The Last Warlock

Chapter 87 - [Bonus ] 87. A Small Talk After Lunch

After one hour of taking pictures and walking by, Mack finally had a few bucks for a burger.

He could easily just grab one without people even seeing or steal a bank or someone passing by, heck, Mack could easily kill the entire city for a burger if needed, but why would he reap lives if he could just stand there and wait for a few coins.

"Easy money ever!"

Said Mack, counting the coins he had.

"Must be enough for one burger."

After one more hour, and satisfied by gouging himself in cheese, bacon and still drinking a Coke, Mack was out of things to do.

He was bored.

He could keep walking the streets or see the news to keep himself updated on what was happening on Earth right now, but Mack felt that all of those things were meaningless to him now. .


"I'm bored to death, and those guys will take time to come here."

[You finally saw what you had at the tower was way more important than all those mortals have, don't you?]

"You are correct old man, indeed. Now that I had a free day were I don't need to watch my neck, I feel empty. As if I liked those moments of life and death."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Said Mack, drinking his coke while watching the people walk on the street busy and running to get somewhere, all in a rush.

[That's the same for all of us, Warlocks. We are born and raised to rage wars.]

War, for Mack, that was a distant word. His only experience was in the tower and was a fake one.

"You mean you and I, don't you? There is no one left."

[While we still have one of us alive, that's what matters, I will tell you a secret that you will only understand in the future. The less of us alive, the better.]

Mack pondered over the answer but could not figure heads or tails of it. Maybe related to the 8th trial? He was not sure.

"Is that one of your charades?"

[There are no charades kid, it is simple as that, but you are too green to understand]

'Again with this 'too green''

Thought Mack, but asked what was bugging him.

"If you say, but what about the 3th gate? the Arcane, YOU, said that all that resigned would be send to a planet to live a peaceful life...."

[It was a lie. There is no peaceful life for us, no matter where we go. I just send them to meet their maker.]

"I imagined, It was too easy. Don't you regret of killing so many of your own descendents?"

Mack didn't know if he could be so ruthless as his ancestor.

[Descendants is a word too binding and beautiful to use. My own kids died aeons ago. In my place, would you care if some random stranger by your side died? Just because your DNA is similar?]

"Yeap, I undertand."

[Of course you do, you killed yourself from other dimensions, most people who encounter the same issue as you just collapse of a mental breakdown, they can't face that somewhere else exist another him with the girl of his dreams or the past he wished to have, or the father alive....]

His father....

"Father.... Indeed, for a moment I thought about this, if existed, it was not my father, mine was already dead"

Lamented Mack, reality could not be changed. His father was dead.

[That is the ruthless and rational thinking that you created in the tower. Practical and ruthless to the bone]

Ruthless..... Mack doubted he changed that much. He was always a madman.

"Since we are talking about the tower, I imagine you have a reason for it and is not to steal my body"

Harlack seemed to ponder in what he could say as he kept silent for longer than usual. Mack knew the topic was a sensible one.

[The purpose of the tower is to prepare you, for what? Is too soon to talk, it would affect the way you see things]

"Do I have a choice?"

[HaHaHa Of course you have kid, there is always a choice in life. You could just kill yourself, or live a mundane life like you are doing now, have kids, become the king of some country or the ruler of Earth and die after a long life, but tell me, is that what you want?]

Ruler or Earth....

"It's not, but I also don't want to be sent back to the tower. I had my share of it."

[You will never go back there. Unfortunately. That was the tower of chaos and after you left it has been closed, and no one will ever enter that tower again. You will go to another one. If you want to leave this forsaken planet.]

"I see....."

[Kid, If what bothers you is the loneliness, you can felt assured, the next tower is crowded with people and is way more easy than the tower of chaos]

"Why is that?"

[Too many reasons to talk about.... You will understand when time comes]

"Always the drama and charades..... If you want me to go, you will need to tell me more."

[HaHaHa Kid, I know you better than yourself. If you don't go, you will regret for life, and you know that]

"dammed old man and your mind reading...."

[Hahahaha you are too green kid, too green]

"At least I still have leaves. What about your bald head?"

[Don't spout nonsense, I'm not bald]

"HaHaHa now it seems I touched a delicate topic."

[Kid, if you say anything I will kill you]

"So BOLD of you!!!! HaHaHa Indeed a bold man."


Mack's body fell to the ground and half of his face was badly swollen.

But he was still breathing.

Badly, but breathing.

"Kids those days don't even respect their ancestors."

Said Harlack, grabbing the unconscious body of Mack and disappearing again.

The people around barely had the time to understand what was happening, and the two were gone.

Some looked confused, but a few seconds, and they continued their life, walking to some meeting or going to buy things, a mundane life, that Mack didn't feel the urge to live anymore.

A simple life.

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