The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 199 Ch 197: The Mission Briefing [Pt1]

Yohan could feel a lot of eyes on him when he came back to the central hall the next morning. Most of the females looked at him with interest while males looked in awe as well as jealousy.

However, Yohan did not pay attention to them and made his way to the side table where the notice board was located. It was filled with small requests and names of teams assigned to their tasks.

Yohan spend a minute trying to find his name before he gave up and decided to ask someone.

Luckily, he spotted Jay sitting not too far away from the side table and headed toward the man. But he was spotted way before he could scare Jay.

"I see that you had an interesting last night. Huye would be disappointed to see you acting so loosely, don't you think?"

Jay's words had a lot of intent behind them and everyone suddenly eyes their table. Yohan could feel all the interest piling up in the hall and focusing on his table.

But he did not care so much for all of this. He was not interested in Huye and he did not want to cause any misunderstanding about it either.

"Well, Huye has her right to feel what she wants to but she should not feel entitled to make me responsible for her feelings. Besides, Huye is an adult so I am sure she can manage."

Jay clenched his fist and there was rage on his face as well. But he ended up calming himself down in the end and looked Yohan in the eye.

"Don't tell me that I did not warn you in the future. Anyway, I noticed that you were scanning the board for your name but you won't find it there. Section chief Emma has a different job for us."

Yohan was surprised that he was let go of so easily. Jay's expression made it seem like Yohan would never be forgiven for betraying Huye.

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"Oh, so that's why my name was not on any of those smaller tasks back there? But are you sure you want to trust an outsider like me this early? You have not tested my loyalty, right?"

Yohan questioned as he followed after Jay. Jay looked annoyed at the question and Yohan got a feeling that it was not Jay's idea to include him in their expedition.

And if so, that likely meant that Huye had been the one to recommend Yohan to come along. She was banking on having read Yohan's rights and his loyalty to their cause.

"Don't think of yourself as someone special. The only reason I am allowing you to participate is that Huye vouched for you. She's a great judge of character and I trust her 100%. That is the only reason you are here."

Jay's words proved Yohan's theory true. But still, Yohan was a little surprised because Huye had recommended him.

She had not seen any of Yohan's skills but she still felt that Yohan was worth taking along. Either Huye had a scary hunch about Yohan, or all the other people in this base were useless.


"Yo, we are here. The only reason we are late is that Yohan came down late after his 'passionate' night."

Yohan had a feeling that Jay stressed out these words especially because Huye was listening to this conversation.

Jay's attention was focused on Huye more than anyone else as he took his seat. But Huye had a closed-off expression on her face as soon as she heard Jay's words.

Rather, it was Emma who had a surprised look on his face. He looked from Yohan to Emma and then back quickly and his eyes flashed with recognition. Huye also came out of her daze and finally looked Yohan in the eye.

"Looks like someone had a fun night while the others slaved away toward their goal."

Huye's tone had a hint of jealousy but Yohan was sure that even it was an act on her part. There was not enough sexual tension between the pair for feelings like jealousy to take root.

"Hey, it's not my fault I had nothing to do. Rather, you all should not expect an outsider to do sensitive work for you."

Yohan replied to Huye and she fell quiet. She had no response to those words and she had to bite her lip in defeat.

Both Emma and Jay looked surprised again at Yohan's daring nature. This was the second time they had seen him defy Huye and not because it was 'good for Huye's sake' either.

It genuinely looked like Yohan was not interested in Huye and the pair relaxed. They suddenly felt like Yohan was safe ground and they will not have to fight over Huye with him.

"Hey, since I introduced you to the team, you are no longer an outsider. Rather, you are a part of our branch now. So Yohan, do what a good subordinate does and read through the files of our next mission."

Yohan wanted to object to Huye's words. A good subordinate did not have to read everything regarding the mission, but one who needed to follow orders they were given.

The task of remembering how to execute the mission was dependent on the leader and special goals.

But Yohan decided to bite his word and take the mission file. It would be better to have more knowledge of what he was expected to do.

"As you can see, the queen's fraction managed to track the Sickle pendant and it will be transported to the queen soon. Our task is to whisk it in the middle and stop the transport."

Yohan read through the file in front of him and it contained a ton f available information about the object they needed to take away.

But no matter how much information these people gathered, it had nothing on the amount of information in his system. But he decided not to share this bit of news with these people.

"So, do we just need to get the pendant to our base? Or destroy it?"

Yohan asked once he closed his file. It was a simple plan, so Yohan doubted that he would need to reread the file but he still scanned it in his system.

The report had not specified what would happen to the pendent once it was retrieved so Yohan decided to clarify it beforehand. If anything, he wanted to take the pendant away for later.

"I don't care what happens to the pendent as long as it does not end up in the queen's hand. You can destroy it or keep it if you wish to do so."

Once again, Huye was giving too much power away from this operation and even Jay looked uncomfortable with Huye's words. Emma looked ready to say something when he stopped himself.

Maybe it was because of Emma's presence that these people were holding themselves back. She had already given Yohan her words and these people did not want to contradict her words.

"Ah, if you all don't need the pendent then give it to me once we are done. I will participate in this mission for free if you allow me this payment."

Yohan made this deal and got three blank expressions.

From his experience of feeling with people, Yohan could figure out that these people had not even thought of this possibility. They were seriously not going to pay Yohan anything for all his hard work.

"Hey, I'm not running a charity here you know. If you expect me to help you out in your cause then you gotta pay me at least. I also need to remind you that you were the one who wanted me at your party and not the other way around."

Yohan knew he was driving Emma mad. The financial situation for this place looked tight and miserable when compared to all the funds they likely had. These people were a little too much.

"You little-? Do you expect to be paid as well now? Just how shameless can you be?"

Jay asked Yohan in half-awe and half-annoyance. He did not know what to make of this man at all.

"Well, of course, I expect to be paid for all the hard labor I am putting forth for your sake. I am not nice enough to work for free, you know. And besides, I need to earn a keep as well."

Yohan could hear the snap in Emma's patience. He was about to do something foolish but he was stopped in time by Huye.

"Alright, fine. How about we compromise on how much you get paid? In return, we will give you foot and lodging, as well as a way to roam around freely. How about it?"

Huye drove a hard bargain. Since she knew that Yohan had nothing to lose, she decided to give him what he was missing. Yohan was not going to press his luck any more than this.

"Alright, I got it. I will accept your terms. Then, it is nice to work with you all."

Yohan grinned a small smile and he could tell that he was irritating all three people in front of him. But that had been his goal so he did not mind and continued to maintain his smile.

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