The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 114 The Story Of A Cat And A Fox [Elysium Festival - Part IV]

-- POV General --

While Luna and Alayna exchanged their first kiss, in the center of the Empire, Emilia the beautiful young woman cat was with Naia the fire fox. They had come together because for some time the two Commanders of the army were getting closer and closer.


Emilia was a rather simple, quiet young woman of the kind that didn't talk much and observed silently. Before meeting the Empress and joining the camp in the Dark Forest mountains, she had spent her life wandering alone without ever settling anywhere. The young half-cat woman had spent her life traveling from country to country, through valleys and forests looking for people to help. Always carrying her sword that never left her side, Emilia, a half-human now with no family, had sworn to protect those who needed her.

The young woman had never known her parents because she had been raised by her grandmother in a land abandoned by all life. The place was called "The Wastelands" because there was nothing there but death and wild beasts. It was a great expanse of dry land, rocks and dust as far as the eye could see. Many creatures infested this land, hungry, ferocious and deadly, which explained the lack of civilization.

In spite of all this, Emilia and her grandmother had managed to survive hidden in a converted cave behind a small forest of dead trees. At that time, they fed on insects, small animals that came to take refuge in the mountain and drank the water that flowed down the cold walls. It had never been very easy, but at that time, the young woman knew nothing else and was not unhappy despite the difficult life.

Her grandmother, whom she used to call "Nyanny", had raised her up with an overflowing love, knowing very well the world in which she was born. During more than 14 years, Emilia had lived with difficulty but in the tenderness and the love of her Nyanny who looked after her. At that time, the days were trying but joyful, they lived in a hostile land but never without a smile.

The day Emilia lost her smile, was shortly after the day an exhausted and wounded swordsman had appeared in front of their house. He had been wounded by some kind of steel-hard coyotes and had managed to drag himself to safety. When he tried to enter the cave, the man had realized that it was already inhabited, and so had encountered Emilia and her grandmother.

Nyanny of a great generosity, had welcomed him and looked after him in spite of the few things which they had by depriving herself sometimes to the profile of this human. The man

day after day had started to heal and Emilia even began to appreciate him until the day when he committed the irreparable. That day, the sword Commander was only fourteen years old when the young human threw himself at her after he had completely healed. Driven by his unhealthy desires, he had tried to assault her and without the help of her grandmother Emilia would have lost her innocence.

The young half-human cat had struggled for a few minutes before Nyanny arrived to help her. There followed a long struggle in that dark cave where two half-human women fought for their lives against the man they had taken in. It was the day when Emilia saw her grandmother give up her last breath under the blows, beaten savagely by a man in whom she had confidence. And so it was in tears that she had grabbed a weapon for the first time to defend herself.

At that time, still a child, the half-human cat had killed for the first time. She had killed the one who had ended her grandmother's life, with a rusty knife in the throat. After that, her smile was gone for good. Emilia had been crying for days, covered in blood, without eating, sleeping or drinking. She had cried all the tears of her body next to the body of the one she loved more than anything in the world and the one she hated with all her soul.

After exhausting herself, with what strength she had left, Emilia had to bury Nyanny in the cave after days of digging in the hard, bloody, dusty ground. She had dragged the man out of the home and left him to rot away so as not to attract wild beasts to where Nyanny lay.

It was after these traumatic events that Emilia had decided to leave the place she had known all her life in order to cross these desolate and dangerous lands. Several times she had thought of ending her life, but the simple memory of her grandmother who had watched over her since her birth, had prevented her from doing so. She wanted to find meaning in her life, a purpose and people to protect, to forget the unbearable pain that weighed on her heart.

Thus, one day, with the sword of the first human she had killed, Emilia had said goodbye to this place which represented all her life but also all her pains and fears. Using Nyanny's knowledge, her senses and her will, she had crossed these lands abandoned by all to join the civilization. Beyond this expanse of dust, the half-human had discovered many wonderful things, but also the cruelty, death and danger that humans represented.

Year after year, crossing forests, rivers, mountains, and valleys, Emilia had hardened her mind to withstand the horrors of the world. Traveling further and further, running from the strongest humans, fighting the weakest, helping those she could help, the half-human cat had survived. Like a homeless wandering soul, like an empty and painful heart, life had made Emilia a warrior.

It was in the Dark Forest that her journey had come to a halt, when she had learned of the existence of humans capturing half-humans and beasts. The young woman knew the plight of those taken by humans, for throughout her journey she had witnessed horrible things and deep down she wanted to help. It was with this determination that she had met Naïa, the fire fox who had lost her parents.

Naia, like most half-humans who had lost a loved one, had seen her parents captured to allow her to escape. The vixen until that day, had never known anything else than the happiness to be with her family and to live peacefully just like Emilia before the arrival of this man.

She had not experienced any traumatic events, which explained her carefree, naive and always positive nature, much to the delight of her parents. Of course, Naia was not unaware of the danger posed by humans and trained every day in the forest while hunting, using her half-human reflexes and her element. That was why, when Freya had first met her, the young fox had already risen to a level where she could defend herself. Unfortunately, in front of the invasion of adventurers and mercenaries, at that time those 10 levels couldn't help her.

It was while desperately seeking help that she had first met Emilia, distraught and crying. Together, they had traveled through the Dark Forest and eventually landed alongside eight other young women with equally tragic pasts, now known as the Chaos Commanders. In the camp hidden by the mountains, Emilia had told her story to Naia for the first time after finding her determination admirable under the circumstances.

Since that day, the half-human had been secretly watching over the young fox to keep her safe until she was reunited with her parents. She didn't want to see her go through what she had experienced in the Wastelands and was desperate to keep her heart and smile intact.

And one day, things had begun to change in this forest the day Freya had arrived among them. The she-wolf, with her simple presence, had managed to turn the tide and unite this group of half-humans more than ever before, brought together by the force of fate. Their new Empress had given each of them hope, purpose and something to protect. Freya had ignited the hearts of her subordinates and built an Empire after freeing hundreds of prisoners and defeating the humans.

So much had happened that in just a month and a few days, Elysium had been born and now stood proudly in the Dark Forest with the Ice Empress at its head. The 10 half-human women were now Commanders and even though the young vixen was only a Vice Commander, she had more than earned her place.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Since their meetings, Emilia had never stopped watching over Naia while observing her progress in silence. She fulfilled her duties as a Commander with seriousness but that didn't stop her from continuing to take care of the vixen discreetly. Hot meals, ointments for wounds, refreshments, advice, everything was good to stay around like a guardian angel.

This little merry-go-round had lasted for several weeks, until Naia finally noticed these little attentions to her. Emilia was not talkative at all and Naia was much too much but in spite of their different personalities, they got along rather well.

It was thus the day before the festival that the fox had finally made the first step and asked the half-human cat to accompany her.


Today, Naia and Emilia found themselves again both in a very different framework. They were not any more on the training ground to sweat and exceed their limits but at the festival of the Empire. The two young women had already experienced the Empress' coronation and wedding, but tonight was different. Different because everything was even more incredible, not to mention the fact that this was their first date, as it was for many of their friends too.

There were many more people than at Freya's wedding and the mix of different races, their stories, their various foods, the atmosphere made it all absolutely wonderful. As almost no half-human had ever been to a festival in their lives, everything was new so Emilia and Naia couldn't help but be amazed.

Unlike Luna and Alayna, they had not sat on the tables placed all over the main square but on the roof of a house. The two young women were enjoying the party high up in the cool night wind and the echoes of joy from every citizen of Elysium.

"Emilia did you see those kids dancing in the middle ? Haha~ I think it's the first time they can dance like that, happy and carefree"

"It's true and I must admit that this scene would have been impossible a few months ago"

Naia and Emilia were sitting side by side, their legs hanging in the void and their eyes fixed on the enormous party which took place under their feet. Since they had left Luna and Alayna, she had moved to higher ground and was enjoying a moment together like they hadn't had in a long time. The vixen's large, fire-colored tail swished the air as she spoke again.

"Aren't you hungry ? Or maybe you're cold ? No I don't think are you thirsty ?"

Naia, as usual, was talking a lot with a childish expression quite different from the one she had in front of her soldiers. She absolutely wanted to return the favour to her friend and had sworn that she would be the one to watch over her at least for this night. Emilia who looked at the party, turned then the head in her direction to answer while her black and red hair flew in front of her face.

"No, I'm fine, thank you, Naia"

"Oh, uh, okay."

The young half-cat woman was not very good at talking and unlike the young vixen, she was not really used to saying everything she thought. Naia squirmed in place as she played with a lock of her hair, the color of her emerald green eyes etched in Emilia's mind. Both young women were happy to be here, but stress had taken hold of them.

"But Naia,'re cold, hungry or thirsty tell me, I'll get you something, okay ?"

"Then we'll go together !"

"Mmm, sure !"

Emilia smiled and even if she did not do it often, for the one at her side it was like a breath of fresh air. Naia knew her history and thus knew better than anybody that her scars were not yet healed and that it would take time. What the vixen liked best about her friend was the will and strength she had to continue to care for others despite what she had been through. Even though Naia admired the Empress and was extremely grateful to her, she secretly dreamed of being as strong as Emilia.

"E-Em ?"

"Yes ?"

"When...when you took my hand earlier and said you wanted to get to know me. What exactly did you mean by that ?"

Naia had wanted to ask this question for a while but had always stopped when the words were about to come out of her mouth. It was Emilia's smile that had finally given her the courage to overcome the embarrassment and ask. The young fire vixen had been surprised by her friend's sudden gesture and couldn't understand what she had meant.

"Well *cough* I meant I wanted to deepen our uh..relationship."

Emilia did not expect this question but had answered with sincerity plunging her black eye and her eye and dark green in those of Naia. At this moment, her fine tail of cat had posed on that of the fox, hoping to make her pass the message. Naïa didn't know what to say as she imagined everything and anything.

" ? But...we're already friends right ?"

The young half-human stammered while blushing whereas she seemed to think of all other thing. Emilia who had understood everything, approached then Naïa to catch her hand again before leaning and whispering in her ear while blushing in her turn.

"What I meant was, Naia...I think make my heart beat"

In this Empire, where laughter and song rose into the sky, tongues were loosened, feelings emerged and hearts were beating rapidly to the rhythm of the music.



Name : Freya

Age: 0 years / Mentally: 25 years

Gender: Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles: Blessed by Titania, Goddess of Endless Chaos and Eternal Frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp required for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength: 500

Defence: 500

Agility: 506

Endurance: 503

Speed: 502

Intelligence: 500

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate: 0

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinated: 439

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of Hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal Ice Peaks (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (lvl max)

- Katana mastery (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice Demon Wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Ice Empress Domain "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Other - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Ice Empress's Natural Aura ]

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