The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 184 The New Chaos Commanders

- POV General -

It was mid-morning when the great gate of the imperial mansion opened its doors for the first time in a long time. Only those who worked there were allowed to enter, but only through a small door on the side. The huge gate was only for the imperial family or special occasions and this was one of them. When it opened, a loud noise was heard, echoing in all the surroundings.

This noise was recognizable to all the older citizens, so much so that in the main street in front of the mansion, everyone gathered in curiosity. Soon, as the large doors finished opening, almost the entire Empire was waiting. If this noise was heard, it meant that something important was about to happen, as the Empress was about to leave her mansion.

Wasn't she on an expedition ? What was her Highness doing here ? Many questions were on everyone's lips, accentuating the speed of the gathering. Those who had only been here a short time stopped and those who knew what was going on told them. The largest paved road in the Empire, leading straight to the walls, was surrounded by hundreds of people creating a path all the way.

Then, after only a few minutes, the long-awaited people finally emerged from the front courtyard of the imperial domain, to everyone's surprise. The citizens of Elysium expected to see the Empress, the Queen and the little Princess, but instead of seeing three people, there were six, including two babies. In an instant, everyone understood that these were the stars of the Empire, but who was the young woman next to them ?

No cheers went up in the city sky despite the birth of the Empress and Queen's babies because the scene was, as always, mesmerizing. In front of the group walked Freya, all dressed in black and red as she had never been before. She wore black boots, gloves and pants while her top was a bright red.

On top of it all, the Empress had a bright red cloak with a black fur collar, where on the back was embroidered the symbol of Elysium in golden threads. As usual, her hair was flying free and untamed, and the most observant citizens could notice that a second lock of a different color had appeared. In addition to the white strand, there was now a blood-red strand, shining in the sun.

As usual, Freya was breathtaking, as terrifying as she was beautiful and as loved as she was respected. She was the one who had brought this world together and created the Empire that had welcomed so many people. The Empress was for all of them, the one who had changed their lives, the one who would not hesitate to protect them at the cost of her own and the one who had shown herself to be more just than any human in this world.

With her crown proudly on her head, Freya strode forward with determination, her right hand on her black-bladed katana and her left arm carrying the small moon of the Empire. Shiro was in her mother's arms, wearing a beautiful little pink dress and ribbons in her hair tying it into pigtails. Always smiling, she wore a magical smile, her eyes shining brightly as she waved to everyone with her little hand. The same ice tiara was placed on her moon-like hair and for all the citizens, no doubt that Shiro was one of the treasures of the Empire.

To the left of the Empress and the little Princess, was the Queen walking with just as much confidence as her wife. Almost as beautiful, this time she wore black pants, a white shirt and the same cape as Freya. For the first time, Gaya was dressed almost like her wife, although she was more feminine and gave off a totally different aura.

Solar, radiant, warm and maternal, the Queen smiled like her daughter, also wearing her ice tiara set with red stones with pride. While Freya was the cold, she was the warm, when Freya wasn't smiling she was smiling for both of them and if Freya's presence frightened, Gaya's reassured. As always, the Queen stood beside the Empress with her eyes shining with love and tenderness.

She held in her arms the new sleeping stars of the Empire who were present for the first time before the eyes of all who could not help but smile. Tyle and Altaïs were dressed in small black, white and red pajamas that brought out the colors of their special hair. Their little wings were curled up, their eyes were closed and they were sucking their thumbs in a dream world that was inaccessible to everyone.

This time, it was not the Ice Empress or the little white-haired Princess who stole the show, but the Sun and her two Stars. This scene was ordinary and simple, yet the beauty that emerged from it was almost fairy-like. What could be more beautiful than a beautiful woman...a Queen, carrying in her arms the two children she had given birth to ?

However, another person was also on the minds of the citizens, the one standing to the right of Freya and unknown to all. A beautiful young girl, almost as tall as the Empress, walked with a slightly more hesitant step. Her long, wild hair shining like silver, freckles giving her a cute look, and a face reflecting an adorable shyness.

The beautiful vixen with the three fluffy tails was also dressed almost like the Empress and wore the same clothes except for the cloak which she found too bulky. In the eyes of the citizens, the young woman was a mixture of Freya, Gaya and Shiro because although she inspired respect and kindness, she had this cute side that was impossible to deny.

This person was obviously Kira and although everyone was unaware of her name and her role in the imperial family, many seemed to make the connection. The second Princess of the Empire had the same eyes as Shiro and Freya and even though she was different, her face strongly resembled that of the demon wolf at her side. So this large family walked down the road, through the crowd that followed them little by little.

Why had the Empress herself moved ? How was it that no one had seen the others return ? Among the citizens, there were of course the soldiers of the Empire who, compared to the others who were not part of the army, had even more questions. Where were the Commanders and Lieutenants ? In the crowd, there was even the young Alayna who, accompanied by Vig, followed the family closely with a worried look.

All this small world, not to say the whole Empire, was crossing the whole city to finally end as usual, in front of the last houses of the city. After the shock of the first few minutes, everyone bowed to them and followed them, questions in their heads. However, just as the Empress was about to set foot on the grass leading to the fields and wall, she stopped.

"What's going on ?"

"I...I don't know..."

Several minutes passed and finally some were beginning to wonder not knowing what it all meant at all. The imperial family seemed to be waiting but waiting for what ? As the voices began to get louder and louder, someone's voice shouted from the huge stone wall. It was a dryad, guardian of Persea and Ynir's section, patrolling the forest near the Empire.


At the dryad's words, the hubbub behind the Empress grew even louder and while some began to get scared, the soldiers drew their weapons. However, against all odds, the most powerful woman in Elysium did not move and even had a smile of satisfaction on her face. The entire imperial family remained unmoved, staring at the entrance to the Empire with attentive eyes that nothing could disturb.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Though far away, the dryad's voice had carried thanks to her wind magic and having run all the way, she now found herself breathless before the Empress. It was her turn to be confused to discover her in Elysium in the presence of her entire family and what's more, absolutely not alarmed by the news. As she bowed and was about to speak, loud thuds suddenly came from the forest.

Like drums in a frenzied rhythm, the sound came closer and closer, petrifying the citizens and soldiers who did not know whether to run or stay. It was not possible to see the trees in the forest because of the wall, but everyone could clearly see the dust rising into the sky. As the Empress set Shiro down, she walked alone across the large expanse of grass near the Empire fields.

Suddenly, the beasts that the young dryad had described, finally appeared, rushing through the large opening in the walls or passing over it. A huge snake with deep black scales slithered across the grass carrying two young girls with pink hair on its back. It was very large, had piercing gray eyes and the particularity of having the tip of its tail forming a blade surrounded by black flames. It was Nixia, Lynn and her Lieutenant Kurumi.

Behind her, a fierce brown wolf of five meters followed, its eyes as red as blood and two fangs longer than the others, reminding us that it belonged to the vampire race. Its powerful paws struck the ground and left scorch marks as lava crackled under each of them, surrounding the beast with a light smoke. On its back, a half-human tiger held on tightly to keep from falling. It was Ralph and Liz.

Arriving at the same time, a cat of a size never seen before was slithering between the black snake and the brown wolf, using its agility and flexibility. It had red and black fur, an emerald green right eye and a powerful black left eye. Just like the first two beasts, this five-meter cat was carrying on its back a young fox girl, with hair made of fiery orange flames. It was Emilia and her girlfriend, Naïa.

Finally, the last beast running on all fours was a black panther, as big as those who preceded it, with an equally ferocious look. Golden flashes of lightning crackled here and there around it, peeking out of its fur and bristling its hair. The panther had one golden left eye and one blue right eye, eyes that Alayna recognized in the distance without hesitation. It was Luna.

"What the..."

Before the eyes of the citizens of the Elysium Empire, Commanders Nixia, Emilia, Ralph, Naïa and Luna had just appeared, though their identities were still unknown for the most part. As they stopped in unison to form a line in front of the Empress who was waiting in the middle of the large expanse of grass, two creatures came from the sky. One was shaking the earth while the other was just gently touching it.

A huge wyvern with a body as gray as rock landed near the black snake, flapping its wings powerfully. It sent dust in all directions with its massive body and landed with a thud that shook the earth. The wyvern had darker gray eyes than the snake's and despite her size, she inspired sympathy for some unknown reason. It was Trioa.

Right next to this beautiful almost dragon-like creature with beautiful horns, a giant butterfly was also landing. Unlike the wyvern, it flapped its wings silently despite its size, creating no gust of wind. This butterfly was beautiful with its almost transparent wings of a rainbow color that, in the sun, seemed to move like an illusion, reflecting its rays of singular beauty. It was Ynir.

Beside these great creatures, the other Commanders who did not have a beastly side soon appeared as well, having undergone some changes. Persea appeared from nowhere to stand next to Ynir, her blond hair floating in the wind. The dryad was even more beautiful than before and had her hair set with flowers, the same ones that seemed to dress her in a dress seemingly alive with the colors of Spring.

To her left, the elf Caipy, who unlike the others had not really changed, stood straight before the Empress. Her green hair tied back and the sunlight, heightening the beauty of her matte skin that was almost unique to Elysium. Her dark eyes looked straight ahead and the dark elf looked much more imposing than when she left.

Thorunn was there as well, still the same and having undergone no apparent change for the moment but having well and truly evolved. Her blond hair and red eyes were the same, still with that detached look on her face and her two canines out. The vampire woman was beautiful and just like her friends, had become even more so after their evolution.

All the Elysium Commanders were back, their Lieutenant too, and as the Empress looked at them one by one, her eyes fell on Inferno. Her faithful stallion that she had left at Caipy had returned and was standing obediently beside Thorunn. He didn't look tired anymore and his head was held high, his yellow eyes more piercing than ever and his previously black mane now made of fire.

Freya had said nothing so far and had only watched with a closed, cold face, her eyes reflecting the powerful woman she was without even having to release her strength. However, more than anyone else, the Empress was proud to see her soldiers come back more powerful than ever. Their combined aura was unbelievably terrifying and like their new forms, imposing and powerful.

When the Empress had first named the ten young women standing before her Commanders, they were only level 10 at the time and had only a few soldiers in their section. Today however, everything was different because it was in anticipation of this day that Freya had given her best warriors their titles. The Empress knew that the day would come when they would be worthy of their name and it had arrived.

As silence reigned in the vast expanse of grass between the wall and the city of Elysium, Freya raised her arms, a smile on her face. Speaking in a powerful voice, echoing in all the surroundings, she was the first to speak and welcome those she considered companions, those she had given her trust to and those whose story was just beginning.

"Welcome home...Chaos Commanders !"



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are recovered) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the uniques Sins Demons (to unlock it please gather the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 170 000 / 170 000 MP : 85 000 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya Nightshade

Daughter : Shiro Nightshade

Twins (son & daughter) : Tyle & Altaïs Nightshade

Little sister : Kira Nightshade (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):

Attacks :

- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)

Défense :

- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 5)

Attack/Defense :

- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 3) - (under condition)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 2)

- Healing Blood (lvl 2)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

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