The King's Beloved

Chapter 265 - The King And The Oracle

[Music Recommendation: "1000 Words" - Final Fantasy X-2 OST - available in Spotify or Youtube]

Several months passed by once more until it became almost a year already since the Saintess' passing and Gaia's restoration. Everyone began living their normal lives. Even the king, Elliot, got used to his everyday routine—taking care of worldly affairs, the people, the Guardians, and everything else. His schedule had been hectic all year round. For his friends, it was nice seeing him doing fine after everything that happened. But then again, perhaps he was purposely keeping himself busy to avoid thinking of… painful memories.

There was one thing he kept on doing each day, though—writing letters which, by this time, had turned into one thick book of letters. He forgot when he started but before he realized it, he had been doing it every single day.

It was a letter addressed to Rania, telling her whatever happened to him each day to the point that it had somehow become more of a diary than a letter. He wanted to make sure that he wouldn't miss telling her everything once they met in the afterlife, so he decided to write them down.

On the first day that he wrote a letter, there were so many things he wanted to say. The words were overflowing in his mind and heart, words that perhaps, could fill up an entire book. And yet, he only managed to fill up one page saying…

To my beloved Rania,

I miss you.

Sincerely yours,


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The second, third, fourth, until the twelfth were all filled with one sentenced letters. After that, they gradually increased into two sentences, then three, until it became a whole paragraph or more. 

Along with it, his heart started to heal little by little. But then again, the wound she left was too deep that it became a huge scar on his heart. A scar that probably would never fade. 

Indeed, there was no medicine for a broken heart. We could only hope and wish they would turn into scars instead of ruining us.

From time to time, Ducis and Luna would visit Elliot, or sometimes, the other Guardians. At such times, Elliot would ask them to share a story about Rania that only they knew. He would ask the same to Clavis, Selena, Calum, and Azalea. Fortunately, they did have something to share. But when the stories were all told, he would ask them…

"Can you please tell me one more time? Anything you can remember about her. Even the tiniest details."

At such times, his friends would urge him to cry instead because it had been a very long time since he last cried. It was as if he was punishing himself not to. If he disagreed, then they asked him to just tell them what he truly felt. At one point, he even argued with Luna.

"Elliot, please stop that. Stop giving us that fake smile!" Luna shouted at him, crying. "You don't have to force yourself to do that. You're a person! It's okay to grieve and cry. Rania wouldn't want to see you like that. Please stop hurting yourself any more than you already are."

"It's alright," Elliot replied. "She's… not here anymore, so she won't see it."

After that fight, Ducis advised everyone to give him time. And time, they did give him until it's almost been a year. But then, the people started suggesting to hold a festival in memory of the Saintess' sacrifice—a Restoration Festival. Calum was against the idea since doing it wouldn't help Elliot's healing. And making it a festival meant that they would have to hold such events yearly. That would only make him remember and go back to the pain each year.

"If only these people knew… would they even be suggesting such absurdity?"

Nonetheless, Elliot liked the idea, so he allowed it. He even told them to hold the festival for a whole week. Therefore, the people had become busy preparing for the festival. After all, they only had one month left to prepare.

At the same time, the Generals and nobles had been concerned about the king regarding a very important matter.

"Your majesty, it's been a year since you took the throne. And as a king, you have a duty to raise an heir to the throne who is of your own blood," one of the nobles said. "As such, I believe it is time for you to take a wife. Why not use the banquet planned for the festival to choose your bride?"

"If you do not have anyone you fancy, then may I suggest the Oracle?" one of the Generals suggested. "She had been such a huge help and had been loyal to the throne ever since we could remember. The people respect and adore her, and she possesses all the qualities needed for a queen. I think there is no better candidate for it."

Elliot sighed at the suggestion.

"Can I not choose a queen? As for the child, I can simply adopt someone. Do I really need one from my own blood?"

"Your majesty! T-That's… I'm afraid that is something you cannot do! Only true blood can be the heir."

"Then maybe I can give the throne back to Calum, and his child can be the heir."

"I'm afraid I must decline, your majesty," Calum firmly refused. "Ugh… you don't need to force yourself yet. But when the time comes, you really must—"

"Then let's end this conversation. I don't need a queen."

But the nobles didn't give up easily. Having a king without an heir was simply absurd for them. To establish the future, a king must plant his roots early and teach all he can to his heir. On that matter, the Generals couldn't help but agree. Only the Judges remained silent about the issue. They didn't want to force their friend to open his heart to someone else when he was not ready yet.

One evening though, when the sun just started to set, King Elliot and the Oracle Illuminaire accidentally met in the pavilion near the Forbidden Forest—the place where he first met Rania—as if fate was playing a joke on him. 

Illuminaire was carrying a bouquet of flowers on her arms—roses, lilies, and irises. When people learned that the Saintess often went to that pavilion, somehow, people started leaving a bouquet of flowers there. It seemed that even the Oracle was caught up in doing the same.

"Hm? My King? You're here," Illuminaire gaped upon seeing him. He had always been busy, so she didn't expect that he would meet him that night. Curtsying, she greeted him formally, "It's a pleasure to meet the Anointed King of the Supreme."

Elliot simply nodded his head. Thinking he didn't want to talk, Illuminaire continued doing what she meant to do and laid the flowers on the side of the pavilion. She then offered a short prayer and stood up, ready to leave.

"Illuminaire," Elliot suddenly called her, much to her surprise.

She turned around to face him and asked, "Yes? What may I help you with, my King?"

"Do you… want to get married?"

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