The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 158 You're Not Alone, I'm Here

- POV Freya -

[Onee-san...are you okay ?]

*Yes...I think...*

As I read the inscriptions on this book, this grimoire, tears started to flow from my face without warning. I still didn't know what was happening to me but I felt that somewhere deep inside I knew that name. I still couldn't remember but that name was important to me, so important that even without my memories, my body still remembered it.

In just a few seconds I had been able to stop crying but the feeling that weighed on my heart had not subsided. I had just experienced something very difficult, painful and yet I was still able to move and think. It had all happened so quickly that I couldn't figure out if what I had experienced was a dream or real.

[Take your time, don't force yourself...I don't even know how you're standing. With all you've been through shouldn't even be able to move...]

*I...I need to know...*

My head was still hurting, my body was throwing me all over the place and I didn't know how, but some indescribable force kept me moving. Since I had arrived I had no answers and yet unknown things kept coming at me. For once I was so close to at least having some truths and knowledge about who I was, why I was in this world, and my past.

I didn't even know how I was able to stand and think. My fight had exhausted me and the final touch had been added by this sudden influx of information because of the system. At that moment I didn't even want to know what I looked like, I had several layers of dried blood all over me, the creatures and obviously my own, I must have looked like a zombie but I didn't care.


[Doesn't that name mean anything ?]

*I don't know...I...I don't know anymore...*

Of course, I didn't know how that name related to me but it was an added bonus. Besides, the inscription "L & K" didn't mean anything to me but this "L" was definitely the same one that was in my system. But who was this "K" ? Was it even a person ? Knowing full well that I wouldn't find an answer if I didn't dig a little deeper, I used one of my skills on this strange book.

[ L & K. Nightshade: A journal belonging to L?????? and K????, one of the many treasures of the Nightshade f????? that can only be opened and handled by those members with the blood of the G??? - The contents are still unknown, please open it to find out what it contains. Status : protected by ancient magic ]

[ Detecting powerful Time magic that doesn't affect the host ]

Once again, the analysis had worked, but there were several question marks hiding the main information. At this point, nothing surprised me anymore and it was easy to understand that once my corresponding memories were recovered, I would have access to all the words. For the moment this was not yet the case but the more I read, the more a certainty appeared in my mind, a certainty that still had to be verified.

*Kira...before I open it, I wanted to get your opinion...this magic that hides the book's appearance and what's you have any idea who might be trying to hide its true nature ?*

[Y-Yes...I...I don't know any more about this world than you do, but...the system spoke of a magic similar to your old one. Someone trying to manipulate your mind and while we're not sure...the...the only person capable of doing that and directly connected to your old system is...]

​ *Titania mmmh...*


Now things were clear and my little sister, who was the only one in this world to experience everything with me, was of the same opinion. Titania, this Goddess who had pushed me to come here to discover the reason of my return in time had tried to manipulate me. For what purpose ? What had I done to her that she wanted to use me ? As I thought with difficulty, Kira's voice echoed in my exhausted mind.

[Freya, you managed to get away with your new system and your abilities from who knows where, probably your past. Titania probably didn't plan this, and if you weren't even more unique than she thought you were, you would have definitely been manipulated...why ? I don't know, but this Goddess seems to be unscrupulously using you for her dark personal purposes]

*Yes and I don't like it at all. This time I got lucky but how can I fight a Goddess if she wants to hurt me ? We barely have enough to fight Zal's humans, I...*

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[ thing at a time. I'm as lost as you are, but you don't have to take it all in stride because you're not're the Empress of Elysium, and even though things are going to get complicated, you have people to rely on. You are not alone, I'm here. Now open that book and let's find out what's in it, maybe its answers can ease your mind even a little]

Sighing lightly, I ignored the physical and emotional pain in my chest as I placed a bloody hand on the thick cover again. It was shaking, but it was with great delicacy that I opened the mysterious journal for the first time. In front of me was the first page, quite simple, looking exactly like the cover but with the eye drawn in and the letters written in black ink.

Taking a deep breath, I turned the page to find out what might be behind it, but I had no time to do more. No sooner had I turned the page than I felt myself absorbed by it, forcing my conscience to hold on so as not to risk being hurt again. But this time, instead of feeling like I was accessing one of my memories, I felt like I was being projected by temporal magic.

[ Host identity recognized as compatible ]

[ Time magic activated ]

I felt myself being sucked into that first page, my whole being, my body and my mind plunging at the same time. Everything around me began to blur as the room I was in disappeared as if it were exploding. As I closed my eyes, I felt myself falling but yet not moving, I felt myself being pulled and yet I was alone. Then, after a few seconds, finally opening my eyes, I discovered what was around me.


I saw the scene once again as if I had entered an outsider, a ghost from the future, quietly witnessing this moment. This time I was not in a dark room with the appearance of a huge, gloomy and deadly throne room but in a rather normal room. Only a few magic lamps lit up the place, giving it a peaceful and mysterious atmosphere.

I couldn't move but I could see in the corner, a woman from behind, seemingly writing something on a desk. At that moment, I only needed one look to understand that it was the same woman I had seen in my red memory. She was sitting upright, long black hair falling down her back and that single, bright, blood-colored strand still behind her head.

The same horns protruded from her forehead, still as frightening as ever, not to mention that monstrous aura that chilled my blood. Suddenly, as I tried to move again, I felt an almost equally strong presence behind me. I didn't have time to turn around or look at it when a second young woman passed through me, heading straight for the black-haired one.

"It seems you're determined to write this journal, isn't it ?"

The one that had just returned was also from behind, but that didn't stop me from noticing several things. Unlike the first one, she didn't have horns or that dangerous look but rather the opposite. The young woman's hair was as white as the moon, falling almost to her feet, and she gave off a protective and maternal aura. Her voice was soft, her words seemed to dance in the air as she almost whispered.

"Of course ! We must leave a record of what we do. After all, our Houses are becoming more and more tense and war might break out. I...I must not fail to protect ours so in this journal I decided to write down all our secrets before we leave, just in case. The members of the opposing House seem to be planning something big and we need to...I need to..."

The voice of the young woman with black hair was much rougher, colder, but I could feel a certain tenderness towards the one who had just arrived. My heart felt as if it could stop at any moment as the white-haired woman in front of me hugged her tenderly. For some reason, I felt the tears welling up again as I reached out to listen.

"'re the youngest matriarch of our House and I'll never stop being proud of you for that, but that doesn't mean you can take everything in stride. I know you're scared, I know you'd like to protect everyone, but know that even though things are going to get complicated, you have people you can rely on. You're not alone, I'm here."

Before my eyes, this young woman had just uttered a few words exactly the same as my little sister. Who were they ? All I could see were these two women from behind, one as cold and frightening as the night and the other as soft and pleasant as the light. A bit like an angel and a demon, like Yin and Yang, I had the impression of seeing two beings completing each other, two beings linked by indestructible bonds.

But why did seeing them together hurt me so much inside and make me unhappy in ways I couldn't imagine ? I was recording absolutely everything I heard to remember it later but I was missing important elements. Every breath, every tone, every gesture, everything sounded familiar and somewhere along the line I was more and more convinced that this young woman with black hair was me.

However, reliving a scene like that, assuming it was me, was far too confusing. I felt like I was seeing someone different, someone I didn't know, and yet it was me, and I didn't even know my own name. Yet, despite my mind struggling to keep up, I stood still and listened and watched as if my life depended on life depended on it.

"Luci, I told you I'd protect you before anyone or anything..."

"I-I...don't call me that Kalaa...use my full name please"

"Haha~ you may be the most feared, powerful and coldest of us all but you're still as shy when I call you that, just like when we were younger. In the end, you haven't changed and I think I'm the only one who can see this vulnerable side of you, you're adorable..."

As I listened to their conversation, my breathing became increasingly heavy and chaotic. At that moment, I had clearly heard two names distinctly : Luci and Kalaa, and they sounded within me like two heavenly bells. A shock went through my body and mind as my body managed to move more and more. My legs were shaking and my heart was pounding as I fell to my knees.

Once again, my tears began to flow intensely as the name that resonated the most was that of the white-haired young woman. Kalaa...Kalaa...that name broke my heart, destroyed me and triggered such a feeling of guilt and love in me. I knew this person, I was sure of it now and as I brought a hand to my mouth, shocked and unable to hold back my tears, the two young women continued.

"Kalaa don't have to look after me you know ? It's my job to look after all of"

"You ! Come on, don't talk nonsense ! Aren't we the most respected and feared duo ? Where you are I'm never far away and we've been inseparable since we were born, how could I not watch over you ? Besides, you are the matriarch of the House which makes you the main target of the other House and its factions. If war should break out I will be by your side and if I had to give my life to protect you I would do so without know that..."

"And I would do the same..."

The more I watched and listened, the more I began to remember what I had felt at that moment. In that room I was just a ghost, but I remembered her warmth, her smell, her embrace, and the scene tortured me. My heart ached more and more, I felt as if a stake had been driven into it, and as I shook to my feet I struggled to get to the two of them.

Suddenly, when I was only a few meters away from these two young women, the one with white hair finally turned her head. She had intense violet eyes, fine, soft features, a pink mouth, she was beautiful, magnificent and at that moment I could not move. Kalaa looked like Shiro and for some reason she was looking straight at me without even seeing me, as if she could feel my presence.

"Kalaa ? What is it ?"

"N-Nothing...there's nothing"

As she answered the young woman named Luci, the white-haired woman smiled at me. Kalaa was smiling heartbreakingly sweetly and an almost instinctive urge to hug her came over me. Just as I was about to approach her, the dark-haired woman turned her head in my direction. The next thing I knew I was propelled back into my reality just before I saw two violet eyes and a face I knew all too well...mine.



Name : Freya / L??????

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Unique title (locked): ???? - 10% [ To unlock it, the host must reach 100% ]

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell (crossed)

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Empress of the three colors (crossed)

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 31 600 / 170 000 MP : 32 610 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 5)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 10%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- L??????'s Threads of Blood (lvl 1)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

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