The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 176 Race Against The Sunset

- POV Freya -

"Empress L...Freya !! What's going on ??"

"Princess Kira !! Wake up !!"

I could feel the grass under my body again, the slightly cold wind and I could hear the panicked voices of my soldiers. Every sound reached my sensitive ears, every sound of footsteps hitting the ground, every vibration, the sound of clothes, breaths...everything. Even the smells were present again and hit my sense of smell from all sides.

We were back, after those long minutes spent at the side of that liar Titania and her shenanigans that we had seen coming. Our meeting had been interesting for us and I knew that the plan that I had set up beforehand was now perfectly working. However, the last sentences of the Goddess turned in my mind in loop.

I had to get home as soon as possible, I could feel it, it was an almost irrepressible urge but I couldn't leave like that. As I finally opened my eyes, I could see Kira also getting up with a lost look on her face. All the Commanders and Lieutenants were around us and even though we had been gone for a few minutes, I knew that they didn't understand a thing.

"Everything is fine, don't worry. Kira and I simply encountered the Goddess Titania again but as you have seen, we can't control anything and are in a temporary sleep."

As I finally straightened up, I watched the worried faces of those around us become a little more reassured. Since we left the Empire, I knew they had been through a lot of emotions, even now. However, I didn't have time to think about that because I had a bigger problem ahead of me. I had wanted to get back to the Empire quickly all along, but after Titania's announcement, I couldn't wait.

The urge to start running right away was taking me by storm but I felt lost. To run now and leave them all here ? Take the time to explain the situation quickly and risk losing precious minutes ? What to do ? For the first time, I was caught between my duty as Empress, as a wife and as a mother. Yes...I was standing in the middle of the forest and I was lost.

I couldn't help but tremble slightly as I thought about what might be happening miles away. Had Gaya given birth ? Was there something wrong with the baby ? Had the Kingdom of Zal already arrived in Elysium in just one month ? All of my fears came in one wave, turning my heart a deep black. I was hurting, I was scared, I was lost, and I was feeling it all for the first time.

*What if Gaya and Shiro were already in enemy hands ? What if my wife had complications during the pregnancy ? It's not impossible, after all, she is carrying my child. Damn...I....we must...I must..*

As I felt myself falling further and further into an endless loop, for the first time in a long time an icy coldness emanated from me. I had no time to waste and yet I was paralyzed and unable to control myself. I could feel the roots of my hair getting cold and I knew that my white hair was beginning to reveal itself. At that moment, as always and forever...I could count on my family.

[Freya...calm down ! I know how you feel, I feel the same way. This overwhelming desire to run home is running through me. I...please try to control this wave of emotion. It's overwhelming me too and I...I feel like I'm going crazy. Please...]

As my heart cried out, Kira's voice echoed in my mind without the hint of joy that was unique to her. Her tone was weak, her voice trembling, and as she spoke to me, I felt a hand rest on my cold left arm. Lowering my eyes first, I could see her ungloved hand clasping my arm in support. I didn't feel her warmth and only the sound of her crackling skin reached my ears.

My whole being was freezing cold, every part of my body although looking normal, was like ice. Her hand seemed to be burning gently from the cold and for her who had never really known pain, it must have been unbearable. Yet, Kira had placed her hand on my arm and despite the cold and pain, did not let go as her voice echoed again.

[Fre..Freya..I'm scared too, I...I'm terrified haha~ I don't know how to deal with this. heart is beating so fast, horrible images are going through my head and...I don't know....I...Shiro...Gaya...]

I looked up at her face and what I saw was like a shock to me, reminding me why I had no right to be weak. In front of me stood Kira, just as shaken by the events as I was and if I was still stoic, she...was in tears. On her soft pink cheeks, hot tears were flowing, reflecting her fears, her doubts and everything I was feeling.

My little sister, so beautiful, so cute, for the first time, was not crying with joy but with sadness. I could read the pain, fear and heartbreaking sadness in her face. The sight broke mine and as I instantly regained my usual warmth and black hair, I pulled her to me. My soldiers may have been around us and watching, but I didn't care.

At that moment, only my little sister Kira mattered and seeing her in a state I wished I had never seen, had shaken me awake. No matter what was near us, I drew her into my arms to hold her as tightly as I could. As Kira's face buried itself in my chest, I felt her tears welling up. Like an unstoppable waterfall, my little sister was crying in my arms like a baby.

Neither of us spoke anymore because neither of us wanted to. At that moment I was just hugging Kira while unconsciously rocking her slightly. Since she had a body, she had trouble controlling her emotions and if Titania's words had shaken me...they had devastated her. The seconds passed but at no time did I regret taking this time for my little sister who needed me.

Kira had always been one of the important pillars of my life and even when Gaya or Shiro were not around, she was always by my side. I couldn't count the number of times she had saved me from my own demons and feelings against all odds. At this very moment, it was up to me to be her pillar and no matter what fears clouded my own heart, I wanted to be strong to carry my little sister when she didn't have the strength anymore.

Minutes passed and I was still stroking Kira's silver hair and ears. As I rocked her tenderly, I could feel her sobs getting quieter and quieter, giving way to adorable sniffles. Kira was slowly calming down but her arms wrapped around me continued to cling to my clothes like Shiro would. This made me smile, while I finally decided to speak.

*Shhhh,'s ok. I...I'm sorry Kira, I got carried away with my emotions without thinking about how you might feel. I know this is all new to you and yet you still took it upon yourself to resonate with me. What a poor big sister I am, right ? Forgive me little sister...I am here now...*

At my words, I finally felt Kira move slightly and while I expected her to raise her head, she did something unexpected. Instead of breaking away from my embrace, she raised her fist and gently slammed it against one of my ribs. Kira didn't seem to have any strength at all after all that, but still took the time to hit me tenderly before responding.

['re not a bad big sister Freya *sniff* You're the best so *sniff* don't...don't say that anymore ! Th-Thanks...I... *sniff* I didn't know how to control myself...sorry...]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Her voice was still as weak, shaky and soft as the first time and despite the situation, it warmed my heart. In my arms was my little sister who was showing me a side of her that I didn't know. Kira was absolutely adorable and her teasing and cheeky side had given way to a fragile and cute side. It is thus by swearing to me once again to protect her, that I answered in my turn.

*You don't have to apologize, it's totally normal considering your special situation. And anyway, it's always better to let your emotions go. Come on, don't worry about our family, Titania suggested us to hurry up but nothing indicated with certainty that something serious had happened*


Everything I said was sincere and even if I tried to convince myself at the same time, it was not impossible. Now all that was left to do was to get the others up to speed before we rushed to Elysium. All my Commanders had reached level 30 after all, and I could leave them in the Syn forest to rest while I ran.

"Are you feeling better ?"

"Yes...thank you onee-san"

After many minutes, we finally separated from each other with a slight smile. I could finally see Kira's face and it was almost completely red and her eyes were slightly swollen and bright. So, before turning back to my soldiers to tell them about everything, I placed a soft kiss on my little sister's forehead. Her tears had turned into a smile, her fears into hope and her pain into love.

"'s time to explain everything to the others, we'll leave right after !"

"Yes *sniff* onee-san !"

I finally turned to face the Empire warriors who had waited patiently and respectfully without uttering a single word. I had explained everything to them from beginning to end on our way back to the surface, so they all knew now that I was no longer just Freya but also Lucifer. Since my soldiers already knew about my reincarnation, everything was easier to explain.

Even Lynn, who happened to be there by chance, knew about this and no one was unaware of my status as a former Goddess, nor of my missing older sister Kalaa. It was now time to summarize our brief meeting with Titania and make them understand the urgency of the situation. It was already late afternoon and the sun was still high in the sky, and it would not be long before it began its descent on the world of Kleisaria and I had to be quick.


- POV General -

In the large clearing where a tree made of water and crystal used to stand, the Empress had just told everything to those who accompanied her. She had been quick for obvious reasons, but had left nothing to chance. Freya didn't know if Titania was still spying on them so she had explained everything telepathically to make sure no eavesdroppers could hear.

Each warrior had a serious face and now that the she-wolf had explained it to them, they all agreed to stay and rest for a few hours. The Empress had to get back to the Empire with her sister as soon as possible and they would not be moving until the next morning. Some Commanders were a little more stressed than others, like Luna who was thinking about Alayna, but rest was the priority.

In any case, they all trusted their Empress and could not ignore their bodies that were crying out for rest. Besides, in less than a day all the soldiers were able to arrive at the Empire, which justified their departure in the morning. As for Freya, in only a few hours she could return and was, therefore, the only one, accompanied by her little sister, to leave right away.

"Good. Now that you know everything, I'll leave it to the Commanders to handle the situation ! I don't know what we'll find there or what's going on, but I expect you to be there by tomorrow night at the latest. I wish I could be there for your developments, but you can handle it yourself. When we meet again, we'll go over it in detail."

"Yes your Highness ! You can count on us and leave without fear ! We will meet again tomorrow without fail."

Nixia had spoken, bowing, followed by the others without any of the other Commanders adding anything. They knew perfectly well that Freya was in a hurry and as everyone straightened up, the she-wolf turned to her sister.

"Are you ready ? You can always hop on my back if you can't keep up."

"No onee-san, I've been needing to let off steam for hours, to think about something else. If I ever don't feel well or can't do it anymore, I'll tell you, I promise !"

"Perfect then."

Without saying another word, under the stunned eyes of the soldiers of Elysium, the two violet-eyed sisters, transformed at exactly the same time. Not to change, the process of transformation had caused a violent wind from Freya, which was revealed little by little with Kira behind the cloud of smoke.

In front of the most powerful warriors of the Empire, stood a gigantic black wolf with a line of white and red hair and two majestic horns. Freya was even more imposing than before, the air around her even seemed to distort slightly and anyone who laid eyes on her could not remain indifferent.

Behind this huge dark beast, a huge fox, a little smaller, silver-gray with three tails and only one horn, was waiting. It was Kira, and for the first time she was in her original form. The sun was already starting to set and in just a few hours it would be dark. So Freya wanted to get home before dark and it was time to run for their family and their Empire.

"Are you ready little sister ?"

"Mmh onee-san !'

"Perfect. Let's hurry, it's a race against the sunset..."



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are regained) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the unique Sins Demons (to unlock it please collect the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 170 000 / 170 000 MP : 85 000 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Little sister : Kira (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):


- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)


- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 5)


- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 2)

- Healing Blood (lvl 2)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

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