The Laws of Cultivation: Qi = MC^2

Chapter 43: An Odd Gathering

Chapter 43: An Odd Gathering

I carried Sheldon in my arms, the little turtle snuggly being carried around. Labby sat comfortably on my shoulder as well, sniffing the air as she flicked her ears, occasionally talking with Sheldon. Nyan had thankfully not cared enough to tag along, happy to lick the spirit pill I'd given him for his help.

I walked towards the little grove where I met Su Lin, carrying both of my spirits. I had to get two pouches this time, for the number of pills I’d gathered. I almost expected Su Lin to be unable to sell all of them, especially the fire pill.

I wasn’t worried too much about it. There wasn’t particularly a rush for selling the pills. The goal of my own lab was appealing, but I had managed to make myself comfortable in the sect. With the library here, there was even a very good reason to stay in the sect even after I managed to get my own lab. That or being able to visit the library even if I wasn’t a disciple anymore.

I was surprised that almost next to no one had come to check after me ever since I’d vanished from the training halls. A notice that I’d be training by myself in hopes of breaking through had been enough to get them to leave me alone, outside of getting me for chores around the sect when I forgot to do them.

It was perhaps a bit sad. But there were few in the sect from the time Lu Jie had entered the sect, and he had been poor at best in making friends. Which, hey, I couldn’t talk in that regard either. The person I talked to the most was a spirit rat.

The grove of trees was visible from afar, and I could spot Su Lin’s figure within. I took a quick glance around to see if anyone was here, before I rushed ahead within the groves. Su Lin soon sensed my presence, heading further in and I followed.

“Been a while eh?” Su Lin asked, staring at me with a toothy grin.

“Just about two weeks,” I replied, as I watched Su Lin’s gaze shift to Sheldon in my arms.

“Ya got another one? Planning to become one of those spirit tamers or something?” Su Lin said, and I laughed.

I’d somehow completely forgotten about the spirit tamers. People who went in to capture suitable spirit animals to bond with and or sell to other cultivators. It wasn’t quite as friendly as it’d sound as a job but what Su Lin was referring to weren’t the merchants, but the cultivators whose cultivation method involved arts that bonded with a large number of spirits at once, and to train them all for combat.

Cultivation spirit trainers. Just needed some gym battles within sects.

“He stuck around from the task I’d gone on to for the sect. Not really a bonded spirit, this little guy’s stronger than me. Quite a bit. It’d do well if you treat him with respect,” I said, smiling as Su Lin narrowed his eyes at me.

“And I’m a hidden master, ya. We all have nice stories to tell, but let’s be done here quickly. I’d looked into the girl who’d helped us out, and I knew she was an inner sect disciple. But it turns out she’s the granddaughter of Elder Yan himself,” Su Lin spoke, and I could sense his nervousness.

“I’m aware,” I replied as Su Lin stared at me in surprise.

“And ya never thought to tell me?”

“If Yan Yun would’ve done anything she already would’ve. It’s not like she doesn’t know about this spirit herb thing. And she did give an oath, even if a misguided and misinformed one.”

Su Lin looked at me before sighing. “It’s not about the girl. It’s about who she’s the granddaughter of. Elder Yan isn’t known for his mercy. Maybe the girl won’t rat this out, but as things are, this isn’t a good place to be meeting. I’ll look into some other place where we can do this.”

I nodded in reply as Su Lin clicked his tongue.

“Where’s the pills?” he asked, and I took out my pouch, handing them over as I took the bag of herbs from him.

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I took hold of my other pouch as well, handing it to them. I smiled at his confused look. “You may want to take a look inside.”

I waited patiently, taking a quick glance at the herbs, and noting some new ones before I returned my attention to Su Lin.

“By the heavens, you made all of these?” he asked and I nodded.

“There’s a red one in the other bag. I’ve separated it from the rest.”

Su Lin set the first bag down, curiously opening the second one. The way his eyes almost popped out for a moment as he stared pleased me greatly, and Labby sparkled on my shoulders, reflecting my mirth.

“Is that a fire pill?” he asked, looking at me.

“Poison Flame pill. It can purify your Qi and Dantian with fire and grants immunity to the seven common poisons present in the pill. It does hurt to eat it, so don’t try that.”

“I ain’t a numbskull,” Su Lin replied, but his gaze remained transfixed for a moment.

“This is going to sell for a lot.”

“How much do you expect?” I asked, curious.

“I don’t know. I ain’t got know how on these higher grade pills, but for all of em combined, if I had to guess… About two gold for your share.”

Now it was my turn to be bewildered. The amount he’d told me was about twice what I’d made in the last 2 months and a bit.

“A gold or so for the fire one, if I sell it to the right guy. The old hag won’t be taking it, she ain’t got the money. Heavens, I may need to go to Zhou Chen,” Su Lin replied, a frown on his face.

“The thug from that day?” I asked and Su Lin nodded.

“Their guys are in cahoots with the Silver Fang. He runs the underground market in Seventh Peak city. There’s been some dispute and what not, and the guys have been troubling the old hag as well so I could try and get ‘em to leave her alone,” Su Lin said.

“Didn’t you have bad blood with them?” I asked and received a nod.

“Chen and Yun are tryna help, but I don’t want them involved. With this pill, I may even be able to get off lightly, if I can give them my share of the money for some of it,” Su Lin replied and I stared at him silently.

“I don’t think you need to,” I said, after a few moments of silence.

“Ya don’t need to console me. I can look after-”

“It’s not that. It’s… well I was planning to tell you when Liuxiang was here. But it doesn’t hurt I suppose,” I said, and watching Su Lin looked at me confused.

“I think I can help your brother Zhang.”


Herbs turned to paste, being ground as their essence merged with Qi, turning into a smooth salve. Liuxiang continued to add more herbs, referring to the scripture describing the right blend of poison qi to incapicitate, but not kill.

Zhi Zhu walked nearby, her feet checking the herbs and tables as she threaded silk from her Qi, working on the formation Liuxiang had been preparing.

“Is Liuxiang going to Lu Jie?” Zhi Zhu asked, not looking towards him as she did.

“Yes. The prospect amuses this one, and helping Senior on a task allows this one to gain a greater insight into Senior’s cultivation as well,” Liuxiang spoke as he continued to work on the salve.

“Is it truly that fascinating? Zhi Zhu can’t sense anything that special about his cultivation. It is just like any other human. Weaker than others. Zhi Zhu finds it distasteful. He can’t keep his spirit in control either.”

Liuxiang chided Zhi Zhu mentally, even as a quiet laugh broke through his mouth at Zhi Zhu’s words. It was rare for her to have such strong opinions on anything and the sight amused him quite a bit.

“It is a subtle thing. But the removal of miasma is no minor feat. Especially with a non impressive Qi amount. And Senior is still a bit higher than this one in cultivation. Respect is due, regardless of strength.”

“Only Liuxiang thinks that,” Zhi Zhu replied and Liuxiang felt slightly bitter at the words. Her words resembled his mother’s.

“Zhi Zhu apologises-”

“It’s alright,” He cut her off, focusing on the salve. The letter by Lu Jie had piqued his interest and the solution to the crippling, even stranger. He didn’t know what the spirit anchor referred to, but he intended to find out soon.

“Let us head on then,” Liuxiang spoke as Zhi Zhu acknowledged his words, finishing the formation she’d been working on before she dematerialised into his dantian.

Liuxiang took a moment to change attire, before heading out of the sect halls. He found respite to not be back at the Yi clan. The disciples around him still glanced and whispered, few wishing to approach one such as him. Those of the Yi didn’t form bonds with their peers easily. The serpentine features didn’t aid him much either.

“Short sighted humans that fail to see beyond the prestige of clan rank and favour,” Zhi Zhu replied, sensing his thoughts.

Liuxiang didn’t reply, though quietly, he agreed with her assessment. It had been another reason why he’d found Lu Jie so interesting. His curiosity in Liuxiang had been obvious yet the boy lacked the fear of the Yi, or his unnatural features. Even Liuxiang’s poison aura seemed to hold little effect.

“He’s just too dumb to notice,” Zhu Zhi spoke and Liuxiang chided her again, even as another quiet laughter escaped his mouth.

He walked, taking note of the direction Lu Jie had given him as he made his way towards the quiet and secluded grove he’d been told about. Liuxiang soon sensed Lu Jie’s presence nearby, alongside the other boy that he had mentioned.

He walked further, entering the grove as he noticed the two of them talking.

“Ah, Liuxiang. Thanks for coming. This is Su Lin, and uhh. He’s the one whose brother I was talking about,” Lu Jie spoke with a smile as Liuxiang walked in. A quick glance showed Su Lin to be at the peak of the second realm.

“This one greets Senior,” Liuxiang spoke, dipping his head lightly. “Su Lin,” he added, nodding as the boy nodded back.

He could sense Su Lin’s suspicion, mixed with the quiet hints of fear whenever his aura touched the other boy’s. Not like Lu Jie, this one.

“Will the person in question be arriving here?” Liuxiang asked, and Lu Jie stared at him for a while.

“Ah… I totally forgot to mention that, didn't I? We’ll have to go to Seventh Peak city for it. The guy can’t walk here, and well, there’s circumstances. I really should’ve told you about it, sorry about that,” Lu Jie spoke and Liuxiang calmly regarded him for a moment.

“It is not a concern. This one just hadn’t expected to be visiting the city.”

“Yeah, my bad. Is it alright with you?” Lu Jie asked.

“This one is fine with it.”

“Well, in that case, let’s just go then?” Lu Jie spoke, as the rat on his shoulder crackled lightly with thunder. Liuxiang noted the spirit was in the 2nd realm now, lunar Qi mixed in with thunder radiating from the spirit rat. Intriguing.

Nodding, Liuxiang turned around, listening to Zhi Zhu grumble at the lack of discipline with muffled laughter, imperceptible to the other two. It would be an interesting trip.


I stared at Su Lin and Liuxiang oddly, before I began to lead the way ahead. Guess I was the de facto leader of this group for now.

I was about to walk out of the grove when I sensed a familiar presence heading towards me. Lightning surged, thunder Qi coursing and radiating as the familiar aura of Yan Yun headed towards us.

I stared at Yan Yun heading in our direction, the expression on her face not hostile, but there was an edge to it. As if she was about to snap in two. And while I was glad the anger wasn’t directed my way, I still wasn't pleased to see her heading towards me like that.

I stared at Yan Yun, as she paused, looking at the three of us in confusion. I had expected her to avoid me after the misunderstanding and with the way things had gone, but it seemed not. I just hoped she wasn’t looking for revenge.

“Lu Jie,” Yan Yun said. “I need to talk to you.”

I felt her aura flare as lightning crackled around her. There was an edge to it, as her aura touched mine. I gulped, nodding, when I heard Sheldon wiggle in my arms and jump off.

“Chirp!” the little guy exclaimed and I started in surprise. The next moment my feet seemed to lose cohesion as Sheldon’s presence descended like a crashing mountain upon all of us. The presence wasn’t even aimed at me, but I sensed its strength.

A pool of water rose in front of him as it swirled and I shouted. “She’s not an enemy!”

A large tidal wave splashed all around us, and I was pushed off my feet and onto the ground soaking wet.

“Chirp!” Sheldon chirped once more, as I stared at a now, completely drenched Yan Yun staring blankly at Sheldon. Whatever anger she’d had seemed to have vanished with the water leaving only muted surprise.

Sheldon walked back towards me, climbing up legs and I found myself breaking out in laughter. Soon quietly followed by Su Lin. My gaze looked around the ridiculous scene of four cultivators lying flat on the ground drenched in water by a tiny turtle and something about it tickled my funny bones.

I turned to look at Liuxiang, to see if he was alright, when I stopped. Liuxiang stared at me, before looking down as the realisation dawned on him- her and I quickly averted my gaze. My heartbeat rose for a moment, and I cursed internally.

How the hell did I get a person’s gender wrong again?!

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