The King's Beloved

Chapter 259 - Towards The Valley Of Death

[Music Recommendation: "Zanarkand" by Nobuo Uematsu - Final Fantasy X OST - available in Spotify or Youtube]

Vindicta's eyes widened the moment she heard her.

'Who is that?' she asked herself. And when she saw her, she thought, 'A human? How could a human get here? And her eyes… why don't I feel an inch of fear in it? Urgh.'

Deep inside, she felt annoyed. How dare a human ignore her presence?

"My, my. How brave," Vindicta replied. "Let's see where your bravery could get you. And let us all witness if your God will really save you. Because if He really wanted to, you wouldn't even be in this situation right now. You're all too naïve. Can't you see? The Supreme has abandoned you. Look around you. What do you see?"

Her eyes burned towards her, glaring with much hatred.

But Rania remained firm. Her eyes, unflinching, stared back at her, much to her annoyance.

"I see the light of hope amidst the darkness, faith despite the whispers of deceit and unbelief, and love shining brighter than ever no matter how much hatred you spread. Our God did not abandon us. He has been with us every step of the way. And the reason why we stand here before you now is because He will deliver us and empower us to destroy you once and for all."

"Ha-ha-ha. What a fool. How I'd love to get one of those rose-tinted eyes you have. But alas, I won't be fooled by such unduly idealism and optimism. Think what you want to think. Do and say what you want to do or say. In the end, you will all die at my feet. So savor your final moments now."

Turning her back on them, Vindicta left her final words.

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"I shall be merciful and let you bid your goodbyes to each other. After that, come meet your doom in the Valleys of Death. I will await you there."

And with that, she went out of everyone's sight.

Once she was gone, the team was finally able to move. They all breathed heavily, still a little terrified by what had just happened.

Elliot immediately called Clavis and told him to reconvene asap at the Shrine of Ventus. Clavis did as told, and soon, they arrived there, where Elliot's team set camp and sat around a bonfire. They still left Rania's clone to fix the fissure at Bruma's shrine and strengthened the barrier before leaving.

Silence covered the whole surrounding as they gathered together and sat around the bonfire. A heavy atmosphere filled the air. Though not a single noise could be heard, everyone's minds were busy thinking of a lot of things. 

First and foremost was "how" exactly were they going to defeat Vindicta? What strategy should they use? What was the extent of her powers, and how could they counter them? Was there any weakness they could use against her?

Then, doubt would slowly creep in, making them question their abilities. They would try to ignore it, reminding themselves of what Rania said and that the Supreme was with them, but then the truth of their weakness would remind them it was impossible.

'No. We can't think like this," Elliot reprimanded himself. 'I'm the king. I should encourage everyone like Rania. This is no time for negativity.' Whispering a short prayer to himself, he said, "Supreme, I leave the rest to you."

Convinced with that thought, Elliot broke the silence.

"Everyone," he called their attention, "do not be afraid."

They all looked up towards Elliot.

"Let us do what we have done through the shrines we went to. The battle was hard in each of them, but we still managed to push through and win. And I believe it will be the same with Vindicta."

They nodded and bowed their heads.

"The battle might be ten times tougher or more, but it's alright. Rania is right. The Supreme is with us. Just like how he empowered the Guardians, revealing new skills powerful enough to defeat the enemy, the same thing might happen this time. I don't know what exactly, but it's important that we believe. And whatever happens, we know that we fought valiantly and did not give up."

Everyone's stiff shoulders dropped low and began to relax. He was right. So what if Vindicta was too powerful for them? Would that mean they would back out and not fight?

"This is the moment that we have prepared ourselves all these years. 

Even if it seems impossible, let us not give up. Let us not be afraid to seize our victory.

Remember, the reason why we came here in the first place was to save the people—to protect them and save the planet. 

That is our goal, and we should not be shaken."

A glimpse of fire kindled in their hearts. Indeed, it was all for the people and their beloved planet.

"The worst that can happen to us is death…

But even still, if I'm going to die, I want to die giving everything I've got instead of cowering away in fear! 

So let us fight a good fight! 

Let us give everything we've got!"

The little fire grew wilder, consuming their hearts.

And like a wild cry, they shouted.




"For the people!"

"For the people!!!"

"For the future generations!"

"For the future generations!!!"

With renewed hope, faith, and courage, everyone discussed their strategy. They talked as they rested and restored their energies, giving out suggestions after suggestions. And after much deliberation, they finally decided.

"We will take advantage of the kinds of energy we have—both spiritual and holy," Elliot said. "Then, we will divide ourselves into the following:

For full defense and support, Luna, Terra, Saburra, and Selena will be in charge. Your primary focus is to use all your spiritual energy to defend the front liners and to cast support magic. Luna can cast Spiritual Decline, Saburra can make an Absolute Domain, and Terra can do Composition Change. Selena is good with copying skills, so you can copy what they do and support as well."

"We will do, master."

"For backup defense and support, Clavis and Illuminaire will be in charge. Though you will defend, too, your main focus is using your holy energy. Since Vindicta's powers are from the darkness, I'm guessing it will be one of her weaknesses. And with your holy energy, you can cure anyone who might get injured or affected by her powers."

"Yes, your highness."

"Next, in full offense using spiritual energy, we will have Ducis, Fauna, Caligo, Eres, Bruma, Ventus, Bronte, and Aqua. All of you have diverse specialties—in speed, magic and physical attack, critical magic, and many more. So use all of your powers to deal as much damage as you can."

"Yes, master!"

"I, too, will be on full offense, but I will use spiritual and holy energy alternately. Lastly, Rania, you will focus on using holy energy throughout the battle. You have the strongest and most concentrated holy energy. I'm sure your power is one of Vindicta's weaknesses."

Rania nodded and smiled at him.

"Yes, I will."

Elliot smiled back at her and with the whole team.

"Everyone, thank you for joining me in this fight. Our enemy might be powerful, but I know we will be unstoppable together. We can do this!"


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