The King's Beloved

Chapter 83 - Fourth Gate: Land Of Terra (Part 5)

[Music Recommendation: "The Heart's Tale" by BigRicePiano - available in Youtube] 

(I suggest you listen to it while reading <3)


Ducis smiled warmly, seeing Elliot utter such kind words and wisdom towards a person who didn't even deserve it. He was reminded of how he was just a small, emotionless child years ago who grew into a melancholic person, hating himself, thinking he was a monster, and then this - in just a matter of months, a lot of things changed. 

Elliot no longer hated himself. He learned to make friends, how to be kind and compassionate, his wisdom continually grew, and his understanding on a lot of things. Even the things concerning the heart - he was beginning to understand them and comprehend them. His true character kept shining through all the situations and trials given to him.

Like a mineral consistently heated until it becomes a gem …

Like gold continuously tried in fire to remove its impurities …

Like a clay constantly broken down and rebuilt until it turns into a masterpiece ...

He felt so much joy and unexplainable hope in his heart. 

But suddenly, the smile on his face was washed away. He remembered something else. He tightened his fist, gritted his teeth and frowned. In his mind he thought, "Elliot … be strong and take heart … I believe in you".

While Elliot and Ducis were fighting their battles, Rania, Luna and Elijah helped evacuate everyone. They all went to Pius Village's stronghold - a tower that Elliot set up in case of emergency. He had Ducis cast a protective barrier around it to keep anyone who entered, safe from outside attacks. He also made sure that only the villagers could enter the stronghold, in case anyone tried to disguise themselves and attack from within. 

After Ducis was done playing with the five generals, almost everyone was inside the stronghold. There were still a few missing from the villagers they knew, so Rania and Luna went outside again to survey the remaining areas. Elijah and Elin stayed with the other villagers inside. Good thing the stronghold's barrier was powerful - no magic that landed on it penetrated the barrier. 

Elliot's strategies were great and proved themselves useful - luring the enemy outside the village to lessen the damage inside; using the enemy to clear out the dead forest; setting up a stronghold with a barrier casted on it; having Rania and Luna and other selected, able villagers help out the others; the procedures he taught everyone in case of an attack; the sword and magic trainings, and many more. They were all so flawless and perfect considering the number of people they had who could help. 

But no matter how prepared you think you were, sometimes, they just wouldn't be enough.

"Ugh …," one villager came out from one of the houses nearby the stronghold, with injuries on his shoulders and knees. He crawled on the ground and desperately tried to reach the stronghold. "H-help … me".

Elijah saw the man and without a second thought, he quickly ran to him and focused his spiritual energy in his hands to help lift him up. He looked around to see if there was any sign of enemies nearby, just as Elliot taught them, and feeling no presence nearby, he ran closer to the injured man.

"Mister, are you alright?" Elijah extended his hands to the injured man. "I'm going to lift you with my magic, please hold on!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And so, Elijah did as he said. He hovered the man's injured body in the air and carefully walked towards the stronghold.

"T-thank you," the man barely managed to speak.

Elin and the other villagers watched over Elijah as he slowly walked back to the stronghold. The remaining abled men ran to him to help him out. 




Light beams came shooting from the skies in an instant. One by one they landed onto the chest of the injured man, the other abled men who came to help, and even on the little child ... Elijah. 

Like arrows fired towards a goal, hitting bullseye, the light beams shot exactly at their hearts.

"Agh," Elijah stiffened and stopped on his tracks. His little body trembled as he looked at his chest with a hole pierced through it. Blood came gushing out from his mouth. His knees wavered until he lost his balance and fell hard on the ground.

Now Elijah and the others laid flat on the ground, with their eyes opened, and red blood gushing out from their bodies.

"So much for your defense system," another king came into the village. He had long, black hair and red eyes, and wore a suit of red and black. His face looked like that of a demon - full of bloodlust and evilness.

"T-the … King of Chaos," one of the villagers inside the stronghold trembled upon seeing the man floating in the air. 

The other villagers looked as well and they all fell to their knees upon seeing him. The Mad King's wickedness would be ashamed if compared to this person.

Fear … no, not just fear. Death - that was what everyone felt. 

Surely, no one who met the King of Chaos got to live another day. They're doomed! And this was the end of their lives!

While the others panicked, Elin's eyes fixed themselves on Elijah. Endless tears came falling from her eyes.

"M-my … grand - son …," she slowly walked towards Elijah and reached out with trembling hands. 

Two meters … only two meters of distance separated her from her grandson. 

And three seconds … just three more seconds and they would have been inside the stronghold. 

"Pitiful," the King of Chaos shrugged. 

Then, like a lunatic, he spun around in the air, shooting light beams from his fingers all around the town, destroying everything and setting the whole village ablaze. 

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" he laughed like a devil, enjoying himself from the misery of others.

He was alone yet he brought more destruction than the Mad King and his generals did.

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!" Everyone panicked and ran all around the stronghold, trying to look for a safer spot. Some others, due to desperation, began running outside trying to escape. But there was no escaping the King of Chaos. As soon as they stepped their foot outside, they were met by his sinister light beams. 

Not minding everything in her surroundings, Elin, with the little magic that she had, used it to lift Elijah's body and bring it closer to her.

"Elijah … my grandson," Elin weeped miserably. Her hands and body continued to tremble terribly. 

"No … Don't take my grandson … sniff … sniff … you can't die, my poor, poor child. So young … you're so young! Sniff … sniff," She sobbed as she caressed his cheeks and felt his skin turning cold.

Elin embraced Elijah dearly. "My dear grandson … I love you very much. I won't let you die," she softly whispered. 

Then, her body began to glow. With all the remaining spiritual energy she had left, she healed Elijah's injuries. Little by little the wound on the little child's chest healed up.

"Ugh," Elijah slowly regained his consciousness. "G-granny?"

Elin smiled dearly to her grandson. "Yes, my dear?" Her voice grew hoarse and dry.

"I … I thought I died," the child whispered. 

Elin shook her head. "No, my dear. This granny won't let you die".

Elijah barely understood his grandmother's words. His vision and hearing was hazy.

As his vision got clearer, Elijah saw Elin's body glow in bright light. 

And little by little … she was disappearing. 

She was releasing all the spiritual and life energy she had left ...

All of it to the point that even her physical body was ceasing to exist ...

When Elijah realized, his eyes widened and he tried to pull away from Elin's embrace.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Stop this granny! DON"T!!!" Elijah cried out. "Please … sniff … sniff … s-stop!"

Elin shook her head. "No, my dear. You have to live … promise me you will live on".

"No! No I won't! I can't live without you granny! I won't!"

"But … you promised me. You will return this planet to the way it was, remember?"

  Elijah shook his head hysterically. "I will … sniff … but you have to be with me! Don't leave me granny! I'm okay now, you can stop!"

"I can't .. your core was damaged … just a few more and it will -"

"NO! NO! Stop it! Hu-hu-hu-hu! Please," Elijah begged miserably.

"It's alright my dear … Besides, I'm too old. Sooner or later I will pass on. But you … you have to live".

  "No! No! No! Those evil kings, when I grow up I'll kill them all! I'll kill them all!" Hatred took over his heart. "I'll avenge you granny! I'll make them pay for everything that they did! I'll make sure they suffer!" Elijah yelled with all his might.

"No, my dear … A mistake can never correct another mistake … Hatred is not the way. You will just end up like them … and you are not like them for you are such a kind and loving child …

I can see it … In my dreams, I see you standing on top of the highest mountain …

With multitudes of people following you …

And with all their might they shouted …

All hail! Our Great King!".

Elijah's eyes flooded with tears and his heart sank as he felt his grandmother's warmth subside. 

"How can I be a great king without you? No … I can't do it".

"You can … for the Supreme will always be with you. He will uplift you and strengthen you for He has chosen you ...

And now, even if I die, I die peacefully … 

Because I know, we have hope … and that is you.

So, no matter what happens, be strong and take heart …"

And with the last echo of her voice, Elin gave Elijah her final words. 

"And always remember that I love you so much my dear child ...

I may not be here physically, but in spirit, I will always be with you".


Alas, Elin glowed her last … until no spirit particle of her remained.

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