The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 150 The Warriors Of Elysium [The Crypt - Part XX]

- POV General -

The large combined attack came straight at the griffin who began to stretch its wings to counter with its own fire. From a distance, it was impossible not to feel the intensity of the fight, yet Freya was far too busy with the other two Demons. It was up to the soldiers of the Empire to take down the black creature and they were putting all their strength into it. The griffin, despite one of its damaged wings, was ready to receive the attack.

It was far too big to avoid it and had no intention of doing so anyway. The beast had a great pride due to its race and the humiliation of earlier, it had not forgotten it. That ball of lightning, fire, wind and fog element was only a few meters away as the Demon created such a huge fireball. It had appeared generated by its tail and wings and all without the slightest effort.

Unlike the Commanders who had had to concentrate some of their mana there to achieve that density, the griffin had done it all by itself. However, underestimating the combined power and their strategy was a mistake and it would soon find out. Though their levels were nowhere near the griffin's, the warriors of Elysium were all under Freya's system and buoyed by her courage.

"Ralph now !"

"Hai hai~ !"

As the creature finished its attack and was about to send it off, Ynir, who was in the sky and could see the scene from above, called out to her friend. Without being asked, the young hybrid woman picked up a large piece of stone from the debris that had been created earlier before impregnating it with lava. Then, with all the power at her disposal, Ralph threw this huge burning stone before shooting it towards the griffin.

Her action had caused the wind to blow, and as everyone looked on in shock, the projectile had gone off like a rocket, splitting the air at full speed. Just as the creature fired, Ralph's lava stone crashed into its wounded wing, deflecting its attack at the very last second. The stone had exploded on impact, and as it slammed into the wound Trioa had made, bits of lava embedded themselves in the wound.

The next moment, the Commanders' attack that had not been stopped hit the griffin's body with full force. Even though he was level 35, a combined attack between four level 25s should never have been taken lightly. Despite the aura emanating from it, the creature hadn't wanted to move away and now it was too late. The wind tore at its feathers and hair, the fire burned its skin numb from the lightning.

With another shrill cry, the griffin fell to the ground with a thud, shattering the ground in a cloud of dust, feathers, and blood. Smoke and the smell of burning flesh filled the air as the huge fireball he had conjured up was sent flying to the ceiling. It hit the black stone walls before shaking the area they were in as everyone realized the power of the black fire.

At this moment, although they had managed to wound the griffin still taking away a little more HP, hearts were beating even more intensely at the scene. Its attack was on a whole other level, and if it had hit the Commanders', the result would have been devastating. The creature's wing was definitely unusable as it was now hanging slightly downwards, the entire front of its body was burnt and bloody.

Commander Luna's lightning mixed with Ynir's fog had managed to stun it long enough for the griffin to not react right away. So, after being completely stunned for a few seconds, the Demon stood up with white eyes filled with rage. Its black flames became even more intense and sent out waves of heat and aura that were almost unbearable.

"Look out !"

"It's coming !"

This time the griffin didn't want to play anymore, it was pissed off, out of its mind and the only thing it wanted at that moment was to crush those gnats that had hurt it. Without waiting it had for the first time dashed towards the group throwing black fireballs in their direction. The ground exploded everywhere, the noise was deafening, the smoke invaded the corner where they were, black flames beginning to fill the area.

Again, walls of wood and plants rose to the ceiling, but although protective, were almost always destroyed. Soldiers were being showered with black fire and no one could move or fight back. Itham's wooden walls exploded into a thousand pieces and Persea's plants, though more resistant, eventually went up in smoke after a few minutes.

Without warning, the battle had become one-sided and neither the Commanders nor the Lieutenants could act, overwhelmed by all the attacks. It was total chaos, and although the soldiers had managed to land some heavy blows, the situation had reversed. The level 35 Demon, had the glance fixed on Ralph, Emilia, Thorunn, Trioa and Nella that he had not forgotten and was now heading straight to them.

"We're not going to get away with it, are we ?"

"I doubt it."

Ralph, the red-eyed hybrid, had turned to Emilia with a shaky smile as she responded by clutching her sword. Then, without saying another word to each other, they prepared to face it. The griffin was at their height and towered over them, its eyes still filled with hatred as it turned to sweep them with its huge tail. In a great leap the three young women who were on the ground, rose in the air to avoid it but it was not enough.

The creature had predicted this reaction and at the moment when Ralph, Emilia and Thorunn had taken off, its tail had suddenly changed direction. It ran on Emilia who was in front whereas her two friends were a little more behind. The tail of the griffin was like a weapon with whole share and the flames which burned on it seemed to be able to consume all. The impact was imminent and each one knew perfectly that it could be enough of a blow to have the bones broken.

Trioa the Commander, who knew how to move through the air, was rushing towards her friends but time was running out. She may have been fast, but the Demon was much faster, and since she wasn't right next to it, Trioa doubted she would be able to get there in time. Her wings flapped furiously in the air as she reached out to her companions, her heart pounding and her fear in her stomach.

"Emilia !!!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Naia, who was to the left of the griffin, had screamed at the top of her lungs as she sent arrows of fire at the creature in an attempt to stop it. Suddenly, just before the cat Commander was hit full force, a strong wind blew her and Ralph a little further away. Trioa, who was already there, was also pushed back by this powerful current that sent her whirling away in the air as she witnessed the whole scene.

"No !"

The three Commanders knew exactly who was doing this and while they were out of danger, one was far from it. The next moment, the huge black firetail hit Thorunn who had created a tornado of wind around her to protect herself as much as possible, slowing and cushioning the impact. She was brave and the last thing her friends saw before she was blown away was her smile.

Under the horrified eyes of Ralph and Emilia, the young woman vampire was then struck of full force while they could see her spitting blood before bursting against the wall. Thorunn had acted knowing that she could soften a little the blow contrary to her friends who did not have the possibility of doing it. The blow had been violent, but even so, the vampire Commander had been right.

"Thorunn !!!"

The griffin then ran to where the young vampire had fallen while her Commander friends screamed and did everything they could to protect her. Where the young blond woman lay, walls even bigger than before appeared around her made of wood and plants. Ralph and Emilia who were boiling with rage had dashed in their turn, an impressive aura of anger escaping from their bodies.

Without even caring about the fire, the two young women jumped on the back of the creature and ran now on its body. Emilia in a shout of anger then cut down her big sword in the spine of the Demon. Her weapon unfortunately did not cut its hard skin which was much more than its wings but she did not stop. The image of Thorunn being hit instead of her played in her mind and the more she struck, the more her eyes moistened.

Ralph, on the other hand, was running straight for the Demon's head with the same rage as her friend. The black flames were beginning to burn her clothes and skin, but the physical pain was nothing compared to the pain in her heart. The young woman didn't stop though and finally reached the Demon's head which was now above Thorrunn and was about to hit her again.

"You won't get away with this !!!"

As Ralph shouted these words, her fists struck the huge white eye on the left side of the griffin's head. At the same time, Emilia's large sword finally sank into the beast's black, burning back. Instead of striking the young woman on the ground, the creature started to shout and to twist of pain forgetting completely its initial target. By the skin of their teeth, the two companions had prevented the Demon from delivering a fatal blow to their friend.

Ralph had driven those lava fists deep into that completely unprotected and even rather vulnerable area. Her element had burned the griffin's eyeball and made it boil before it exploded from the intense heat of the lava. Blood had spurted out and where there had been a white eye, there were now only pieces of burnt eye dripping to the ground.

Then, new brambles would appear and grab the griffin by its hind legs and even though they were burning, its inattention would keep it away. From nowhere, black fire spears were also coming out and hitting the chin of the griffon without stopping. The blows were powerful and little by little, blood began to flow in addition to the blood that was leaking profusely from his eye.

"Thorunn !"

"Don't move, I'll take care of her !"

Emilia and Ralph in spite of their own wounds had jumped of the back of the Demon to rush towards their friend who got up slowly with difficulty. However, Caipy who in this fight could not make much that to take care on her companions, had stopped them with a serious air. The griffin was still writhing in pain but the fight was far from over.

"It's...*cough*...okay, don't...*cough*...mind me.."

Thorunn coughed up blood but her smile hadn't left her as she held up her trembling thumb in the direction of all the Commanders watching her. Her wounds weren't external, they were internal but the dark elf in the medical section knew what to do. While she tended to her friend accompanied by Nina her Lieutenant, the other 15 soldiers turned their attention back to the beast.

Suddenly, a thud followed by a gust of wind from another corner of the room came out of nowhere. Much further away, the Elysium warriors could see the Empress still fighting the other two Demons alone. She had one arm trapped in ice, blood dripping from her face, but she was smiling. The sight gave the soldiers a boost of courage as they saw their Empress fighting like a beast.

Freya in her Demon form was still scary, but her condition was a testament to how hard she was fighting. She was level 40 and fighting a level 40 and 45 and if it wasn't for her system, it would have been over very quickly. All the fighting had started less than an hour ago and yet there were casualties on both sides and the outcome of these battles was still uncertain.

On the side of the Empire's warriors there was one wounded and the mana of many was beginning to run out as time went on. Time was running out and everyone knew it, for without their mana most of the Commanders and Lieutenants would not be able to fight as fiercely.

"Focus !"

Caipy kneeling next to Thorunn had spoken these words, bringing everyone back to reality. The griffin had already lost more than a third of its life, so it had to be killed in the next 30 minutes if they didn't want to die after exhausting their bodies and magics. This time, it was Luna, Nixia, Naïa, Persea and Ynir who stepped forward as for the first time they would have to fight closer to their opponent than they had ever been.

"Rest up, we'll take over and we'll manage don't worry !"

Nixia the black-scaled lamia had addressed Ralph and Emilia who, wounded, were preparing to return to battle. However, instead of accepting, the two young women shook their heads as one clenched her glowing fists and the other pointed her huge sword at the creature. The Lieutenants, who had so far done little, both terrified and hesitant, could only admire their determination.

Sighing but smiling, Nixia conjured up two black spears in her hands which she then swirled with essence and grace before planting them on the ground. The third round was about to begin and on both sides everyone was either injured or exhausted. However, after such a fight, if Elysium was victorious, an incredible power would take hold of each of these 19 warriors.

"So let's go..."



Name : Freya / L??????

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Unique title (locked): ???? - 10% [ To unlock it, the host must reach 100% ]

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell (crossed)

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Empress of the three colors (crossed)

Level : 40/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 41 000

HP : 100 600 / 150 000 MP : 71 000 / 75 000 BLOOD : 70 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 5)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 10%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- L??????'s Threads of Blood (lvl 1)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

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