The Last Warlock

Chapter 90 - 90. Scarface

After three days of training, Mack had to stop. He had some 'friends' to meet.

"Thanks for helping me with the two swords, but now I need to take care of some personal things. You know what, they must be in the city already."

Said Mack, already preparing himself to leave.

[What helping? I was just bored. Now go, and take care of your personal stuff]

Said the old man, using the mind link and vanishing from the place the same way he always did.

Mack put his two swords in and walked to the balcony. There he could see almost the entire city.


'The old man is really extravagant, so many places and he took the most high of them, it still bugs me how he did it..... did he just got in?'

Mack wondered if this was an invasion or if the old man owned this place, as he seemed too much 'at home' in here.

"Where should I go? I need to attract them to me."

Mack thought of several places, but the one that stuck in his mind was the airport, because they would get alerted for sure.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Thinking of this, Mack jumped to the sky.

It was time for a sweet revenge, the old way.

A few minutes later, Mack landed by the parking lot of the airport and no one saw him or no one seemed to pay attention to a man falling from the sky.

With the same clothes as always, Mack walked to the checking area.

He had no flying tickets, and could not bother to buy one.

Mack walked amidst the people carrying luggages or eating and once he saw the boarding area he stopped. He would let the recording cameras do the work for him. Mack only needed to show his face, because he knew that airports already had facial recognition linked with the police database.

Mack sat by a seat close to the boarding area and waited.

"Look mom, a guy with swords, he is so strong!"

Said a kid to his mom. 

"Dont point to strangers Jane!"

Said the mom, looking to where the kid was pointing, but once she saw Mack's eyes, she unconsciously started to walk faster and lowered her head.

The scene repeated itself a few times, not exactly as the latter, but everyone that came close to Mack ended up avoiding him and his gaze.

Not even five minutes later, four airport cops with guns in hand came in the direction of Mack.

"It finally begun"

Said Mack to himself but didn't move a muscle, because those people were not the ones he wished to meet today. They were only cops doing their jobs.

The cops came almost running to where Mack was and surrounded him.

The other people around, noticing the commotion, started to leave the place in a hurry, but they still kept in distance enough to watch what would happen. The curiosity of humans can only lose to their urge to make money, and some started to film the entire scene.

"Arthur McKenzie, you are under arrest! Drop your weapons slowly and lay on the floor!"

Screamed one of the cops to Mack.

Mack didn't even bulge a muscle and kept quiet and unmoving as before, but from the corner of his eye, he could finally see what he was waiting for.

John Smith had come.

A few meters to his right, Mack could see a tall man with black sunglasses and a black suit coming in his direction. Mack could never confuse with someone else, because by the right side of that man's face a scar from the eye to the mouth could be seen.

Mack averted his gaze to the cops in front of him again, and they were starting to get agitated, if the man in front of them didn't collaborate they had orders to open fire, but they knew that if they killed the man, they would probably respond for crimes. That was the life of a cop. Following the law and applying the same law could cost their necks, be it by some random robber firing at them or be it by being prosecuted by following orders.

Mack saw the drops of sweat leaving the neck of the cop in charge and wondered if that guy had a family.

Maybe he had a father? Or a wife? Or even a child.

"Sorry, but I don't have time to play with you guys."

Mack raised from his seat.

The cops fired their guns.

Bullets hit Mack all over his body.

But not a scratch could be seen on him.

Mack looked to his right, straight in to the eyes of his target, and the man with black glasses stopped walking.

The man removed his glasses as if he could not believe what happened.

Mack took a step in his direction, and the man took one step back.

The cops looking at Mack walking fine with not even blood on his clothes were at lost of words.

Mack heard their hearts pumping fast and the slight sound of a gun about to fire and touched his two palms, and the cops fired their guns again.

"So annoying"

A slight red flash was seen by everyone in the airport, and the domain runespell was active.

Everything stopped moving, but this time was not because they were light constructs made of Essence but because Mack blocked their movements using his control of air and all things that didn't had imprinted essence, like clothes, etc.

All things only listened to Mack command now.

The world seemed to have stopped, but what shocked everyone was the bullets not moving in the air.

Mack slowly walked in the direction of the man with the scar and could see in his eyes the desperation that he always felt when running for his life.

Mack was finally having some sweet revenge.

Dozens of people around the scene that thought was going to be a good show see someone getting arrested, now were cursing their curiosity, the scene was so bizarre that they didn't even knew if they show cry of despair or just close their eyes and wait for their death.

They knew that they have stumbled on something they should not have seen.

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