The King's Beloved

Chapter 90 - What Truly Happened That Day

While a lot of things were happening to the captured maidens in the Floating Kingdom, the humans left beneath it, continued on with their lives. Some countries focused on rebuilding their nation and uplifting their devastated economy, trying to stand on their own two feet again. For the less fortunate countries, getting back on track was hard and they had to seek help from other countries in order to survive. 

Nonetheless, everyone started to move on … after all, almost a year had passed since the planet's invasion. Good thing, the Magi stopped their merciless killing after the war. It seemed that, had the humans not attacked them first, they wouldn't really fight back. They just wanted to plant those huge crystal obelisks for whatever reason it was. In the end, they were the reason for their own downfall. Had the nation's leaders listened to their king when they first arrived, no deaths would have happened.


Yes, if only the nation's leaders listened …

Back then, what really happened before the invasion was that the king of the Magi, Calum, ordered his Generals to gather all the national leaders of planet Earth. He was aware of their different government, different rulers - whether be it a king, an emperor, dictator, president, or others. He was also aware of the multitudes of countries the planet had, and many other things. Afterall, human's culture and knowledge was never a secret to the Magi. 

And so, before they even invaded in the first place, King Calum spoke with every leader in each country. He had them all gathered in one place which was inside the Grand Palace's throne room. With his Judges and Generals stationed all around the room, in each entrance, he talked to everyone, using their own languages. He cast magic into each person's ears so they would understand what he was saying clearly, in their own national language. 

"Greetings to all of you," King Calum started. He sat on his throne and looked down on everyone. "I understand that you have a lot of questions on your minds right now, but let me introduce myself first".

Everyone who was murmuring a few moments ago, silenced and listened to the king.

"My name is Calum, and I am the King of the Magi. You may not be aware of who we are but we are a race that is far superior than yours. We hold immense power greater than your machinery, or any technology. We have spiritual energy, and therefore, can cast magic and bend it to our will". Upon saying this, King Calum raised his arm, and in a flash of a second, a gigantic energy ball appeared suspended in the air. 

Everyone was bewildered. Of course, being the smart leaders as most of them were, they doubted the authenticity of it. The concept of magic was never real for humans after all.

King Calum guessed it, so he demonstrated his powers some more. He cast all the elements from his hands, and had it roam around the room for everyone to try and touch. The brave ones tried to feel if it was all an illusion, or in some way, a technology they may have not yet discovered. But after touching it, most leaders had their belief shaken before them.

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"I-impossible … how can such a thing exist?" one of the leaders were so appalled that he blurted out. 

"It's all because of spiritual energy," King Calum answered him. "Spiritual energy which is abundant in nature, and in many planets around the universe. We, Magi, have the spiritual cores where those energies can be stored, thus, enabling us to use magic. There's more to it than that but that's a simple explanation. And don't even try thinking of experimenting one of our own for you to obtain spiritual cores, it is simply impossible unless you're one of us. If somehow a miracle occurred and you managed to transfer it, you won't be able to control it since it won't be compatible with your body. Spiritual cores are like spirits, unique to every Magi".

"You, telling us all this, can we consider this a threat?" another leader asked.

King Calum stayed expressionless despite the heavy atmosphere and growing malice he felt in the air as their conversation continued.

"It depends on how you take it," King Calum answered, leaning back to his throne. "I told you all those things because I want you to understand why we came here, and why I gathered you all here in the first place".

"And what is that reason?"

"We need spiritual energy, and this planet has plenty of it, not being used and wasted away every single day. Basically, we plan on planting Crystal Obelisk all around your planet which can absorb spiritual energies. Since it's your territory, we're asking nicely for you to let us do as I mentioned".

"Why should we agree with that? We don't know how it will affect our planet," a skeptical leader pointed out.

"One thing I can assure you, it won't affect your planet in any way. Spiritual energy is like a waste to your planet since you can't use it. So why not give us what you don't need? A little kindness is all we're asking … a little kindness in exchange for peace".

"So you are threatening," another leader concluded. "If we don't agree to your demand, I assume you're going to use your 'magic' to wipe us out, correct?"

"Hmmmm," King Calum paused and pondered. "You, asking that question, I assume you're not willing?"

"Erk - that … It depends," he replied. "How can we simply trust your words that it won't do harm to our planet? And why do you even need ours in the first place? You mentioned other planets have it too. Why don't you go to them instead?"

"Oh, we did, actually. And it didn't end peacefully. A lot of other races died since they didn't cooperate just like what you're doing right now," King Calum glared at the leader who was keen on opposing. "We need more of it simply put. If not, we won't even bother coming here".

Now, another leader stepped forward. He looked wise despite his old age.

"I assume your planet is in bad condition and needs these spiritual energies you mentioned, am I correct?"

King Calum smirked hearing his words. "You're one wise human, I'd admit that. You are right. Our planet, Gaia, is currently in danger and needs all the spiritual energy we could get for our planet to survive. Thus, we are desperate for it and willing to shed blood in order to obtain what we need. So right now, I'm offering you all a choice:

Give us what we need and no blood will be spilled …

Or fight us, and have your planet turn into ruins …

I assure you, even with all the technology and knowledge you humans have right now, it is not enough to defeat us. So if you decide to fight, it will be for nothing. You'll only lose in the end, and we still get to obtain what we want".

At these words, the tension in the air became more evident. The leaders started discussing with each other. They all had divided opinions in the matter. Some of them agreed with his demand, while the others continued to be hesitant and skeptical about the whole thing. And there were a few who felt proud and thought that they could match them in strength should a war happen.  Oh how very wrong they were.

"Haaaahhh," King Calum sighed as he heard them discussing. "This is the problem with humans. With the little planet they have, they divided themselves into countries, and had too many leaders with conflicting opinions - just like other planets. That's why they could never agree on anything," he thought to himself. "I already know where this is going".

Thinking as such, Calum looked at his Judges' and Generals' eyes, signaling them to prepare as he nodded his head. 

"Should we vote on this? Or you need more time to decide?" King Calum asked them. "May I just remind you that the fate of your planet lies in your hands. So if any blood spills, it's on your hands".

Feeling threatened, most of the leaders asked for more time to decide. King Calum agreed with them and returned them from where they came from by teleporting them back at once. He agreed to give them three days to decide. 

Unfortunately, most national leaders used that three days to prepare for war instead of discussing things with their people and truly considering all the pros and cons. 

What could have been a peaceful treaty, became a call for war between the humans and Magi. And the worst part, some countries who agreed on being kind and simply letting the Magi have what they wanted, were dragged into the war as well - a war they never wanted in the first place.

Indeed, having too many leaders on one planet had its disadvantages. 

Would it have resulted differently if they had one king, like the Magi had? 

No one knew for sure …

All we knew was, the discussion was for naught and war prevailed across the planet, killing millions of people worldwide. 

One decision was all it took …

One decision that painted the planet with red blood.


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