The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 162 The One Who Was Freed II

- POV Freya -

Kira, my little sister, the one who had always been with me from the beginning, was finally standing in front of me with a healthy body of her own. She had long silver-gray hair that waved beautifully along her body, with strands falling over her face. Kira looked younger than me because while I looked like a 25 year old woman, she looked more like a 20 year old.

Although our hair color was not the same, I felt like I was seeing me younger because my little sister looked more than a little like me. She had fine features, long eyelashes, a slightly pink mouth that stood out on her pearly skin and little freckles. She also had a unique eye color that only members of the Nightshade family had, which accentuated the resemblance.

Kira had another peculiarity, it was that the tip of her ears and tails were black just like her demon horn. Positioned on the right side, it looked exactly like mine but much smaller and less terrifying. When I looked at her, I saw a young woman who inspired courage and tenderness for some unknown reason but at a glance.

I couldn't help but watch her face in silence as I gently wiped away the tears that had fallen with my hands. I could see her face turning red as I smiled and it was easy to guess that this sudden gesture of tenderness was embarrassing her. As I removed the last of the drops with my thumb, her voice, which I had only heard in my head, echoed through the room.

"So..ahem...when do I get to be the Queen of the Elysium Empire ?"


"Pffhaha~ Yes I...Aouuuch !!!"

"kufufu~ you can be the flick Queen"

At that moment, I had just flicked her forehead for the second time, the first being because she had pretended to be asleep to play a joke on me. I could see her rubbing her forehead as she puffed up her cheeks to pout like a child despite her appearance. Kira's eyes were slightly puffy and this action only made her look cuter while I couldn't help but let out a giggle.

"I must say that you are really beautiful and at the same time so cute kufufu~ it seems that the Empire can now boast a second beautiful Princess"


Kira was still sniffling a bit and the more I looked at her, the more I felt like I was looking at a big baby unable to hide her emotions. Her face had started to blush again and for the first time, a beautiful smile appeared. Two fangs similar to mine were revealed, as well as, to my great surprise, two absolutely adorable dimples. My little sister may have looked like me, but she was still unique and very beautiful.

To sum up, Kira had become a very beautiful young fox woman, with silver hair and fur with some black highlights at the ends. She had a teasing, beautiful and radiant smile, elevated by her dimples and freckles. Kira was my little sister and at that moment, I felt proud to see her as beautiful as she was cute. As I watched her, she began to stretch her new body.

"Wow...this is...very weird. I can control my body with my thoughts and it reacts immediately ! Kind of like when I was using your elements but this time I can feel it !"

As Kira spoke these words, she tried to stand up for the first time while her violet eyes, still slightly wet, shone with a thousand lights. Without answering, I gently grabbed her hand and helped her to lean against me. My little sister was wobbling slightly and didn't seem to be coordinating her movements well yet, but despite that, her smile was precious.

Slowly, we stood up together and I could now see that Kira was almost the same height as me. Unlike Gaya who was shoulder high, only a few centimeters separated us from each other. Her hair was a little more curly and fell to the middle of her back and the same rebellious locks as mine fell on her face.

"Ahem..maybe we should put on something more decent shouldn't we onee-san ? Pfffhaha~"

I was completely hypnotized by the situation and the emotions that were running through me that I didn't even pay attention to our appearance. Kira was naked if we omitted the cloak that I had put on her shoulders while I was wearing nothing above the waist except for the bandages that served as my bra. We were both in this big room, almost naked while a great silence reigned, followed by our bursts of laughter.


"Hahaha~ yes little sister you are right !"

Kira's laughter, which I had only heard in my mind, filled my ears with a sweet melody that warmed my heart. As I pulled several garments out of my storage space, I could see her counting her fingers, her toes, having fun wiggling them around and pinching them. Every move she made seemed to amaze her while her face betrayed every emotion.

When Kira was surprised, her eyes would widen and her mouth would open wide, when she was happy, she would giggle to herself as she smiled, and when she was thinking, she would squint her eyes and let out "hmmm's." Unlike me, my little sister, who had just acquired a body, was the very definition of an expressive person, which was far from my case if I wasn't with my family.

"Kira ? Here, put this on. You're almost my size, so you shouldn't have any trouble wearing these until they make you some to fit. This should..."

As I handed her the same clothes I was going to wear, I stopped talking at the scene before me. Kira was totally in her own world, spinning around in hopes of catching one of her tails. She was laughing to herself as she wiggled around completely naked and without a care in the world. Feeling my amused look, Kira finally looked up before stammering again.

" were saying ?"

She scratched the back of her neck just like I used to do when I was embarrassed and looked down at the floor with a "forget what you just saw" look on her face. Approaching my little sister with a smirk on my face, I put my hand on her head and ruffled her hair tenderly. She closed her eyes and giggled as I finally spoke and handed her what I had in my hands.

"Idiot kufufu~ Here, get dressed indecent fox pfffhaha~!"

"Oi ! Hehe~ Haiii onee-san~!"

So together we started to dress in a more decent way before moving on. We wore the same simple clothes: black pants, a white shirt and a black cape with a high collar. There were also boots and gloves that I put on but Kira didn't seem to want to wear. She wanted to enjoy the feeling of the ground under her bare feet and everything her hands would touch.

"It's kind of weird wearing clothes for the first time but I don't mind. We're dressed the same, so in a way we kind of look like twins like this right ? Haha~"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Ara ara~ no matter what you say you will always be my little sister, you will not escape that title !"

As I said this, using my height, I put my arm around her neck before I started to ruffle her silver hair with my fist again. I didn't know why I was acting like this but I was completely different than usual, overwhelmed by an urge to tease my little sister. As Kira giggled and tried to grab my hand, I felt so happy.

"I...I'm letting you do this because it' but please don't do this in front of others and especially not in front of Shiro ! I have to stay her cool and funny auntie okay ?"

"Oh my~ Would you be too shy to show that adorable, childlike side you have right now ?"

Releasing my embrace gently, I winked at Kira who then turned her head away, blushing and puffing her cheeks. Then, the next moment, as if we were still able to read each other's minds, our faces became serious. My little sister now had a body and had even become a unique creature, but we still hadn't talked about it in any detail.

"Tell me Kira, I haven't looked at your status yet but how do you feel ? Are you getting used to your body and the mana that flows through you ?"

"Hmm yes ! I would say I still find it fascinating but I don't feel any problems, I even want to run around ! I'm bursting with energy even though I still don't know what my element is, I haven't looked yet. I have to say it's frustrating not to see a system as developed as yours in my field of vision."

As my little sister said this, she illustrated her words by running around to exercise her body and her reactions. Strangely enough, while at first she wobbled slightly, little by little her coordination became good and then perfect. Kira moved with agility, flexibility, speed and looked like a gymnast when she jumped, using her hands and feet with ease.

At times, like when I was fighting fiercely, Kira was running on all fours while a wild smile appeared on her face. I didn't know if she had kept the elements of the previous Greedy Fox either, but I wanted to check it out. While my little sister continued to play in her corner and train her body, I used my analysis skill on her for the first time.


[Name : Kira Nightshade

Age : 0 year - Mentally / Physically : 20 years

Gender: Female

Race (unique) : Greedy Fox (6th Sin)

Title : Faithful right arm of the 7th Sin Demon (Lucifer)

Carrier of the blood of the Nightshades

Big sisters : Lucifer Nightshade / Kalaa Nightshade

Element : Illusory Demonic Lightning

Lvl 15/30

HP : 30 000 / 30 000 MP : 15 000 / 15 000

Strength : 205

Defense : 195

Agility : 200

Stamina : 185

Speed : 167


Lightning tails (lvl 1)

The 1000 silent steps (lvl 1)


Freya's fighting style (learned from her stay in the host's soul)

Bestial form (original) - unlocked

Humanoid form - unlocked

As a Sin Demon directly related to Lucifer and a recognized member of the Nightshade family, Kira has the opportunity to see her status change and her skills evolve as the host ]


The more I read her status, the more shocked I was by what I saw even though I didn't show it. Because we were only one before, my system had recognized my little sister as a member of the Nightshade family, thus granting her the same last name. Everything had to do with the fact that she had been formed by a part of my soul, but what shocked me the most was the fact that Kira did not only have me as a sister but Kalaa as well.

Also, at no time was the first name "Freya" visible on her status which confirmed the fact that she was indeed a Sin Demon. So many things were crazy and raised many questions. Why was she starting at level 15 ? If she carried my blood did that mean she could reach the rank of Goddess as well ? As I thought about this, Kira's voice sounded close to my ear.

"So what then ? I have cool skills ??"

"Why don't you take a look yourself ? It seems to me that you have the ability to open up a little status in the corner of your vision, try a little you might be surprised."

At the end of my sentence, Kira squinted her eyes as she concentrated hard to open her status which had to be displayed like every living thing in this world. I could see her eyes moving in the void as she read and the further she went, the more her face became a real theater of expression. Just as I had read before, Kira seemed to be discovering what she had become as well as her membership in the Nightshade family.

" name is Kira...Nightshade...hehe~ Kira Nightshade ! Classy right ?"

As I had imagined, this was what caught her attention first and I could see her putting her fists on her hips before puffing out her chest proudly. To be honest, this arrogant look suited her divinely and as I sighed tenderly, I took on a serious look. Kira didn't seem to be willing to think about it now, she was too excited and we had a lot of things planned ahead of us.

"Well, we shouldn't take too long, we can talk about this quietly later. I don't have enough MP to free June and May yet so let's take the book and join the others to find a way out. Once outside, the Commanders can evolve, we can inspect my changes in detail, yours, free the twins and decide on our plan for the future."

"Hai your Highness !"

I nodded my head with a smile on my face, making one of my fangs shine as I finally moved. As I turned around to get the journal before leaving to join the others accompanied by my little sister, I suddenly felt a pressure on my back. Two trembling arms embraced me firmly, I felt a head buried in my back and heard a heart beating wildly.

Kira had taken advantage of the fact that I was not looking at her to hug me from behind with tenderness. In this embrace I felt all the love, gratitude and joy that my little sister had and that I obviously shared. I knew she didn't want me to see her face so I stayed silent as she whispered a few words while my nose caught the singular, light smell of her tears.

"Freya...thank you...for giving me your trust and then your love. Thank you for giving me a home, a family to love, an existence, a name and a surname to cherish. I...big sister...thank you for everything"

[N/A: Illustration image (not official) and theme music available on discord]



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are regained) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the unique Sins Demons (to unlock it please collect the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 80 600 / 170 000 MP : 32 610 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Little sister : Kira (Greedy Fox - 6th Sin)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):


- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)


- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 5)

​ Attack/Defense:

- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 2)

- Healing Blood (lvl 2)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

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