The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 107 The Secrets Of Empress Freya

-- POV General --

In the great throne room of the Imperial mansion, stood all the Commanders, their Lieutenants and section Leaders. They had been gathered at the request of the Empress of Elysium who had chosen to tell them some of her secrets. The large carpet on the floor leading to her seat was black and embroidered with golden threads, the many pillars were still adorned with the flags of the Empire and everyone was waiting.

The ones closest to the throne were obviously Nixia, Naïa, Emilia, Thorunn, Ralph, Caipy, Luna, Trioa, Persea and Ynir. The Chaos Commanders wore their official clothes of a deep black whose cape bore the symbol of each one. The outfits had been arranged according to the tastes and so Persea, Ynir and Naïa were the only ones to wear black skirts.

Behind these 10 women, there were the different section Leaders on the right of the carpet : Irrena who was the chief cook of the mansion and of the Empress, Taegen who was in charge of everything concerning the craft industry, Viana the mother of Naïa who was in charge of the orphanage and the school. On the left there were the Leaders of the buildings, the minotaurs Tan, Kar and the two centaurs named Eurytion and Naghel. Those who were responsible for the crops, fields and livestock were also present, there was the rabbit woman Kayla and the elf Ylindros.

Finally, Wol the white wolf whose pack had settled at the entrance and was now acting as a guard. The Leader of the pack represented a bit of a police force in the city as they were hunting less and less, as the Empire was starting to produce what was needed. Yuric the Leader of the blacksmiths was there too and was even standing next to Triss and Lia who had recovered from their emotions and were apprehensive about Freya's arrival.

Finally, behind this row of Commanders and section Leaders, there were the last ones, the Army Lieutenants. They were not in decision-making positions, so they were placed at the back, but that didn't stop them from being proud to be here. Even though they had all met the she-wolf before, the rumor of a change in her had reached their ears and the Lieutenants were all eager to understand. On the right were the elf Kurumi from Nixia and Naia's section, Liz the half-tiger woman from Ralph's section, Zak the red-coated bear from Emilia's section and Leon the Kobold from Thorunn's section. To the left of the carpet were the Lieutenants of Commanders Luna, Ynir and Persea, Caipy and Trioa : Ash the half-leopard man, Itham the elf, Nina the dryad and Nella the little harpy with pigtails.

"Her Highness, Empress Freya of the Elysium Empire !"

It was in this solemn and tense atmosphere that suddenly the door to the room opened. One of the soldiers with an armband bearing the symbol of a dark blue sword had finally announced the arrival of the one they had all been waiting for. No one had spoken since they were in the room and as the backs straightened, the Empress entered the throne room.

"We greet her Highness !"

Everyone's voice echoed in the great hall as Freya walked forward as always in silence. Her heels clicked on the floor, she had her face covered to the surprise of her subordinates and walked with a quick, determined step. No one moved, no one dared to speak and everyone watched the young woman arrive in front of her throne with the same admiration. The sunlight streaming through the windows seemed to shine only for her as Freya walked with unmatched grace and confidence. Her long black hair fluttered in rhythm with her cloak and even with her face covered, those in the room were mesmerized.

"So !"

The Empress had reached her throne of black stone and ice and with a single word brought her subordinates out of their trances. As everyone slowly came back to reality, Freya turned around fluttering her cloak gracefully before sitting down and crossing her legs as usual. At that moment, everyone knelt down as they were in the presence of the Empress of Elysium in the throne room. The she-wolf then was speaking, looking at them intensely with satisfied and proud eyes.

"Stand up !"

The Commanders, section Leaders and Lieutenants stood up as one as two half-humans dared to speak. They were Lia, the half-human rabbit, and Triss, the half-human cat, who had passed out the day before in Freya's arms. With a nod, the she-wolf agreed to hear them, knowing full well what the two young women would talk about. They were terribly ashamed and both tried to utter appropriate excuses.

"Empress ! I...I apologize for my disrespectful behavior it's...please forgive me and...accept my thanks !"

" too your Highness ! I shouldn't was so disrespectful. A..Also, thank you for...for protecting us..."

The two young women trembled and did not even dare to look up at the she-wolf out of shame and fear. Seconds passed and the leader of Elysium still did not answer while everyone began to dread her words. Just as the two young female butlers were about to fall to their knees completely, Freya's powerful voice finally rang out.

"Lia, Triss.."

Upon hearing their names, the two concerned closed their eyes instinctively, trembling and waiting in fear for the next words. They knew full well that the Empress was different from other human leaders and would not harm them, but her presence prevented anyone from thinking rationally.

"...I salute your courage and determination for daring to step forward and apologize. Raise your heads because in my eyes you are not guilty. I know for a fact that the changes on my face may have surprised you and I would not blame anyone for such a simple and trivial reason."

As Triss and Lia slowly lifted their heads, their eyes shone with a relieved, gratitude-filled glow. The others in the room seemed a bit lost because although aware of the situation, no one other than the two young female butlers had yet seen the Empress' face. Without further ado, after finishing her sentence, Freya stood up before speaking again.

"I see you all have a lot of questions, but first let me remove my mask"

With a snap of her finger, the ice that covered the entire face of the she-wolf disappeared to reveal her beauty. At this moment, her subordinates, who until then had remained silent, almost all began to agitate in a deafening hubbub. Some of them did not move as if sucked in by her face, while others had difficulty standing.

"This is..."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

" is this-possible ?"


Everyone was going through different and intense emotions like shock, fear, awe and respect. Hearts had started to beat intensely, breaths were cut off, faces were blushing and everyone was making a difficult effort not to let themselves fall. The powerful, striking and frightening imperial presence of the Empress was known to all, but at this moment it seemed to be multiplied tenfold.

Freya's new horns and the tattoos she now had under her eyes made her even more imposing and worthy of respect. Everyone could not believe how beautiful the Empress had become, how incomparably beautiful, how legendary and divine. At that moment everyone agreed on at least one thing, before them stood the most terrifying and beautiful woman in this world.

The souls were bewitched, the minds almost extinguished and the eyes unable to believe and understand what they were seeing. The Commanders, section Leaders and Lieutenants were shivering uncontrollably and in this great throne room, time had stopped. After giving everyone time to calm down, Freya, who was still standing, spoke again with her deep voice almost devoid of emotion.

"If I have gathered you here today, it is to tell you about myself and the many secrets I have kept from you. There are many things I must tell you that are of the utmost importance !"

At these words, although still stunned, everyone straightened up to listen. Thus began the Empress's long tale.


For several hours Freya had told her story to those who listened attentively. She hadn't mentioned the other world she came from, but she had mentioned absolutely everything else, her meeting with Titania, her unique race and course granting her two elements, her system, and of course her little sister Kira.

The Commanders, section Leaders, and Lieutenants were sitting in ice chairs and none of them were talking. Everyone had been caught up in the Empress' story and no one had the words to describe the state of their minds. The more she spoke, the more people listened and the less they could believe what Freya had experienced before she met them all.

The afternoon was already here and the time for questions had arrived, but before that the she-wolf wanted to do something important. As she used her telepathy skill with her Empire menu, a voice that no one had heard so far echoed in everyone's heads.

[Well huh...hello everyone. name is...Kira and I am the little sister of onee-s...Empress Freya. En...enchanted !]

Kira unlike usual was shy and her voice was slightly hesitant and soft. The she-wolf had said absolutely everything so no one was unaware of who that voice belonged to and as the little sister finished her sentence, everyone got back on their knees.

"We are all happy to meet the little sister of our Great Empress and we also swear our undying loyalty to you ! We salute you Kira-sama !"

[Kira-sama ? can just call me Kira...thank you for your kindness]

Introductions were made and Freya's heart was released from a weight that had been weighing on her for a while. Her little sister who had been with her since the beginning had finally been the last to be introduced. The she-wolf felt bad about it and even though Kira understood that her situation was special and didn't blame her, the older sister felt guilty.

"Good ! Now that you have listened to my story, exceptionally today those who want to ask me questions you are free to do so !"

At the end of her sentence, the first person to raise his hand was Yuric the dwarf, the Leader blacksmith. With a nod of her head, Freya gave him the floor.

"Your..your Highness, would the statue in the town square represent the Goddess Titania ? I..I know it's not the most important thing but from what you said..she..she would be the reason you were born here."

"Well yes. It is indeed the Goddess Titania who gave birth to me in this world with the powers I possess and the system. I wanted to dedicate a place to her and that's why her statue is in the center of our Empire."

As she finished her sentence, Naïa the little fire vixen raised her hand just as Yuric had done earlier before she spoke.

"Empress, when you speak of a system, would that be some sort of...magic ? I can't really understand it. I...I know you talked about us being connected to it too but...I don't feel anything."

This concept was difficult for them to understand and the young half-human had asked the question that was burning on everyone's lips. Freya was well aware of this, so she tried to be as clear as possible in her answer.

"It's quite complicated to explain, I must admit that even for me at the moment there are many things I don't understand yet. However, if I were to explain it to you I would say that it is more of a more enhanced version of what you see in your field of vision. In this world you can all see your life, your levels and your skills in the corner of your vision...well imagine it is the same thing but more detailed. Everything I do, my levels, my skills, my titles, and everyone else who links to me is listed there. If you don't feel anything it's absolutely normal, it links you to me but doesn't change your being like it does for me."

"A...kind of...a kind of progress journal allowing you to manage your body, mind and life ?"


The more questions were asked, the more people in the room began to understand and admire their Empress all the more. Freya had thought that there would be people perhaps disgruntled feeling betrayed but in the end no one had any such thoughts. Everyone greeted the she-wolf's story with respect, curiosity, admiration and kindness. The different races present were all smiling and feeling both proud and honored to have been the first to learn about the one they saw almost as a Goddess.

"So you came into the world to help us...I...I can't believe you're not even one year old your Highness"

As Nixia spoke this sentence, all the other Commanders nodded their heads, amused and agreeing with these words. After all, it was true that the Empress was the youngest in the Empire and it had been hard to understand at first because her evolution had been so monstrous.

"Well yes, that said I have experience and in no way does my age define my power"

"Of course not your Highness, and you have already proved that to us many times !"

Ralph had bowed and her single gesture triggered many more similar ones. The half-humans who were present in the throne room in front of the Empress had stood up and bowed to show her that her story had changed absolutely nothing in their hearts. There were still a few questions left but everyone understood her story and how unique the Empress was.

It was already afternoon, the sun was still shining brightly and the secrets of Empress Freya had finally been revealed.



Name : Freya

Age: 0 years / Mentally: 25 years

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp needed for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength : 500

Defense : 500

Agility : 506

Endurance : 503

Speed : 502

Intelligence : 500

Charisma : 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to: Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates : 389

Humans killed : 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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