The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 124 Lucky Charm And Departure

-- POV General --

It was noon, the star of the day shining proudly in the sky above the Empire of Elysium, the sound of the waves was carried by the wind, which blew tenderly, rustling the leaves of the surrounding trees.

In front of the great walls that surrounded the Empire, inside, were the Commanders and Lieutenants all saying goodbye to those who had come. There were soldiers, citizens, section Leaders and even children. Further back, where no one could hear them, was Empress Freya, her wife, Queen Gaya and her daughter, Princess Shiro.

Just like the others, the dragoness and the little white-haired girl, had come to say goodbye to the she-wolf and wish her a safe journey. Shiro stood next to Gaya and cried softly, unable to hold back her tears at the thought of one of her mothers leaving. The Queen was not crying but her eyes twinkled slightly as she spoke.

"Honey, take good care of yourself. Contact me every night or as soon as you can to let me know what you find. I'll take care of informing all the section Leaders and developing the Empire. Always be careful, don't forget to eat well and don't overdo it because you're not alone. I...I know that sometimes you can be stubborn but...please don't do anything stupid and if you need help don't hesitate to ask your Commanders for it. Also look out for Kira and I hope you can find a solution for her."

The dragoness held Freya's hands and as she gave her all the instructions she could, her heart ached at the thought of her being away from her. She may have known the she-wolf was an incredible and strong being but the heart has its reasons that reason ignores. Gaya spoke like the loving and concerned wife she was, bringing out her motherly side even more. Turning to Kira, the Queen continued.

"Kira, I'm counting on you to look out for her and help her in any circumstance. No matter what happens to you, you have to look out for each other so you can come back safe and sound. I know it's pretty rare but please Kira...don't let Freya get angry because I know she can lose her mind partially which would be dangerous. You've always been there to bring her back to herself so I'm counting on you. I..."

Gaya was talking and couldn't seem to stop herself from giving more and more instructions to the duo who were her family and who were going to leave for an indefinite period of time. As she thought about what she could say, it was Kira's turn and then the she-wolf's to speak, not without smiling fondly at her wife.

[You can trust me, Gaya, we'll both be fine !]

"Haha~ yes my love don't worry I will look after Kira and Kira will look after me. I also promised to contact you every day and I will stick to it you don't have to worry. Everything will be fine, we are not far away and I am sure we will come back stronger than ever."

As she said this, Freya hugged her wife who nodded shyly, still worried. The Empress's group was not going to war, but even so, they were heading into the unknown, and so many fears ran through the hearts of the Queen and Princess at that moment.

As she slowly moved away from Gaya, the she-wolf tenderly stroked her cheek before kneeling down this time to the level of the little Shiro. She held Gaya's hand with her left hand and the fingers of her right hand wiped the tears from her face.

"Are you...*sniff* going to come back soon Mommy ?"

The little moon of the Empire was crying softly and knew that her mother was going to leave for a time she didn't know. Her little puffy cheeks were red and the drops of salt water beaded on her little face. This wasn't the first time Freya had left, but somehow the little Princess understood that her mother was leaving to find out something very important and possibly dangerous.

"Come here."

Taking Shiro in her arms, the Empress cradled her gently while wiping her tears with her hand before stroking her hair.

"I don't really know when I'll be back sweetie but I promise I'll make it as fast as I can okay ? In the meantime, work hard at school, eat well, and remember to always get an early night's sleep so you don't get exhausted during the day."

"Y-yes *sniff** I promise, Mommy. But...but how many sleeps do you think you'll get back ?"

The little Princess hugged Freya even tighter as she still couldn't figure out when her mother would return. She was still too small to have any idea how long it would be and as her eyes began to water again, the she-wolf placed a soft kiss on each of her cheeks.

"In several sleeps my little moon but I promised you I'd be back just as soon so trust me. While I'm gone, take care of your mom and the baby in her belly for me. Can you do that ?"

Shiro nodded softly as the prospect of having a mission to complete helped her slightly to overcome her sadness. Being tenderly cradled by Freya, the little Princess had stopped sniffing and was enjoying the petting before she couldn't receive any more from the she-wolf for a while. Kira, who had been watching the scene in silence up to this point, spoke up.

[Little Shiro, I promise to make sure your mommy doesn't stay there long, so smile brightly every day until we return in triumph, okay ?]

"Mmh okay auntie Kira ! too make it quick, I'll...I'll miss you."

[ too. But we can talk every day when your mommy uses her magic so you won't have time to forget me because even far away I can make you laugh hehe~]

"Yes auntie hihi~"

Kira had once again managed to make the white haired girl smile and as Freya smiled at the more than adorable exchange, Gaya came over to give them a hug. While the others who were to accompany the Empress were saying goodbye to their loved ones as well, she and her family were in their world.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The Empress didn't want to be separated from her family either, but this expedition was important and knowing her wife and daughter were safe was enough for her to leave with a sad, but relieved heart. Freya then leaned in to kiss Gaya with the strength of all the feelings and love she had for her. It wasn't a farewell kiss but a goodbye kiss and as she pulled away, she also kissed Shiro's forehead.

"Mo-Mommy ?"

As Freya set her little Princess down, the little girl began to squirm shyly as if she were hiding a little secret. Gaya smiled beside her and stroked her head before encouraging her, obviously still aware of what her daughter was up to.

"Go ahead sweetheart, she has to go soon so you can give it to her now."

Shiro upon hearing the dragoness' words began to rummage in one of the pockets of her dress before pulling out a small something that she handed to Freya.

"H-Here mommy it is...for you. Mom Gaya helped me make it while you were sleeping. I...I wanted to give it to you yesterday but today is's a lucky charm."

In the small trembling hands of the little moon of the Empire, there was what appeared to be a small doll made from yarn in the shape of a wing. It was completely white and represented one of the wings that Freya could make appear on her back. As the she-wolf knelt down to her daughter's level again, she carefully grabbed the lucky charm.

"I will take great care of it, thank you very much sweetie. I will treasure this lucky charm and promise to protect it."

"T-Thank you, Mommy hihi~"

Two golden threads hung from the tips of the wings and as she thanked Shiro, the Empress attached this precious new treasure to the hilt of her sword like a trophy. The wing, as white as the moon's hair, now hung proudly from the handle of the black sword and as the little Princess smiled, it was Freya's turn to give her a gift.

"Here, I'll give you something in return."

Holding out her palm right in front of her daughter's eyes, the Empress in turn conjured up a small ice statuette, motionless but eternal. Shiro's eyes were wide open and as she caught the small gift in her hands, she couldn't help but exclaim.

"Birdy !!!"

Indeed, Freya had modeled the ice bird that her little moon loved so much. It stood on a small pedestal and stretched its white wings skyward, its head high and proud and its crest more beautiful than ever.

"I'll take care of it Mommy ! And..and I'll take care of Mom Gaya and the baby too I promise !"

"Perfect my little moon"

The little Princess' face was once again a radiant smile that warmed the hearts of her mothers and aunt. Before standing up, Freya placed a final kiss on her daughter's forehead before standing up and kissing her wife.

"Come back to us soon"

Gaya had whispered these words with a hint of sadness in her voice that instantly gripped the she-wolf's heart. Hugging her wife and daughter one last time in a warm and loving embrace, Freya responded followed by Kira.

"Don't forget that I love you very much. I promise we'll take care of each other so on your end look after each other and in no time we'll be back."

[Mmmh we're almost unbeatable together hehe~ And then when we come back, I might even be able to hug you both !]

At Kira's words, Gaya giggled fondly while Shiro's eyes grew even wider at the news. At the moment nothing was certain but Freya's little sister couldn't help but say that sentence as she was so excited about the idea. The she-wolf said nothing and smiled as she had been determined to get her back into a body for a long time.

"Well, it's time."

The time for goodbyes was over and the Empress had to head to her new destination without delay. Gaya and Shiro having realized that it was time for them to leave, straightened up before speaking at the same time.

"We love you !"

Those few words echoed in Freya and Kira's minds giving them indescribable courage and strength. These simple words were filled with tenderness, love...feelings that they had only understood since their arrival in this world. It was with hearts overflowing with love that the two sisters responded in unison.

"We love you too !"

[We love you too !]

The sun still high in the sky watched the scene from its height, bathing the Empire and its lights with its own soft, warm glow. Everyone had kissed, and said goodbye and now it was time to leave. With a last tender smile for her family, holding Shiro's lucky charm firmly in her hand, the Empress turned to whistle at her horse.

Suddenly, a loud whinny could be heard at the entrance to the city and immediately afterwards a great black stallion came galloping majestically. His mane as black as night floated at the back of his head as if in an illusion and his piercing yellow eyes reflected bravery and inspired respect. Inferno, the horse of the Empress of Ice herself, rode straight at her rider, raising clouds of dust behind him.

Like a warhorse, the beautiful animal wore a helmet of ice with two demon horns on top, still leaving its mane exposed. On his back, Inferno wore a seal also made of ice and a light armor made by the dwarves, of a deep and fascinating black. The Empress' horse was imposing, beautiful and seemed wild and powerful.

As the stallion reached Freya's level, he didn't stop as the Empress gracefully jumped onto his back in full swing. Once on his back, Inferno reared majestically as the Empress turned to her family, smiling mischievously as she winked at them.

"Wooow !"

"Pfff~ this one"

Shiro marveled at the scene, which she thought was absolutely cool, and Gaya couldn't help but giggle knowing full well that her wife had done it on purpose.

So it was at full gallop that the Empress, still dressed in black, rode with her little sister towards the gate of the Empire where the Commanders and Lieutenants were waiting. As she passed, people bowed and looked at her with eyes as bright as her daughter's, reassured to know that the most powerful being in the Empire would be watching over the others.

So it was that one sunny afternoon, the Empress of Elysium, the only she-wolf reincarnated in the past, set out to find answers to her questions with the firm intention of giving her sister her freedom and creating formidable warriors within her Empire. No one knew what the group would discover or face, but one thing was certain, guided by their formidable leader, the soldiers set out without fear.

Gaya who was watching them leave, despite all the reassuring words her wife had said to her, could not help but have a bad feeling. Like a dark and mysterious cloud hovering over her heart, this feeling would not go away. Clutching her daughter's hand tightly to her right, her left hand came to rest on her chest as she muttered a few inaudible words.

" careful and come back with a smile..."



Name : Freya

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp needed for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength: 500

Defense : 500

Agility : 506

Endurance: 503

Speed : 502

Intelligence: 500

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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