The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 236 235: Royal Tension [Pt2]

"Sit back down."

There was no questioning why the queen was the queen. The amount of sheer confidence and power in that one command left everyone spellbound.

Huye did not want to admit it but the queen was really in a league of her own. And that made the possessiveness inside her rear its ugly head again. She wanted to possess that power, be it in the form of the queen or the power itself.

"D-Don't tell me what to do. I am not your servant."

Freshia complained even as she sat back down. Her body was not listening to her command and Freshia had a flush on her face. The queen's voice always did things to her.

The only ones unaffected by this voice were Zadkiel and Rui for some reason. Both of them seemed to have seen similar powers in the past and had different alliances. The queen did nothing for them.

"I am sorry for my queen's temper. She's a little sensitive these days since her favorite toy decided to run away. I will make sure she's in a better mood next time."

Zadkiel apologized to the group but no one was fooled by his calm voice. The queen was someone no one had a hold on. She was the supreme leader of this realm.

The angel could try to hold her leash down all he wanted but it would not amount to anything in the end.

"No, the one who should apologize is not your highness. I am the one responsible for this situation since I forced my servant to take myself and my company here. I apologize for all that happened."

Rui, for the first time since the queen had shown up, bowed her head. Everyone looked stunned at her sudden action and they could not help but be in awe.

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For the first time, a noble had bowed their head in front of a non-noble. The queen or not, the nobility often made excuses once they made a mistake. But Lady Rui had not done that.

Instead of trying to blame someone, Lady Rui had shown her sincerity by apologizing. The queen looked at Rui with an interested gaze which caused Freshia to freeze.

"Rui, what are you doing? Hurry up and stop apologizing. The queen doesn't want you to look down anymore."

Freshia tried to get Rui to look up but Rui was determined to only listen to the queen. This was her mission after all - to make the queen look back at her.

"There is no need for you to apologize. I am sure my consort is not hurt by your companion's words. He has no reason to be hurt in the first place after all."

Everyone looked at Zadkile who said nothing. It seemed like he agreed with the queen's words. And it was only after that that Rui looked up as well.

Her eyes sparkled with a need to know more about the queen but Freshia and Huye interfered.

"W-We should get going now. It's too late and we have too much work to do."

"That's right. Rui, did you not say that you needed to go shopping today? And we should also bring your servant with us. I think he's gotten lost in the palace."

Huye and Freshia took hold of Rui to drag her away. It was beyond rude to do that in front of the queen but she did not say anything.

She just watched it all happen with a twinkle in her artificial eyes. The hurried manner in which her guests left did not go unnoticed by her.

Once they were done, the queen turned toward Zadkiel and rested one of her long, artificial clawed nails on his cheek. It was a threat and a promise in the same breath that asked Zadkiel not to do anything foolish.

"What are you planning of doing, my cute little puppet? You are not thinking of going against your queen, right?"

The queen asked as she forced Zadkielt to look her way. She liked this angle because he was a cunning one who pretended to be docile. She had taken a shine to him.

"Hah? I am not planning anything. Though I did hope that inviting your former lover to the palace would ignite your passion for her and I would be let go of."

Zadkiel forced those words out from between his lack of breath. The queen's pressure was maddening for him.

But he had faced far more terrifying things in his life. He had faced the king of life and came out alive. This much was nothing for him.

The queen watched the angel struggle futile against her pressure but he refused to break. Her sadistic heart was finding joy in finding such an amusing toy in her life. Her palace life had just gotten a little more interesting.

"Hmm, is that so? You are such a crafty one but that is why I like you. Life gets pretty monotonous when you face the same devotion all the time. That's why I like festy people like you who can keep me on my toes."

The queen admitted as she let go of Zadkiel. He breathed in relief as soon as he was let go but he could not help but curse the queen in her heart.

'You fucker. I will be so glad once I am rid of you. I need to help Yohan out no matter what. It's for my sanity.'

Zadkiel wanted his freedom badly. It did not matter what it cost him in the end. For the first time in his life, his bond with the little goddess had been broken so this was the only time he would be allowed to be free.

If he did not take this opportunity, then he would never get it again.


In the dark underground prison beneath the palace, cold eyes looked up with a sneer on the beautiful face.

The little goddess could not help but curse the queen of this realm. The queen had forced a supreme person like the little goddess to be kept in a prison.

"Oi slave, can you not do anything? The other gods said that you were the ultimate weapon of mass destruction. Breaking this small prison must be nothing for you."

The cold eyes ignored the little goddess since she had no authority. The angel-turned-weapon was programmed to obey the one who held the realm key's power. The little goddess would not be able to control her.

Her range for the queen heightened and she could not help but curse the queen.

"Psss, you hate the queen as well? What a coincidence since I hate her as well. Everyone down here hates the queen."

The little goddess looked toward the man who spoke. He was much older than the little goddess and also quite good-looking. He would make a good servant for her but the little goddess needed to be good to him first.

"Yeah, right. I hate the queen so much that I want to kill her. But what is it to you people? Are you on my side?"

The little goddess asked with a hopeful look in her eyes. She wanted to desperately find like-minded people here so that she could feel superior again. And it seemed like her wish would be granted.

"Hmm, the queen? Yeah, we don't like her as well. The queen is a tyrant, a threat to all of our loved ones. We need to take her out."

The little goddess noticed what the man did not notice. There was a compulsion spell on him, making him think that he wanted the queen.

It was such an immature spell that the little goddess had to laugh. These poor people had no idea that they were being betrayed in the worst way possible.

"Hey little girl, seems like he has the same idea here. Don't worry, I will help you get out of here. In return, you will help us out, right? Oh, my name is Jay by the way."

The captured man spoke from his binds. He was interesting to the little goddess so she decided to humor him.

"Nice to meet you as well. I hope we have a good partnership in the future. After all, we are both in the same boat here. May the queen die an early death."

No one heard this promise since the others were too busy looking after their interests. But the guards took notice and they vowed to inform the queen what happened here as soon as they could.

After all, no one was allowed to harm their queen. Not now and not ever as long as they were here.

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