The King's Beloved

Chapter 269 - A Promise Of Forever

[Music Recommendation: "Don't Think Twice" by Yōko Shimomura - Kingdom Hearts OST - available in Youtube]

From then on, the Restoration Festival just got another meaning for its festivity—the Resurrection of the Saintess. Not only was Gaia restored, she, too, whom the Supreme was very much pleased with, was revived, and now living full of life! And so, the Sortis family had to update the story of the Saintess, passed along to everyone and to the generations to come.

A lot of things happened afterward—mostly Elliot monopolizing Rania to the point where he almost neglected his duties just to be with her. He got an earful from Rania, though, so he was forced to resume his kingly duties despite his great desire to be with her. Somehow, he understood Calum's feelings of denying the throne. Like him, he preferred to spend more time with his beloved than work. But then again, the kingdom won't run by itself.

Aside from work, everyone had become busy preparing for the royal wedding as well. It was no question who would be the king's queen now that Rania was back. The officials arranged everything even before Elliot was able to propose to Rania. But Elliot wanted everything in order and especially done for her. The people helped out a lot with his proposal as well.

In a floating island, specially created by Elliot with much effort and intricateness, he planned out his proposal. It was located at the heart of Gaia—from the huge hole Vindicta's powers left on the Continent of Amare, he formed the island at its center. 

Four bridges made of iridescent glass from Amare's palace were placed at its four corners. Trees that bore only pink, purple, and white flowers and leaves decorated the whole place. There were several gardens in all directions, filled with only the most beautiful of flowers neatly arranged together—even the hedges on the gardens had flowers. Fountains could be seen here and there, beautiful ponds, or natural springs and rivers. And at the very center was a mansion he built with his powers—a pure white mansion that managed to surpass the beauty of Amare's castle.

Elliot knew every little thing that Rania liked. From their random conversations back when they just knew each other to the little secrets, he remembered them all, not missing a single one of them. Thus, knowing those things, he created "Aeternus" — the name he gave the floating island that meant "eternal" just like his never-ending for her.

And so, in bended knees, he proposed to her… 

In a garden filled with Verus Amor flowers, with the most outstanding musicians playing the most romantic music for them…

From his hands laid a box containing the most beautiful ring there ever was—even the ring was his creation.

It had a pure white body, with twelve tiny crystals embedded on it, signifying the colors of the twelve Guardians. And at its center was the most pristine, transparent gem made with Elliot's highly concentrated magic, making it the most precious gem there ever was in all history. The gem reflected all the light colors forming a pastel aurora inside. Golden and silver sparkles looked like the stars inside. Indeed, what a beautiful ring it was.

"Rania," Elliot called her dearly as he offered the ring to her.


"There are so many things I want to say to you right now to the point I don't even know where to begin. Good thing, I compiled them all in a book—well, several books actually," he chuckled.

Then, the books he mentioned suddenly appeared in front of Rania and circled her. They all had a white cover with golden corners. Only the numbers on its covers were different.

Picking the first book, she opened its pages. And on the very first page, the very first letter said…

To my beloved Rania,

I miss you.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Sincerely yours,


Evidence of teardrops could be seen on the page. Along with it were a thousand words that were lying beneath the spaces—the words unwritten, unsaid.

Reading the first page alone made Rania sob terribly that tears didn't want to stop flowing. What more if she read the rest of it?

But then, she strengthened herself and flipped to the next page, and the next, and the next after that. They were all one-liner letters saying…

"Why did you leave me?"

"It hurts… so much."

"I want to be with you."

"You are my life, my light—now that you're gone, I live in darkness."

"Rania, I love you."

"I love you with an everlasting love."

"Please, come back to me."

At some point, her fingers froze up, unable to turn the pages anymore.

When Elliot noticed it, he removed the books near her and placed them at the table nearby with a swish of his hand.

"You can read them all later," Elliot said as he wiped her tears away. "But for now, answer me."


"Rania, will you be with me today, tomorrow, and until eternity?"

"Sniff… yes," Rania softly answered.

"Will you be my bride, my wife, and my queen?"


"Will you promise never to leave me again and do something stupid?"

"Yes—huh? Wait, that wasn't stupid."

"Ha-ha-ha. Just kidding. You're crying too much."

"Whose fault do you think it is?"

Elliot grabbed Rania's hand and put the ring on her finger. He then kissed her hand after and caressed her face.

"You said yes, so make sure to keep that promise, okay?"

Rania laughed and nodded her head.

"Because whatever happens, I'm not letting you go. If you decide to go back to heaven before me, even there, I will chase you and bug the Supreme again."

"Ha-ha-ha! Yes, I know. The Supreme did say you were really stubborn."

"Ha-ha-ha! That, I really am."

Smiling towards each other, with an expression filled with such deep love and affection, they stared into each other's eyes.

"I love you, Rania."

"I love you more."

Elliot chuckled again, remembering the last things they said to each other back then. So, he continued the same lines.

"In that case, let's just say we love each other equally."

Rania understood it immediately and laughed.

"Alright. Let's settle with that."

And so, in the middle of the setting sun, the two shared the sweetest of all kisses.

After that, their wedding followed—the royal wedding that everyone highly anticipated to the point that Magi from all over the world visited on the day they shared their vows. It was the wedding of the year, the century, and the millennia for no wedding was held as extravagant as theirs. And Rania's dress… was simply magnificent.

Even the skies and the heavens were in their favor. For never in the whole history of Magi did the legendary flower of Verus Amor fall from the sky like snow! The most precious flower—with all its authenticity—fell from the sky! And it wasn't the Guardian of Nature that made it happen—it was the Supreme.

Luna, Selena, and Azalea cried out in joy as they saw Rania walk the aisle.

Elliot fell in a daze upon seeing her divine beauty as she walked towards him.

When she reached the altar, they faced each other and held hands.

"Do you, King Elliot Verus Regis," the priest asked, "take the Saintess, Rania Caeles, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death?"

"Even if death parts us. This, I solemnly vow," Elliot answered with a bright smile on his face.

Turning to Rania, the priest asked her, "And do you, Saintess Rania Caeles, take our king, Elliot Verus Regis, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death?"

"Even in heaven, we shall be together. This, I solemnly vow," Rania answered.

"With the power vested upon me, I now pronounce you two, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

And as the priest said, Rania and Elliot shared the most romantic kiss.

After that, the queen's crown was laid on Rania's head.

And the people shouted:

"All hail the king! All hail the queen! May your kingdom last forever!"

And so, as the prophecy foretold… 

The king DID have his queen.

With his righteous right hand,

He ruled the kingdom forevermore.



(ಥ﹏ಥ)  (ಥ﹏ಥ)  (ಥ﹏ಥ) 

To my Beloved Readers,

Thank you so much for reading "The King's Beloved" till the end. Words are not enough to express my gratitude to each one of you. Every comment you leave, every review you make, every power stone you give me, the gifts and golden tickets—everything has become an encouragement for me to continue writing this story. And most especially, for all the words cheering me on, thank you very, very much. I would never have made it till the end if it weren't for you.

Like all stories, things must come to an end. But don't worry, you still have side stories to read until mid-March. I hope you enjoy them as well.

Like Rania and Elliot and every character in TKB, may you all find your purpose and happiness in life. And may the Lord be with you and bless you all the days of your life.

Thank you all so much again. I hope to see you again in the next books I will write. I'll continue pursuing my passion which is writing. I still have lots to learn but thank you for giving me the opportunity and encouragement to learn.

Lots of love,

Macy Bae

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