The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 166 Ch 164: Gathering Forces [Pt1]

'Wow, out of all things, to be defended by a kid like this was the last thing I expected to happen to me. Now, what should I do about it? Should I save Trisha?'

Yohan was not going to risk his life for a kid he did not even know that much. But Trisha was a talent that he would not be able to find anywhere else. That was what made this decision difficult for him to make.

And it seemed like he was not the only one in need of Trisha's talent. Khole stopped his advances mid-step and let his hand fall with an annoyed expression.

"Fuck you, kid. You know I won't harm you as long as you are useful to me. But don't make the mistake of thinking that I will always hold back with you in front of me."

Khole threw his body into the sofa behind his back and sat down. His annoyance seemed to be melting away with each passing second. And also, as soon as he had stopped paying attention to Trisha and Yohan, he had gone back to his phone.

He seemed to be monitoring some kind of experiment on his phone but Yohan had no idea what the results indicated. Nor was he curious about it.

"Khole, I heard that you agreed to take our request and help us study monster parts. But before we delve into it more, I want to know how I can trust you not to betray me?"

Yohan decided to get the annoying questions out of the way first.

"Trust? There is nothing like 'trust' in the world. As long as you keep my interests in mind and give me no reason to betray you, I will stay with you. My research is the most important thing to me."

This was not a promised service but it was something. There were not many people who spoke about their weaknesses out in the open like this. Khole was one of the only ones he had seen all this time.

"I see. So your moral compass is based on your research. Is that why you decided to abandon your family and leave your traumatized and abused sister behind?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Yohan was interested to see how Khole would respond to his questions. He had learned that people like Khole had a twisted sense of justice and what they considered as 'right'.

"Abandon? She did that to herself when she refused to let go of my shadow. But if you are asking about Liza, I presume that she is still too dependent on impressing our father. Not that I care anymore."

What a cold thing for a brother to say. Khole seemed entirely aware of Liza's situation. But it did not seem like he was going to do anything for her. What an interesting pair of siblings these two made.

At least, Liza would not have the problem of forgetting her obsession with her father. Yohan had all but made sure of that.

"You know professor, I wanted to say this for some time now, but you are a cold and detached man. Don't you feel sorry for your sister?"

Trisha was young and not able to understand most of what was happening. But she still could feel how harsh Khole was. But he seemed unashamed of what kind of man he was.

"I don't feel any particular way about my sister. Love? Emotions? They are all useless to me anyway since they hamper my progress and also blind me to the true results. Scientists cannot be expected to rely on their emotions if they want to see the truth."

Yohan was both impressed and also exhausted by Khole's reasoning. But it was better for him if Khole did not have lingering attachments. It would lessen the chances of him being betrayed.

The evil smile on Yohan's face caused Trisha to frown. She looked from one person to another in front of her with an annoyed but excepting face.

"You are both so evil. Does human blood even flow in your veins?"

"Of course it does-"


Both Yohan and Khole took it as praise and refused to look annoyed by Trisha's harsh words. And it was also now that Trisha decided to give up on it. She no longer needed or wanted to persuade these thoughts.

"Anyway, you seem like an intelligent man, Yohan Strout. And from what I have seen of you, you should also have a lot of good ideas. So, what does a capable man like you want me to do?"

Yohan liked the way Khole thought. It seemed like there was one guy here who understood him and all he stood for.

Yohan had no problem discussing his thoughts with Khole. And the other heard him talking all about it with interest. It was all going a little too smoothly.

Trisha, who got bored halfway decided to take off, as curious kids often do, she triggered a small device that caused a large explosion.

Let's just say that the resistance was not able to use that base ever again and they all had to relocate at short notice. It was all Trisha's fault but no one would ever know that except the two people who had been with her.


By the time the sun started to rise again, it was already night. It took far longer than Yohan had expected to relocate the resistance. He also stooped behind to see Khole set up his lab and to discuss a way to communicate.

But now that it was all done, Yohan was free once again. Not that it mattered when he was in the city and someone decided to track him down to talk with him.

"Yohan Strout, we need to talk without Bernetta. I don't know what she said to you about stealing the chaos core, but I need you to not take it seriously."

Yohan stopped short as he watched the last person he expected to come to hurry out and meet him. Officer Shizue was the last person on his list to meet.

She had a determined expression on her face as she started Yohan down. And he had a feeling that she would be in trouble if he did not hear her out.

'Ugh, so troublesome. How did Shizue find me in the first place?'

"Before you ask, no. I am not stalking you in any way, shape, or form. I saw you from a distance and decided to come out to meet you on my own. This is all there is to it."

Shizue denied Yohan's thoughts even before they could begin to take shape. And he was thankful for that since it saved him a lot of extra thinking power.

But still, he did not like the way Shizue had come out to him and demanded he not consider Bernetta's interests. Especially since they both shared similar interests.

"Officer, I don't know what kind of relationship you share with officer Bernetta, but her offer is something only she can take back. Now, if you are done being a bitch, I would like to take my leave."

Yohan was ready to leave but Shizue had other ideas. She held on to Yohan's hand as he started to stand up and he instantly turned toward her with an annoyed expression on his face.

But he stopped short as soon as he noticed the tearful look Shizue had on her face. She looked as if she was in agony and that was the only reason Yohan decided to hear her out.

"Bernetta will die for sure if she did not stop being stubborn and going after the chaos core. No one who went after that cursed object lived to tell afterward. I will not be able to live if something ended up happening to Bernetta."

Tears fell from Shizue's eyes as she watched Yohan. Her tight grip did not allow Yohan to move while her eyes begged him to understand. She was counting on him to back down.

But she was wrong about one important thing and that was Bernetta herself. Yohan doubted that the girl would give up just because Yohan did not cooperate with her. She looked to be stronger than that.

"Listen Shizue, the person you should be begging like this is not me. Even if I did back down, do you expect your partner to stay put? Somehow, officer Bernetta did not give me such a feeling."

Yohan looked Shizue in the eye and he could see a miserable soul trying to hold on to not break. But as things stood, she would not be able to keep her composure.

As for Yohan, it was not a problem but he doubted that Shizue would think the same.

"I know I should not say this to you but Bernetta does not listen to me no matter what I say. You have to be the one to convenience her about this."

Shizue broke down crying finally. She had a weak will which made Yohan look away from her.

"I don't have to do anything for you. Maybe Bernetta would listen to you if you stopped begging this stubborn and cowardly in the first place."

This seemed to be the last draw and Yohan found himself on the other end of Shizue's weapon all of a sudden.

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