The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 228 227: Making Plans

Normally, Rui had no interest in talks of the queen and what was going on with her. The more she stayed away from the queen, the better it was for Rui's safety.

But Yohan was behaving a little strangely ever since he had heard Rui's words and that made Rui curious to know more about the queen and this 'little goddess.'

"Hmmm, so the queen got a new pet? I heard that the previous owner of this pet was a bitch."

Rui almost bit her lip as she spoke. Such words usually did not come out of her mouth so it was her instinct to mince them. But the way she needed to word them was innocent and that made Rui's speech much more difficult.

And that seemed to be what broke Freshia's temper. Her face took on an ugly look and she almost looked ready to cry. But she held herself back.

"T-That little goddess was not a good person. She asked her servants to attack the queen as soon as she could so I am glad my queen helped the salve out. But why did she have to take him in? That archangel or whatever, the queen should have just sent him back."

Freshia looked too sad to say anything of value right now. She had already given Yohan all the answers he needed.

Yohan signaled for Rui to get him out of there. He was now more than sure who Freshia was but he still needed his words to be confirmed by the rebellion.

"Freshia, I think we should get you to bed now. You look tired and hurt to do anything else today. Yohan, get us some sweet tea and then you are dismissed for the day."

Rui swiftly made the decision, knowing that Freshia was not in a state to tell her 'no' or oppose her. It would be a miracle if she even remembered what was happening right now.

Yohan hurried up and brought some sweet tea laced with sleeping powder for Freshia to drink. She fell asleep just after two or three drinks, letting her cut fall to the ground.

"Ugh, this annoyance. If only she was not the queen's lover, I would have never made friends with her. And now she even lost her favor and came here crying? What use is Freshia anymore to me?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Rui looked upset but Yohan doubted she knew why she was angry. She had not realized that she saw Freshia as a friend.

"Don't worry Rui. everything will be alright soon. Lady Freshia might have been abandoned but she still knows a lot about the queen and her likes. If we utilize her right, you can gain the queen's favor as well."

It was not a bad idea to make Rui the queen's lover. It would give Yohan unlimited access to the royal palace as well. It was something an ordinary person could not think of.

But Yohan's goal was much greater than merely heading to the imperial palace. He wanted to control it and retrieve the realm stone.

"Hmm, that is not a bad idea. I mean, I do have a soft and pitiful image in society which the queen favors so I guess that works out for me. As for the attraction? I can manage that as well since the queen has desires as well."

"And you are also not stupid enough to lose the queen's favor to another without a fight."

Yohan finished Rui's words but she looked sullen for some reason. She looked at Yohan with expecting eyes but he did not know what she wanted from him.

In the end, Rui gave up trying to gain Keith's attention. It was clear to her that Keith was not going to become possessive over her.

"You are free to go now, Keith. I will think over our offer and give you an answer in the morning. Oh, and also head to the town when you have some free time. I need you to pick up something for me."

Rui waved her hand, not wanting to look Keith in the eyes.


Keith was not sure how he had gotten so lucky but he had been given permission ot go into the town by Lady Rui. It was rare and came at the right time for him.

The reply to the letter he had sent Huye had come back and confirmed all his suspicions. She had also asked Keith to meet her as soon as he could.

'I wonder what she wants from me? This request came out of the blue so I don't know what to expect from her anymore.'

Despite this hesitation, Keith decided to follow along and set a meeting place.

The only one who came to meet Keith was Huye. She had hidden her face from head-to-toe with a cloak and she looked anxious. As soon as she saw Keith, she pulled him to her.

"So, is it true? Is Freshia Wells really outside the palace right now? Did she and our queen break up?"

Huye looked like an excited teenage girl ready to gossip. Her eyes gleamed with a thirst to know more and Yohan nodded.

"Yup, they broke up. Or, it's more like Freshia Wells ran away from home. She looked quite sad when she talked about the queen and her love affair."

Yohan was now more than sure that Huye was liking this news. Her eyes were too bright and greedy for them to be normal. She usually was much more subdued.

"Hmm, so the path is finally open again. Yohan, I need a favor from you. Can you get me an audience with the queen somehow?"

Huye looked excited when she asked that. But Yohan was not sure he would be able to fulfill her desires.

"Huye, I don't think I can-"

"Yohan, please. I will do anything you want me to if you do this for me. Ask me for anything and it shall be yours."

Huye leaned forward, showing her cleavage to Yohan. Her eyes gleamed in excitement and trump but they soon became normal again when she noticed Keith not getting flustered by her body.

"Nice attempt Huye, but I am immune to your charms. You are not a woman I see in a romantic sense and I don't think I ever will."

Yohan flat-out rejected Huye which caused her to flush red and sit back down. She coughed to get the awkward air under control before the flush faded away from her face.

"True. we both are too similar to each other. You are not someone I can get behind as well. But my request-"

Huye was begging now. It seemed like she was confident in her power to get the queen to fall for her.

Yohan had to admit that Huye was a good liar and actor. She had fooled a lot of people already so she had the skills.

'But is Huye better than Rui? Should I be putting my eggs in Huye's basket instead of Rui's?'

With both Rui and Huye in the mix to gain the queen's favor, it was difficult for Yohan to choose one. He did not want to choose wrong here and lose a major advantage.

"Hmm, I will see what I can do to help you out. Lady Rui might be an influential lady but she's still a child and not very bright. I do not want to count on her if I can help it."

Yohan did not want to risk Rui's chances just because Huye decided to join the race. But Huye did not need to know this.

"Hmm, alright. You can contact me if you find a way to get into the royal castle. I will also look around for a way into the main palace."

Huye assured Yohan but there was no reason for her to do so, Yohan believed her words and that she would try her best.

'I wonder what all her lovers would say to her reckless plan. Most of them would be livid, right?'

But it was not Yohan's concern how Huye handled her relationships. She was free to do what she wanted to, even if it was to ruin her life in the process.

"I shall be heading back now. I need to take Lady Rui's parcel and also pick up some cakes from the local bakery."

Yohan stood up and picked up his coat. He was not going to wait around for Huye to finish. Especially when one of her admirers could come to find her any second.

"Oh, and next time you call me Huye, make sure you give me advance notice. I cannot come out to meet you whenever you want me to."

Huye waved Keith's words as not important but he was warning Huye not to make any weird move. He was not going to take it sitting down.

"Hmm, I will think about it the next time I need a favor from you. Make sure you find a way in for me to the Royal Castel. It will be good for you if I get close to the queen as well."

Yohan shook his head, not believing that Huye had just said that. She was living in her world, not understanding her position in life.

And one day, it was going to come back and bite her in the back.

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