The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 115 Ch: 113: You Dare To [Pt1]

"Class, welcome your new friend. His name is Yohan Strout and he is Professor Diantha's cousin. You all should treat him kindly and show him how nice life can be in a sector like ours."

Yohan's eyes quickly glanced all over the room, looking at the people and measuring their future capabilities. It was possible that many of the people here would end up working under his command in the future.

Truthfully, Yohan had not expected to end up in this academy. It had been a place he had wanted to avoid.

But now that he was here, he could not help but want to take advantage of everything he could. Many of these students would end up occupying a high-end positions in the future. And it could aid Yohan in his search for the realm key.

"Student Strout, you are free to take up any seat you want to. There is no need for you to be shy since we are all friends here."

The teacher was smiling brightly but Yohan had a feeling that she could care less about anything her students were up to. Her aura just had a feeling of disinterest and Yohan instantly understood why no one had bothered to stop all the bullying in the school.

It was mainly because these teachers had no interest in their students' lives and what happened to them.

But it was not Yohan's problem to solve and he quickly took the seat he had been eying since the beginning. It was right in the middle of the class and ambiguous to not be noticed.

"Alright, now that you all are here you should open your textbook and read through the date sheet. You all have the interfaces so cross-check any information you want from there. Only call me if it's urgent."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

With that being said, the teacher turned her head away from the class and went to type on her computer. The students also seemed to be disinterested in their teacher's activities.

Yohan was not interested in anything that went on in the classroom and he was quite happy to take his assigned seat right in the middle of the class. His desk mate also looked quite plain in comparison.

"Hello. Do you mind if I sit next to you?"

Yohan made sure to put his most charming face out for the girl to see. His desk mate looked quite plain in comparison to some of the other girls he had seen before but that had been his intention.

His other options did not seem to be that great for his neutral position. Considering that one of them looked like the class beauty and the other like a head bully.

"I, huh? Are you sure you want to sit with me? I-I mean, are you sure?"

The girl Yohan had been addressing sounded shocked to see Yohan talking with her. Her glasses hid her eyes but Yohan was sure that they were huge right now.

For some reason, the whole class had gone quiet as soon had Yohan made that offer and he had a feeling that he had messed up quite badly. Suddenly, he wanted nothing more than to take a few steps back and take his offer back

But it would attract more attention at this point so Yohan had to stick to his decision.

"Yes, I am sure. Would you please allow me to sit next to you?"

The girl still looked hesitant and the class was starting to pay attention to them now. Yohan was so close to snapping and walking away when the teacher looked up sharply.

The teacher looked annoyed with the class's constant buzzing and her eyes glared at Yohan for causing this annoyance.

"Either take a seat or get out. You are disturbing this class. Liza, let him sit with you and also show him around in your free time. And If you all made another sound then I will conduct a pop quiz for your final grades today."

The teacher's words finally caused the class to quieten down. It was a blatant abuse of her power but the teacher seemed to not care.

Yohan found the teacher's attitude interesting but he could not help but feel a little off when he noticed the girl from before glaring at him.

"So, am I free to sit adjacent to you now?"

"I-yeah sure. You can sit in the next seat but don't talk to me."

Somehow, Yohan could not help but feel like there was a misunderstanding that had happened right now. But since he did not know what it was, he was in no position to correct it.

The rest of the class passed in relative peace but Yohan was surprised to see no one approach him once the class ended. Weren't people usually interested in transfer students and find them 'mysterious?'

Going by that logic, Yohan should be surrounded by people right now. But there was no one around Yohan currently. And it also dashed his plans to find useful people.

If he was not able to interact with people, then how would he be able to find secrets that would help him out in the future?

There was a burning sensation in the back of Yohan's head and he instantly looked back to check who was glaring at him. His eyes met his desk mates but she immediately looked away as soon as she noticed that Yohan was looking back at her.

"Is something wrong? You have been staring at my face for some time now."

Johan decided not to beat around the bush. He had felt a sharp glare aimed at her so his body had automatically turned to look at the other person. As someone in authority, he was used to not being questioned, so it was a little starting when he noticed the other not looking away.

Instead, his desk mate continued to look back at him with her piercing eyes. Somehow, Yohan could not help but notice the unusual pupils she had. It looked like he was looking into the galaxy when he looked into her eyes.

"Stop looking at me and turn your face away. Your attention gives me the creeps and your eyes are vulgar."

The girl quickly looked away once she was finished speaking. There was a red flush on her face but Yohan pretended to ignore her attention.

As much as he wanted to make this girl his companion, she looked like nothing but trouble for him. Her presence in his life could turn out to be threatening his position.

'Besides, Diantha asked me to keep a low profile and I don't think having beef with a student on my first day would help me keep a low profile.'

So Yohan decided to stop trying to make friends with his desk mate. The girl was a little too much for him to handle. And anyway, she seemed conflicted regarding her feelings, and Yohan did not want such baggage.

So as soon as the next class came, Yohan quickly decided to follow the crowd, not waiting for his desk mate to come with him.

But even as he did so, people still pointed at him and whispered while looking in his direction. Yohan wanted to turn toward them and ask what they were so curious about. But it did not take him long to figure everything out.

And it happened in the most cliche ways possible.

Yohan's shoulder was yanked back and suddenly, he had a fist making contact with the wall adjacent to his head.

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