The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 111 Money And Beginning [Elysium Festival - Part I]

-- POV Freya --

Tonight was to be the first ever festival of the Empire, the Elysium Festival. It was already afternoon and I was alone with Lia in my office. While everyone else was working quickly and efficiently, I was discussing the issue of currency with Kira.

*For the festival it will be too late but while we're exploring I'd like Gaya to help those who want to open a business*

[Indeed, you've had these requests for a while, but with so much going on it's hard to find the time to deal with it. Now that the others are taking care of the festival, you have some time on your hands]

My little sister was right, I had already thought about what I wanted to do but I had never really taken a moment to formalize our currency. Gaya was busy with preparations and Shiro was at school with Kate and her friends and seemed to be preparing a little show for tonight. Lia was still with me sorting out papers on the small desk further back in the room.

[I think you said you'd like the Empire's money to be used only to facilitate trade, didn't you ?]

*Exactly. I have no intention of repeating the same mistakes as others. I don't want Elysium to be ruled by money, let alone create inequality. It is an irreplaceable tool for exchanges and transactions and money also has a social liberates but it corrupts and alienates*

All over the world and even in my other life, money was the source of many problems for me. Money brought greed, selfishness, theft, inequality, poverty and many other bad things. Where there were privileged people, there was also suffering because money changed minds and darkened hearts. Yet it was not the only engine of a society, but I knew only too well that in my old world, happiness was translated into consumption in a narcissistic society.

In fact, money was our identity in a market society. The important thing in life was money, which allowed us to buy consumer goods that would make us want to buy them. You could then enjoy your consumer superiority by bragging about your car or your latest computer. I wanted to avoid all that.

[I understand onee-san, but how do you plan to do it ? It's not that simple. How can you know for sure that the same pattern won't happen here too in time ?]

*I just don't know. I could never control the citizens of the Empire and I don't want to, but it's true that I could never be sure of anything. Depending on how money is used, it can become the worst poison. So everything must be available to everyone and as I told you before, everyone must be able to get the same things I can*

Trade would be facilitated, but under no circumstances would one citizen be able to boast of possessing something that another could not. The more I thought about it, the harder it was to imagine even one person in the Empire doing that. Of course I didn't know everyone, and it would be foolish to state with certainty that everyone was nice, but still.

*Ultimately, I think it's because of everything everyone's been through that we'll be able to create a great place*

[After the night comes the day, right ?]


Even though the heart and mind were elusive and different concepts in everyone, in Elysium we shared at least one thing. The fact that we had suffered or lost everything and knew what it was like to be at the bottom of the world with no prospect of happiness. I knew better than anyone that people could change, but this pain we had all experienced would become our strength and fuel our will to do better.

As I smiled, I continued.

*To answer your previous question Kira, I had thought of making ice coins with my mastery of ambient mana. It avoids being able to get them from somewhere other than me and this way I could control the production*

[It's a good idea, it's quite quick and easy to make even in large quantities. I think that ice would represent the Empire more than those common gold coins that drive humans crazy. We should distribute them little by little and define their basic value]

*Fairly, I think I'd need different opinions for that, I'm not the best person for that*

I'd only been in this world a short time, and while the Empire wasn't going to match human prices, I couldn't decide that alone. Looking up at Lia who was concentrating, I raised my voice to ask her opinion.

"Lia ?"

"Y-yes your Highness ? Do you need me for anything ?"

The half-human bunny had her ears drooping a bit and as I was about to reply, Kira's voice echoed in my mind.

[Do you think it would be inappropriate for me to touch her ears one day ? They look so...soft.]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

*Sigh, Kira you're lucky that telepathy isn't activated and then you should be careful ! Oi ! I'm not looking for a way to get you to join us so you can turn into a weird stalker kufufu~*

[Hmfp yeah yeah pffhaha~]

Lia waited with a questioning face as I finally answered her. I had only chatted with my little sister for a few seconds but it was enough to disturb the young woman.

"Um...excuse me I was responding to Kira. I wanted to get your opinion on something regarding the money. I plan to create a currency to facilitate trade. What is your opinion on how to distribute it ?"

"I...maybe it would be wise to...distribute it at the festival. I...I don't know if it's a good idea but since everyone will be there isn't that the best time ?"

The whole Empire was to meet tonight indeed, and with my idea of dealing with the strongest in the army afterwards, the opportunity was indeed good. However, if we were to make this possible, it meant that I had to plan now for the number of coins given per household. It was good to have the coins, but I also had to ask my wife and the section Leaders for advice on the value of each item.

[Onee-san, I think you're torturing yourself about this. You know there's nothing stopping you from distributing the ice coins tonight and explaining to the citizens that they'll only be useful once everything is in place. While we're out exploring, I'm sure Gaya and the others can handle it in your absence. You don't always have to do everything by yourself]

*Yes, but they're already so busy and...*

[Onee-san. You won't be able to keep this up for long. You said it yourself, there will probably be a bloodier war in the future, maybe even more. Let Gaya and the others deal with it, after the festival all the newcomers will be placed and there's no rush. The most important thing is your health and the power the Empire has to counter future attacks. If you collapse, who will protect those you have sworn to protect ? On your life depends a multitude of others, including your daughter and your wife. Need I remind you that if you die, so does Gaya ? You are strong, extremely powerful, but even the fierce, imperial wolf that you are has its limits !]

My little sister's words echoed in my mind and squeezed my heart. Sometimes I felt like I was drowning in an ocean of information and had to figure it all out on my own. My body and mind were indeed stronger than normal, but the feelings of power and alertness they gave me prevented me from realizing when I was doing too much.

I had to remember that my wife's life had been tied to mine since the day I freed her from the cave. Kira was right, and she had not mentioned it, but my death would also mean hers as long as she remained inside me. I couldn't answer anything she said, and while I smiled inwardly, I couldn't help but feel proud of her.

*You're right little sister, I'll let them handle it for me while we're away. By the way, it seems that you sometimes scold me kufufu~ have I become the little sister ?*

[Hehe~ you're not perfect yet onee-san, however with me by your side you can be sure that nothing and nobody will bring us down pfffhaha~]

Kira was joking, but I was sure of it. She had helped me so much, supported me so much by always trusting me and sometimes even preventing me from becoming the heartless being I had been in my other life. Kira had become my little sister but in the end, I wondered if she wasn't the one looking out for me.

It was with a heart full of warmth, love and gratitude that I stood up, determined to stop for the day and take advantage of the time left to visit Inferno and Pearl. They were outside the manor in the Imperial stable and I knew that visiting them would calm me down until the festive evening.


-- POV General --

In the Empire of Elysium stood a tall, majestic and imposing tree in its center. It had been placed in the middle of the great square and watched over the statue of the Goddess with its protective foliage. Night had fallen and the glow of the white moon shone on this unique and magical place.

In this main place, there were many standswhere food was going to be distributed, tables and chairs everywhere. Everything was arranged to create an open space like a big stage in front of the fountain. Decorations were everywhere, on the walls of the houses, the stands, the statue and even the tree. Taegen and his team had woven beautiful banners for the occasion lining the place. Some were rainbow colored and others were white and gold.

Persea and those who mastered elements related to nature, had also decorated the place with hundreds of flowers and plants. The large square in the center of Elysium under the moonlight and greenery, looked like an elven city protected by Nature itself. Torches of fire shone with a warm light, supporting the rays of the moon and giving the place an enchanting atmosphere.

The various section Leaders were hurrying to finish the final checks as the first citizens entered the main place. All faces were smiling, eyes dreamy and minds full of wonder. No one seemed to have seen a sight as breathtaking as this one, and certainly not the newcomers who had been running away all their lives. Everything seemed so calm, so reassuring, protective, soothing and the mere sight of this place was already a dream.

The Empress and her family weren't due to arrive just yet, but the Commanders were already starting to appear. They were all accompanied by someone who mattered, so unexpected duos could be seen near the square.

Commander Luna dressed in a black suit was accompanied by Alayna who wore a beautiful dark blue dress. Commander Emilia was accompanied by the young fire fox Naïa, both dressed this time in a white skirt and a black top. The four women were the first Commanders to arrive and like all the others, they could not but remain speechless before the beauty of the organization.

"It's beautiful.."

"Yes, I don't know why, but I feel...strangely happy."

Alayna had replied to Luna as she looked into her eyes. As the young Commander was about to answer, Emilia and Naia were already arriving after spotting them.

"Hi Luna, Alayna !"

Naia had almost jumped on them and as her fire-colored tail wagged, Luna couldn't help but be amazed.

"Naia you came with Emilia ? I thought you were coming with your father and mother."

When she was working, Naia was always serious, and her presence was no match for the other Commanders. However, once the work was done, she became much more shy and gentle. At these words, the vixen turned her head away, blushing slightly and squirming on the spot as if she had done something stupid.

"Well, uh, mom takes care of the kids and then..."

"She came with me, we're using this evening to get to know each other !"

Naia had had difficulty to finish her sentence then Emilia had taken her by the hand before answering in her place to help her. With this answer, Luna smiled maliciously while slipping her hand in that of the young woman at her sides to imitate her cat friend.

"I see...well it's the same for us"

In front of one of the roads leading to the square, a young half-panther woman was holding the hand of a young human, while opposite her was a young half-cat woman holding the hand of a young fox. Alayna and Naia, who had been caught off guard, blushed furiously while the other two smiled mischievously at each other.

Not far from there it was now Nixia's turn, the beautiful black-scaled lamia, to make her appearance accompanied by a young woman no one knew yet. The Commander was quite discreet about her feelings and had finally decided to show herself for the first time in Lynn's company. Nixia's rider was a succubus she had met on her search mission in the North where she had rescued her and since then a little something had been going on.

Tonight was the night when all the couples formed and for the first time in a very long time, the Commanders could breathe and relax. The festival that was about to begin was going to be rich in emotions and why not in love.



Name : Freya

Age: 0 years / Mentally: 25 years

Gender: Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles: Blessed by Titania, Goddess of Endless Chaos and Eternal Frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp required for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength: 500

Defence: 500

Agility: 506

Endurance: 503

Speed: 502

Intelligence: 500

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate: 0

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinated: 439

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of Hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal Ice Peaks (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (lvl max)

- Katana mastery (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice Demon Wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Ice Empress Domain "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Other - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Ice Empress's Natural Aura ]

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