The King's Beloved

Chapter 87 - Fourth Gate: Land Of Terra (Part 9)

The atmosphere became heavy. Finally, something about Elliot's identity would be revealed … something he had been wanting to know since the very beginning. 

A lot of questions went through Elliot's mind. He wanted to ask about all of them but deep inside him ... was hesitation. Was he ready to find out whatever it was? And if he did find out, what would he do after? Would the truth be something … he could bear? 


"If -," Elliot paused and breathed deeply. "If what you say is true, then … why was I hidden away and locked in the Forbidden Chamber? If I am the Anointed One, chosen by the Supreme to take these trials, then why did I need to wear a mask and hide myself?"

Pain could be seen from his face. Pain and desperation for answers.

"And … if I am to be king someday," Elliot continued, "then what will happen to the current king? As far as I know, he has been managing the planet well and there's really no need for me to -," he shook his head. It just didn't make any sense to him. 

Ducis and the Guardian of the realm furrowed upon seeing his reaction. They felt his uncertainty and anguish. 

"And most of all … why me? Why do I need to go through the trials instead of the current king? He's already the king, why should I do it? Am I supposed to overthrow him? And if so, why do I need to do that? Why do I need to go through all of this?"

"I'm afraid I cannot answer all of your questions," Ducis replied. "But one thing I can answer - like Elijah, the Supreme has chosen you and He has anointed you to be the True King of this generation!"

The Guardian of the realm patted Ducis' shoulders and shook her head. Turning to Elliot, she spoke to him with a gentle voice.

"My dear, do not think for a moment that this is a responsibility that is being shoved on you against your will. If you think you are not ready to be king, or you do not wish for it in any way, know that the Supreme will choose another anointed. He will raise another king -"

"- But there's no more time," Ducis interrupted her.

"I know. Even so, if he takes these trials half-heartedly, he will fail by the end and all this will be for naught".

The Guardian walked closer to Elliot.

"Elliot, feel free to decide on what you really want to do. But before you do so, I want you to know and consider … that Gaia … is in grave danger right now".

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Hearing these words, Elliot didn't know how to respond. 

Gaia was his home planet where he was born but also a planet he barely knew anything about. Just like how he didn't know a thing about what was currently happening to their planet, the planet also didn't know about him in return. Like perfect strangers, simply coexisting, but not making a connection.

How should he feel about the planet and the race who didn't even know he existed? How should he feel towards the people who locked him up and forgot about him? If one would think logically, he had no obligations nor responsibility to help anyone at all. Why should he suffer for them? What have they done for him? The answer was, nothing.

And now, he needed to be their king. How would he even do that? How would such people know him and follow him? How could he rule over billions of people who didn't recognize him? This was too much of a burden for him, and too heavy to carry.

On and on, his mind tried to think of all of the contradictions and logical approach to the situation … telling him that he should just ignore them and forfeit the trial.

However, despite all the turmoils in his head … his heart told him otherwise.

He felt it in his chest, a sudden wringing, collapsing every thought he just had and every contradiction his mind formed. 

Then, he remembered Granny Elin, and Elijah, all the villagers, and the dreadful state that Pius Village was in before. Was that how the current Gaia looked like? Or something even worse? If so, what could he do to help? Would it be by overcoming the trials and being their true king?

If that was the answer … then ... let it be done!

The flame of determination and compassion lit up in his heart once more. Elliot decided he would not waver anymore, nor will he be indecisive. If there was anyone who needed him, he shall be there!

With his eyes set ablaze, he responded back to the Guardian.

"If it's a true king they need, then a True King shall I become!"

Everyone smiled and cried tears of joy once more. Rania brushed Elliot's cheeks and smiled at him. Elliot hugged her and smiled back in return. Luna joined the hug and cried for Elliot as well. She felt so proud of her friend.

"Waaaaa! Elliot you're the best! Be a great king okay?" Luna bawled.

"I know you can do it!" Rania seconded. "I believe in you. And we'll be here to support you!"

"I know you will. Thank you," Elliot beamed at them and patted Rania's and Luna's head. "It will be hard from now on, but with all of you with me, I believe we can do this".

Ducis felt so proud of Elliot. With tears in his eyes, he knelt down with one knee before Elliot.

"As you wish, master. I shalt be with thou, and thou shalt be with me".

The Guardian of the realm smiled warmly at all of them. She was reminded of Elijah, the Great Oracle, and the Great Queen. Along with the Guardians, they too, had an amazing friendship filled with deep trust, devotion, faith, and love.

At last, her body transformed into an Elf and began to glow. 

With her gentle voice, she gave her blessings to Elliot.

"My name is Terra,

And I am the Fourth Gate.

As the Guardian of the Earth,

In my heart, shines Kindness.

Thou hast been tested,

And evil, I found nought.

Therefore, thou shalt receiveth mine blessings.

I shalt be with thou,

And thou shalt be with me".

Elliot accepted her blessings. Afterwards, their surroundings changed again. Now, they were in front of her temple, made of the same beautiful rocks like her gate. As usual, Luna read the words engraved at the door and unlocked it. The words on it said:

"If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing".

Terra guided everyone inside, upto the innermost room where her brown crystal resided. Like the guardians before her, Terra rested inside the crystal which in turn, fused itself with Elliot's Zweihänder. Now, three crystals could be found on its handle and another massive power could be felt coming from it.

"That's three crystals, and four gates down," Rania grinned. "And on the next gate, we just need to go straight to the temple since you passed the trial already".

"Yes, that's right," Elliot nodded. "Basically, that's five gates. Just seven more to go".

"So now you have the power of time and space, summoning creatures, darkness, and earth," Rania summarized. "Wonder what the next would be? And for the next gates, will the trials be harder?"

"It probably will. It kept on getting harder and harder. We need to prepare more".

"I hope next time, I can use my powers to help," Rania pouted.

"You helped me out a lot even without magic," Elliot chuckled. "You're the one who stopped me afterall".

"Ha-ha-ha! Ducis helped me out though. He teleported me to you".

"And you fell from the sky like an angel, who wouldn't be distracted?" Elliot shrugged.

Rania blushed. "Huh? You … you're giving me a heart attack again".

"Hm?" Elliot innocently asked. "But you did, fell from the sky?"

Rania held back her laughter. "Riiight~ like an angel".

"That's what I said," Elliot was getting confused now.

Rania chuckled at Elliot being dense again. 

On the other hand, Luna pondered on something weird she saw while reading the engravings on the door. She rubbed her eyes thinking it was just an illusion or a trick of the light but it wasn't. It was more like a memory. She was unsure of what it was so she dragged Ducis away from Rania and Elliot again. After her confrontation with Ducis last time, she started to become wary of her words.

"Ducis, I think I saw something weird again," Luna whispered to him as she covered her mouth with the back of her hands.

Ducis blushed as he saw her lips near him since she was whispering. He suddenly remembered the day they kissed. 

In his mind he thought, "Please somebody tell me, I didn't cheat. She has Flora's core … so, she's basically her, right? Ugh, who am I kidding? I'm so sorry Flora".

"Hey! Stupid dragon are you listening to me?" Luna pouted.

"Ah, sorry, I was distracted for a moment. What did you say again?"

"I said! - I saw a weird memory! Or an illusion, or a vision, I'm not sure!"

"What did you see?"

"Well, I was with a woman that had long, red hair. She was stunningly beautiful and looked kind. Aaand …," Luna tried to remember it. "We were in front of the door. She was the one who engraved the markings on the door - the one I read. What do you think does that mean?"

"Red hair?" Ducis pondered for a moment. And in his mind, he thought, "It's probably Flora's memory. And if so, then the red hair would be … 

Amare, the greatest Judge of all time".

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