Elliot to pass before getting to the crystal?"

The ever-cheerful Lunaflora replied, "Oh pleaseeeee, just call me Luna. I feel weird being called by my full name."

Rania chuckled. "Okay, Luna."

"There, that sounds better," Luna nodded. "Ducis can call me Flora all he wants or whatever, but for you and Elliot, I'm more used to Luna."

"Of course," Rania shrugged. "But about the trial…"

"Oh yeah. It's okay, don't worry. My Gate has no trial."

"Huh? No trial?"

"Uh-huh. You see, I'm the Guardian of Grace," she beamed. "And grace is something freely given. You don't need to earn it—it's a gift from the Supreme! That's why I never gave any trials in my Gate. And that's also why the Spring of Flora is just a lively, bustling forest, full of life just like how you see it right now."

Hearing those words, Rania's lips curved into a gentle smile. Indeed, what she saw before her—beyond the colorful plants and trees, smiling faces of sprites, fairies, wisps, and other forest creatures—was the warmth of the whole realm. There was this unexplainable yet familiar presence for her.

"Right… Grace," Rania whispered to herself. "It is only by grace that we can live. If the Supreme wanted, he could just end the whole world in a snap, with us being the sinful people we are. But still, we continue on living because of grace. I see… That makes total sense."

"Amazing, right?" Luna waggled her eyebrows. "Alright, off we go!"

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