The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 122 The Sleeping Beauty Of Elysium

-- POV Freya --

I was back in my room, night had already fallen and my family was around me. I had just had a dream that turned out to be more real than I thought and my mind was still confused. I felt as if I had come back from a distant world, where my reason had been lost unable to assimilate so much information.

I was in my bed, the black, soiled sheets sliding over my skin as I tried to figure it out. I couldn't move, my head hurt and for the first time I didn't feel well at all. Stuck in a daze, a voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Honey ?"

Gaya knelt beside me to hug me and as I straightened up, I could see my little girl lifting her head. Shiro's eyes were puffy, her nose was running and her hair was all matted. I had never seen her like this before and at that moment my heart was clenching hard in my chest.

"Sweetie don't cry anymore everything is fine now okay ?"

"Y-Yeah *sniff* but...but you weren't waking up *sniff* I...I.."

Without giving my little girl time to continue, I tenderly stroked her wet cheek and smiled. She was adorable and her little worried, puffy face at that moment made me want to give her all the treasures in the world.

"I...I'm fine don't worry, I just slept all day haha~"

At that moment, as I scratched the back of my head, my little moon shook her head sharply, sniffing. Gaya too was looking at me with questioning eyes as Kira's voice echoed in my mind.

[What are you talking about ? You slept for a week ! Freya, what happened to you ?]

Kira always called me by my first name when she was serious and as my mind paused for a few seconds, my wife spoke again.

"Kira is right, you slept for a week and we were unable to wake you up. I...we..we were so scared ! this your system ? Have you undergone some sort of special evolution ?"

"Wha...what do you mean a week ?? And you Kira, where have you been all this time ?"

How could I have slept for a week ? I had no idea how long I had been in this dream but I never thought I would not wake up for so long. My little sister who was bound to me in spirit and soul had to endure a whole week alone ? Just as I was starting to feel guilty, her voice answered me.

[You slept for 6 days and I found myself in an empty space surrounded by two lights where I could only hear Gaya and Shiro crying. I...I didn't know what was going on didn't answer, I didn't feel our connection anymore I...I thought you were dead and that I would be stuck in this void for the rest of my life.]

Kira's voice had grown weaker and weaker and was trembling slightly, making me want to hug her. Her life depended on mine and if I wasn't conscious, it was impossible for her to talk to anyone. These 6 days must have been even harder for her than for my wife and daughter.

"Forgive me little sister I...I really need to find a way to get you out of here !"

I was once again determined to find a solution as Kira's condition hit me hard once again. I hadn't personally locked her up in my mind, but deep down I had become her golden prison. Seeing that I was silent, my little sister hastened to reassure me before returning to the main topic.

[Mmh it's nothing, I don't know what happened yet but you clearly weren't responsible. So please tell us. The important thing is to find out what caused it, isn't it, Gaya ?]

"Yes..honey, can you tell us what happened ?"

They were right, I had just learned important things that could challenge the existence of the entire world. Was I the only one who knew all this ? I suddenly felt like a being carrying a terrible truth that could change everything. I didn't know what to say or where to start because everything was still confusing but I owed them an explanation.

"I... to tell you the truth, I have met Titania."

[This Goddess who created me ? How ? Where ? Why ? Is there a problem ?]

My little sister couldn't help but ask me a lot of questions while Gaya sat on the bed beside me silently. I began to tell the story of the strange dream I had had and all the information I had learned during my long sleep.


"Now, you know everything that happened..."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I had just told my dream without leaving anything out so that those with me could understand. I had explained how I had found myself standing still above the world, how all this death and destruction had eaten away at my mind, and how Titania had finally appeared before me. I had left nothing out, from the mysterious black and white jewel to the world without magic that appeared after its destruction and even what the Goddess had told me when she appeared.

Gaya and Kira had listened to me carefully without ever cutting me off while Shiro slept on my lap, looking tired from all the emotions. She had been really scared and now she was sucking her thumb peacefully lying on my legs. My little moon hadn't listened to anything but for now it didn't really matter. As I finished my story, it was my little sister who spoke first, followed by Gaya.

[It's... so the world we came to is actually Earth ? You said the Goddess told you that the destruction of this world would give birth to Earth, but how ? And why did she choose you ?]

"There's a lot of mystery and...and I have to admit I'm shocked. My from the future, in a way that's kind of weird to say, even though it doesn't change anything for me. As for the rest, I think we need to get to the place the Goddess pointed you to before we jump to any conclusions."

Gaya was absolutely right, before she left the divine woman had pointed me to a particular place that was supposed to answer some of my questions. I didn't know what it would be like or what I would learn there, but it was the only clue we had. Once I found out what was to be found there, it might be easier to put the pieces of the puzzle that was my life together.

[Titania said well, a tree of water and ice in the Syn Forest, didn't she ? I think you know where it is. I always wondered why such a beautiful tree was out there in the middle of nowhere, but it would seem that it was indeed special].

Indeed, several months ago, during my first fight to free the dragoness sealed under the mountain, I had to fight a water scorpion named Warg. I had not had much difficulty to kill him and at the place where I had left his body, on an island in the middle of a lake, there was a large almost transparent tree. At that time I had not tried to understand, too busy planning the murder of Magni and Daggus.

"Yes, it's a good thing I didn't destroy it in the end. So the answers should normally be there...I hope so or else the next time I cross paths with this Goddess, my fist will go to meet her beautiful divine figure !"

[Mm, I understand you, Onee-san. It's quite disturbing to have made you live this "dream" and then immediately disappear like a thief without even giving you a hint of an answer.]

What was strange to me was that Titania had never before spoken to me of all this. Why had she not told me all this information when I first stood before her ? Why should I learn this now ? I had the impression that the Goddess was still hiding many things from me and my only desire was to discover the secrets of this world.

"I don't know why, but the more I think about it, the more I feel like Titania isn't telling me everything on purpose or worse, manipulating me !"

It didn't make sense, and even though I owed her this new life, literally magical and wonderful, the more I thought about it the more anger and incomprehension crept into my mind. Among the things I hated was the fact that I couldn't control anything, and the idea of having been reincarnated here, or rather sent back in time, didn't appeal to me at all.

[What happened to destroy Kleisaria ? How did Titania manage to send you to such a distant past ?]

Kira also seemed to have a lot of questions and the only way to answer them was to go to Syn's forest. While I was thinking, Gaya spoke again while placing her hand on her chin to show that she was also thinking.

"It is possible that under this tree is something hidden, perhaps a tomb or a cave I don't know. The presence of dangerous and yet unknown creatures in this area is also quite possible. Freya, when and how do you plan to go there ?"

"Mmh well I was thinking of going with the Commanders and Lieutenants. That way we can level up and find out what's really going on. I was even thinking of taking a little trip to Yarlford to learn more if possible about the King's or Zal Supreme's plans."

Just before the festival, I had already explained to the Commanders that we would be leaving together to try to make them evolve. At the time, I had not planned a particular destination, but now it was clear. With this week asleep I had already lost precious time, and tomorrow we had to leave Elysium. I turned to Gaya to ask her the question that had just crossed my mind with curiosity.

"Does the Empire know I was asleep ? Did you see the Commanders or the section Leaders while you were working ?"

"I..uh...the Empire doesn't know about it since you don't get out much but everyone working in the mansion is obviously aware of your condition and...I haven't seen the Commanders in a while. I...simply ordered that nothing be said so as not to worry the citizens until we know what's happening to you."

How come Gaya didn't see the Commanders ? I knew she wanted to continue working despite being pregnant and as Leader of Management and Queen she had to meet with them almost as often as I did, especially with the arrival of 800 new residents. As I stroked Shiro's head and wondered a lot, I could distinctly hear footsteps in the hallway and the familiar scent of Lia and Triss before they even knocked on the door.

"Queen Gaya ! We have brought your meal and the Princess's."

"Gaya-sama, you must come out, you haven't left the Empress in days."

Lia and Triss had panicked voices and as I heard their words, I turned to look at my wife with a frown.

"You haven't left my side at all for a week ? Have you not gone to work ? I hope you got some rest at least and did Shiro go to school ?"

"I..Shiro went to school as usual and the Empire continued to live normally thanks to the section Leaders but I...I.."

While I was asleep, a week had passed and I still didn't know what had happened on their side. Gaya looked down unable to answer in any way so I turned to my little sister for an answer as she must have heard what had happened.



Kira didn't seem to want to answer as if out of solidarity so while tenderly laying Shiro on the black sheets I stood up and headed for the door. I felt slightly weak and as I made my way out I felt my body wobble a little.

As I finally reached the entrance to the room, I suddenly opened the door, taking it with me. The door was off its hinges with a loud crack, waking Shiro from her sleep.

*Damn it ! Again ?*

The door in my hand was broken in half and as I cursed myself inwardly, I came face to face with the two female butlers of the mansion. Their faces were shocked and before I could even speak their eyes shifted from the door to me in a totally lost expression. Coming to their senses, the two young women finally spoke with the utmost respect.

"Y-your Highness ?"

"'re finally awake !"

The two half-humans had gasped in surprise and as I nodded I could see them bowing as did the two soldiers guarding the room. Usually no one was allowed in our private quarters except Triss and Lia, but Gaya had obviously ordered a guard. While their faces were still down, I hurried to ask them some questions.

"My wife has been in here for a whole week without leaving ? Did she rest well ?"

Triss didn't dare answer and Lia seemed to look at the dragoness hesitantly before finally speaking up.

"Y-Yes, the Queen has been watching over you your Highness but...but she has been resting and managing the affairs of Elysium with the help of us all. Commander Caipy came by every day to check on her and your condition so...don't...don't worry."

Sighing with relief, I grabbed the trays in their hands before ordering them to gather all the Commanders and Lieutenants in two hours to plan our departure. It was late, but time was running out, especially since I hadn't done anything for a week.

As they left, I returned to my now doorless room to spend time with my family before getting down to business. Tomorrow, I would head to Syn's forest to discover the answers hidden under that tree that holds the secret of the world.



Name : Freya

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp needed for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength: 500

Defense : 500

Agility : 506

Endurance: 503

Speed : 502

Intelligence: 500

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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