The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 101 Surprise And Changes I

-- POV Freya --

The meal in the garden had gone divinely well despite my little vocabulary mistake that had obviously made everyone laugh. Gaya had gone for a nap with Shiro and I was alone in the middle of my private training ground.

*Yosh ! It's finally time to find out about all these new updates to the system. I have some time before I have to order the party preparation*

I had indeed decided that the Empire would hold some sort of big festival in town to welcome the newcomers, meet them and allow everyone to relax. On the other hand, only my family knew about Gaya's pregnancy and I also wanted to use this moment to officially announce it to our citizens.

[It shouldn't take too long. Why don't you start with your attribute points ? You always do it this way]

*It's true. I currently have 450, which is a lot. Let's start with that*


Strength: 425 > 500

Defense: 421 > 500

Agility: 435 > 506

Stamina: 428 > 503

Speed: 427 > 502

Intelligence: 425 > 500


Still following the usual pattern, I distributed my attribute points almost equally. Thus, the number had risen to 500 almost everywhere except for the charisma, which was blocked at 410 and which I could not change. While I expected to feel some changes, nothing happened and an unexpected notification rang in my head.

-- PING --

[ The number for each of your attributes has exceeded 500 points. So 90 extra points are added to "Charisma" ]

I had barely finished reading the message when my body finally began to change. Unlike the other times, I took my original form without being able to control what was happening, tearing my clothes. My fur was bristling, hard as steel and a ferocious growl came out of my mouth unconsciously. A powerful light, this time white and black, enveloped me as I felt my body grow ever larger. My horns, my hair were growing, my fangs were getting longer and I could feel my face changing. My paws were getting bigger, my claws were getting sharper and my tail was thicker than before.


Unlike the last time I didn't feel much change in my attributes, but maybe that was due to my current form. My growling had stopped and as I slowly regained control of my body, a notification rang in my mind.

-- PING --

[ Congratulations ! You have just partially evolved, having reached more than half of the levels necessary for full evolution and surpassed 500 points in your attributes ]

[ Your race : Major Demon becomes a unique race given by the system : Imperial Demon ]

I couldn't quite figure it out, but I was indeed at level 36 out of 70, which must have triggered the phenomenon. I was dizzy, my head was spinning and I couldn't handle my new body. I had grown and was now about 4 meters tall, so my center of gravity was not the same. As I lay down to calm my body, Kira's voice came again.

[It seems that you have reached a stage where some kind of small evolution outside of your race is happening. Your charisma has evolved so you should also have changed slightly physically]

*Uurg it shook me up ! It was unexpected and obviously the damn system couldn't even prevent a little tsk*

I criticized the system but deep down I was happy that I could evolve even partially. Evolution meant power and I never had enough to protect my Empire and my family. As I rose to my feet in my wolf form, the hard earthen floor cracked as I felt an immense force tingle through my body.

*It''s still nice but far from practical. Note to myself, always do the changes outside !*

I wanted to get back into my human form to check my other changes, so creating ice walls around me as usual, I quickly got dressed. Several changes immediately stood out to me as I began to inspect my naked body out of sight. I hadn't grown, but my hair was now almost up to my knees, which wasn't practical at all. My pink skin had lightened slightly and I could feel my horns which were also larger in this form too.

*I don't have a mirror but I'm curious to know what changed on my face*

There must have been something more because I did feel a tingling under my eyes as if marks had suddenly appeared.

[I can't help you with that but I have to admit I'm just as intrigued !]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As I nodded my head slowly, I quickly put on my change of clothes.

*It would be nice if I could find a way to not rip my clothes every time I transform. Tsk, that's really not practical...*

I had finally finished getting dressed and it was time to review the notifications I had received last night. The first were about the skills that had gone up in level without changing and there were three of them.

[ Pain Resistance skill went up to level 4 ]

[ The skill Bite of Hell has gone up to level 6 ]

[ Ice Creation skill increased to level 6 ]

The increase in Pain Resistance and Bite of Hell could be explained by the fact that I had used my wolf form for the first time in a while. I had also been wounded by Sarah in the belly and although quickly healed, my resistance had increased again.

*I guess it's good not to forget sometimes that you're not totally invincible*

[That's true ! Anyway, your Ice Creation skill has gone up to level 6, but I don't think there's anything that changes. That's because of the Mana Detection skill evolution, I think you can continue without dwelling on those three too much]

I was still in the middle of my now cracked training ground as I scrolled through the other notifications that remained to be checked. There weren't many as most of them were about my leveling up but they were all welcome.

[ Frozen Wrath skill is now level 2 ]

I had first unlocked it when my anger had overtaken me in Yarlford Manor and I had no control over it. At least for the moment, because the fact that it was now level 2 meant that I was slowly getting the hang of it.

*When I killed Sarah and John, I didn't activate my Frozen Wrath domain but it's true that at one point I almost did. I felt a shockwave go through me and if I hadn't suppressed it, they would have died impaled on ice spikes*

This skill was linked to another passive I also possessed: "natural aura of the Ice Empress" which represented my anger gauge. Last night when I had heard John insulting Gaya and Shiro or when I had announced the sins of these two humans, this gauge had almost exploded.

[What helped you control yourself at that time ?]

*My desire to kill them in pain and desperation. I'm sure that where they are now, their souls are still suffering*

That overwhelming urge to make them pay had been the only reason I repressed that explosion inside me. I had not wanted to give them this opportunity because none of them deserved it in my eyes. At that moment, only suffering and death was their way out, leading directly to Hell.

[Mmh I see. After all it's a way like any other to calm down haha~ Anyway ! Onee-san continue, I think you're getting to important notifications]

*Hai hai~*

[ The skill Detecting mana has evolved to Detection and control of mana ]

[ Detection and control of man skill upgraded to level 5 (new information available) ]

The morning after my wedding, I unlocked this skill for the first time by sensing the mana around me. It was very handy because I could create anything, the only barrier being my imagination.

*I wonder what changed this time. Kira, can you please open the details of the skill ?*

[Hehe~ right away onee-san !]

[ Detection and control of mana - a skill that allows you to sense and see the mana around you. As the level increases, you will develop a great deal of control over your surroundings. Thanks to your "ice creation" skill that allows you to use the mana around you, you can now control your creations to perfection and make them move ]

*Huh ?*

I didn't expect such a thing at all. The system talked about controlling my creations to perfection, but what did he mean by that ? I had to try. As I was about to create something, Kira's voice echoed in my mind.

[Onee-san is great ! It's a kind of combination of your "Ice Creation" and your "Mana Detection". All the things you create can move without using MP. It's different from your attack and defense skills because the ambient mana is still used but it's more than amazing ! ]

I couldn't really understand. Didn't my ice skills move already ? It was easy for me to direct my ice spikes, it was instinctive and innate to all elemental users with ranged attacks. Kira seemed particularly amazed as I sat on the ground to test this new ability.

*Let's see...something that can move ?*

My first idea was to create a stick and put it on the ground. I had to concentrate to make it move and as I stared at it intensely, it went to plant itself in a surrounding tree destroying it instantly.

[No no onee-san not like that ! You can direct your creation but what you are doing is not making it move. Will you allow me to show you ?]

*Of course*

My little sister could use my skills just like me because we didn't share the same soul but the same body and mind. She had become silent because her mastery required a lot of concentration due to the fact that she didn't practice often. As I waited patiently, a small ice snake appeared on the ground before me.


[Shhh !]


Kira was focused and for the first time she was the serious one. After a few more seconds of waiting, I could finally see the little ice snake undulate and then move and advance like a real one. Before my eyes the ice had come to life and I was fascinated by what I saw, unable to turn my head away. Suddenly, the snake disappeared while my little sister spoke again.

[Fiuu here ! Now you can move your creations and almost give them life. I say almost because the second your mind goes blank, the effect stops automatically. I have a hard time doing it intuitively, but you should be able to move a lot of things with your experience and intelligence without too much trouble]

*It's crazy !*

[See I told you so hehe~]

What Kira had shown me and explained to me was totally amazing and once again opened a door to many possibilities. I was able to give movement to my ice and without further ado I closed my eyes to concentrate. I imagined a small bird in my hand before I felt the mana form smoothly. As I opened my eyes, what I had imagined in my mind was now in the palm of my hand.

*So far so good*

Now I had to try to animate it as Kira had shown me.

[Concentrate. Just like when you created it, imagine it moving and coming to life little by little in your mind]

My little sister helped me, encouraged me and suddenly the ice bird started to flap its wings, at first with difficulty, then better and better, and finally started to fly around me. He was very small so as time went by, he looked like a normal and happy bird. He didn't make a sound but the way he moved, his gestures and his behavior was perfect.


[Thanks to your intelligence, your mind automatically links what you know about the animal to reproduce perfect movements on your own. I think this is what the system meant by controlling your creations with perfection]

*Which means that without my current intelligence points, I wouldn't even be able to do this without mentally exhausting myself*


As I was thinking while making the bird disappear, another incredible idea popped into my head. I didn't know if it would work but it was worth a try. So I stood up still in the middle of the training ground with haste and excitement.

*Kira, is it possible to make ice appear from my body ?*

[I... I don't know but theoretically it should be possible. If you use the ambient mana and mix it with your own, I think you should be able to manipulate it that way. Why ?]

*You'll see*

As I closed my eyes once again after taking a deep breath, I concentrated. I entered a state of maximum concentration using all my senses to achieve my goal. I could feel the mana around me moving, I could feel the mana in my body resonating with it as I imagined with the most precision what I wanted.

[I don't understand, what do you want to...]

This had been going on for several minutes and Kira was getting impatient. She didn't have time to finish her sentence when suddenly what I had been trying to achieve materialized. In my back, two huge light blue almost white wings appeared as I slowly opened my eyes. These wings were made of ice but contrary to appearances they were not heavy at all and even rather light. They stretched proudly behind my back, powerful, graceful almost worthy of an angel that I was far from being. The feeling of excitement kept building as I heard my little sister almost screaming.

[Wings !]

*Kira, I did it*



Name : Freya

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp needed for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength : 500

Defense : 500

Agility : 506

Endurance : 503

Speed : 502

Intelligence : 500

Charisma : 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to: Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates : 389

Humans killed : 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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