The Laws of Cultivation: Qi = MC^2

Chapter 51: Sharing a Path

Chapter 51: Sharing a Path

I let out a breath, cutting my cultivation short. Time seemed to fly by when I cultivated, as I get lost in the sensation of cycling my Qi over and over, growing in strength with each step. I could feel Lu Jie’s emotions passing through and mixing into mine. His relief, his joy, as if the shackles he’d been born with all his life had been removed.

I couldn’t help but smile at that.

There was still a lot that I needed to think over. The fact that one of my cores now contained a force associated with demons - which thankfully I could hide - and that I… was at least partially Lu Jie. At least, I think I was. I wasn’t entirely sure what I was.

Was I just a soul who’d moved on to this world and hitched along for a ride in a guy’s body? Like some kind of soul parasite? The idea was a bit creepy, but not completely undeniable. Or perhaps when my soul had been sent here, it had gotten merged with Lu Jie’s creating the two of us.

Regardless of what I may be. I still felt a bit bad about taking over Lu Jie’s body. I knew I couldn’t give it up, I liked being alive, in the life I was leading for a few months a lot. But perhaps I could create a new body for Lu Jie if I cultivated more? I recalled cultivation having something like nascent soul or soul splitting, and I didn’t see why I couldn’t have something like that form a body for Lu Jie to live in.

A shudder went through my chest as I felt an odd sense of desire rise from within. Perhaps that was an agreement on Lu Jie’s part.

Guess I couldn’t let myself stagnate and get lost in doing silly science before I reached that point. I almost felt as if things were all very coincidentally working against me to get me to cultivate further one way or another.

Is this what those cultivation novel protagonists had to deal with all the time? If so, then I felt at least some measure of pity for them. Life was tough in these worlds.

I got up from the spot I’d sat to meditate in, stretching my limbs a tad, as I inspected my core one last time, before I walked out of the room.

Yan Yun had already left a while back, although I didn’t know when exactly as I’d been fairly deep in cultivation. I also noted the distinct lack of Labby inside my dantian, or Sheldon. I could sense them nearby at the very least so I felt at ease.

I glanced around at the house, noting Cao Chen walking past nearby, carrying a bag of herbs.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Where’s everyone?” I asked the boy as he hauled the heavy looking bag.

“The pale guy and Granny Lang are inspecting brother Zhang’s health. While also studying him. The pretty girl and your spirits are there too,” the boy said, and I nodded, walking ahead.

I followed the smell of the herbs, as I walked inside the chamber. The sight of a half naked guy with needles poked into every inch of his body greeted me. Combined with the old woman sitting nearby as she kept sorting through herbs and a snake like androgyous guy - I still wasn’t sure what to think of Liuxiang, so it was default to current Qi status as guy for now - sat with a frown on their faces.

I saw Zhang’s eyes widen as he noticed me, trying to get up and I gestured for him to remain seated. Oh wow, that came naturally, almost felt as if I was some kind of great benefactor or something.

I walked to the side, going next to Su Lin to stand.

“Great Master!” Labby exclaimed, as she jumped off the bed and ran to me, climbing my leg and on to my shoulder. Sheldon chirped in greeting as well, but remained content on his perch near the windowsill, basking in the sun.

Gently I nuzzled Labby’s head, petting her soft furry little head as she squeaked happily, and I felt content with life once more.

I’d been concerned when I hadn’t heard Labby talk too much, and honestly, I could see why she’d need some time. I’d cut her off right as my spirit had been torn. I can only imagine how scared she must’ve been.

I pet her head even harder, feeling a bit guilty.

“I’m sorry Labby. For cutting you off like that. You must’ve been scared.”

I saw Labby flick her ears, as lightning crackled around her in purple sparks for a moment. The little crescent on her forehead lit up for a moment as Labby squeaked.

“Labby understands, Great Master. Labby is weak, and the great master wished to protect her. Labby was scared, but Labby has also understood. She was powerless, and the Great Master was kind to protect her,” Labby spoke, in the quietest voice I’d ever felt Labby speak in. She’d always been a ball of energy raring to go and to hear her voice dim made my heart squeeze.

“You don’t have to think about any of that. You’re still a kid. You call me your Master, don’t you Labby? In that case, what kind of Master would I be, if I let you get hurt?” I sent back, as Labby nuzzled against my face, her sparks tingling my skin.

“Come here boy,” Granny Lang said, waving at me. I looked at Su Lin for a moment, who nodded quietly. The boy had been oddly quiet for a while now.

I put the thought aside, walking closer.

“Do you have any idea what you have done?” Granny Lang said, looking at me with squinting eyes and I paused. Had I fucked up somehow?

“Uhh… no?” I replied, looking hesitantly at Zhang.

“That makes the three of us then, because heavens take me if I’ve ever seen this in the seventh celestial peak before. Did your mother or father ever mention meeting one of nature's spirits from the west?”

I blinked blankly, staring at the old woman. Was she implying that Lu Jie’s parents…

“I… don’t think so,” I replied honestly. I only vaguely remembered his childhood, and nothing mentioning any nature spirits seemed to have come up so far.

“This one thinks it is Senior’s strange cultivation technique,” Liuxiang spoke up, taking out a needle from Zhang’s back.

“Zhang, can you control the Qi within your core?” Granny Lang asked.

Zhang nodded along, taking a deep breath as he closed his eyes. A few minutes passed in silence, before I caught on to the trickle of Qi coursing through his pathway. It was the Qi of the lotus that I’d planted within his core, although oddly enough, it wasn’t Lunar Qi but something else entirely.

“I can,” Zhang spoke, nodding.

I felt a bit amused at hearing his voice, which was unexpectedly deeper for someone who looked so skinny. I was already beginning to spot some muscle definition starting to fill out his body as he regained his Qi, even in a single day’s time.

“The boy’s core is in shambles, and he cannot cultivate. Yet, his Qi remains still in his core, and gathers at his will. His cultivation base is lowered, near the tail end of the third realm, but perhaps it may recover,” Granny Lang said, as I saw her light some herbs on fire in a smoking pipe. The old woman turned to look at me.

“I don’t know what the old fool is trying to raise here. If you even are his working, instead of something of your own. But, while you couldn’t return his future, you have returned what had been taken away, and provided him with a new one,” Granny said, and I turned to look at Zhang, who sat with his head dipped.

“Well, can’t say I plan to give up on completely fixing him either. And I have a lot to study within his core and how my impromptu fix is working as well. So, I’ll be seeing you around Zhang,” I said, grinning as the boy looked up, and I noted his eyes glistening.

Damn dude, if you cry I may cry too just because. I’m an emotional guy.

“I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me, Lu Jie,” he bowed, and thankfully left it at that.

I nodded, wondering if I should use this opportunity to inspect and play around in Zhang’s core. It was tempting, but I decided to let it be. I’d gone through quite a bit recently, and so had the guy. I’d come back eventually, when he was healthier to take a look.

The Granny got up, carrying her pack of herbs. “I’ll leave you kids to it. I’ve got a shop to run,” the old woman said, leaving a plume of herbs and smoke behind her as she walked.

I looked around the room, at Labby, Sheldon, Liuxiang, Yan Yun, Su Lin and Zhang. Before I'd realised it, I’d managed to get to know a lot of people, despite my best effort to run away from the sect and stay as far as I possibly could.

I smiled, amused at the thought of how I would have reacted at seeing so many red flags of death standing all around me and ran as far away as I could’ve.

“I think we still have some time before we need to return to the sect?” I asked, receiving a nod from Liuxiang.

“Very well then. I assume you guys have questions about everything that has happened. Honestly? I have them too. A lot of them. Finding the answers to them is my entire Path,” I said, looking around the room at the various people present in it.

“And very recently, I’ve found something that’s holding me back from walking that Path. It’s why, I plan to bring all of you alongside me, on this Path, on a Path of knowledge and understanding, if you’d be willing to listen” I said, once again taking a look around at the various faces greeting me.

“Labby will follow the Master anywhere!” Labby exclaimed and I laughed. I noted the nods around the room.

“Very well. Since I’d promised to teach a few things on electricity as well, I believe it is time that I held my very first science class here,” I said, as I felt excitement bubbling forth. The heavens may try to stop me again, but like hell I was going to let that stop me. With a grin covering my face I announced my Path.

“Welcome to the Path of Science.”

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