The King's Beloved

Chapter 30 - First Test

The tension in the air grew worse as the candidates kept glaring at the nobles lurking around the hall. Since their courage came back to them, they stood firm and agreed with what Azalea said. And the nobles glared back at them. But knowing the women's logic was right, they couldn't do anything to harm them. Afterall, the king DID kill two young nobles before when a candidate died in the Forbidden Chamber.

The nobles knew their king too well for them to try and aggravate him. Besides, they were only ordered to come to the Banquet Hall for no reasons at all. Not one detail as to why and what exactly they were supposed to do once they arrive.



They suddenly heard slow, loud claps from afar. They looked at its direction and there they found the king, sitting on his throne, looking down on all of them. He was in the dark corner of the hall where a mezzanine could be found. Beside him sat ten people wearing gray cloaks, five on each of his sides. Their hood covered their faces and made them unrecognizable. On their hands, they all held a parchment like paper and kept writing on it. As to what they were writing, no one except perhaps the king, knows.

"Thank you all for coming here today. The first test is now completed and you may all go back to your respective places," the king greeted everybody only to turn them all away on the next.

The once glaring faces were now baffled. The nobles got annoyed and shook their heads in dismay since they were all called there for nothing. Gradually, they bid their farewell to the king and disappeared one after another until only the candidates were left.

Servus came out behind the king and went to talk to the house leaders. He informed them that the first test was over and they could all go back. The house leaders were outraged and they argued with Servus for a while. The candidates were left murmuring to each other while waiting for news. They couldn't understand too, what was the test about.

"Wait, your highness!" Azalea called the king as soon as he stood up from his seat, ready to depart.

The king stared at her for a moment. Then, he sighed, turned his back away from her, and disappeared from plain sight.

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Azalea's eyes frowned upon seeing the king's behavior. She couldn't understand what brought the sudden change. She wanted to ask so many things.

A few moments later and the house leaders guided the candidates back to their palaces. Their argument with Servus proved to be fruitless since they didn't really have much say to whatever the king had already decided upon. They were just Elites and he was the king.

After a few days, Azalea went to the garden in the Grand Palace to contemplate. The candidates were given freedom to roam as they pleased in their palaces and in the Grand Palace so she always went there should anything be troubling her. Azalea liked the flower garden where she met the king after Rania's disappearance. It had a really beautiful decoration and flower arrangements. The garden itself was very soothing to the soul so it helped her relax and think better.

Azalea paced slowly all around the garden as she touched the flowers with her hands and sometimes smelled them. When she grew tired of walking, she sat on the fountain rim and looked at the skies above. Every now and then, she would let out a sigh and her eyes would turn sullen.

"That's one deep sigh you got there," a man's voice coming from behind startled Azalea.

When she turned around, she found the king walking towards her. Azalea averted her eyes quickly, then greeted him afterwards.

"What brings you here, your highness?"

"Probably the sound of deep sighs," the king answered mischievously.

"I apologize if I disturbed you, your highness," Azalea replied as she continued to look down.

"What happened to your fiery spirit?"

Finally interested in talking, Azalea lifted her eyes and unconsciously glared at the king.

"... Tell me, your highness. What happened to you?"

"Whatever do you mean?"

"When we first talked here, in this same garden, you - you were kinder. And during the night of our capture, you even agreed on freeing the rest of us. But then, the other day, you were there and you just let everyone disrespect us. It's like ... sometimes you're warm, sometimes you're cold. I don't understand what you're thinking," Azalea blurted out as she couldn't stop her thoughts.

"I am?" the king responded in a mocking voice. He was now standing in front of her.

Azalea's eyes widened, then shrank back as if she finally understood what was happening. Deep inside she already knew … but she didn't want to believe it. Azalea was always the type to believe everyone had a hidden kindness in their hearts, and that no one was really entirely evil.

"I think you're misunderstanding something, woman," the king continued. "I agreed to free some of you before because I was amused by your bravery. And I'm a generous king so I reward anyone to whom credit is due - not because I'm kind or anything. As for that thing you taught me before … 'love' was it? Yes, I have to admit, at the spur of the moment, I may have been 'in love' as what you humans refer them to.

BUT … that doesn't change the fact that I am king … And love - is the least of my priorities".

Alas, the words Azalea never wanted to hear were spoken.

"I am the king of Magi, not king of humans. And I came here to conquer your world, to rage war, NOT to flirt around. As discussed during your first day here, all your worth has been one and ONLY one thing …

And that is to be a queen and give birth to my son. Nothing else. Don't push your illogical love unto me. You probably read too many romance books, my dear".

Azalea held her breath in her disbelief. She grabbed the sides of her skirt and clenched them hard. She couldn't accept the fact of what she was hearing.

Then the king raised his right hand and grabbed Azalea by the neck. Azalea was startled once more.

"You're too naive, woman," the king taunted her. On his face, a dark grin could be seen. His golden hair and aquamarine eyes did not match his evil expression.

Azalea sighed. Then, she grabbed the king's wrist in return and answered him.

"You're WRONG. I am NOT naive".

Azalea's eyes burned with determination once more.

"If it's a queen you want, then it's a QUEEN you'll get".


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