The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 186 Ooops~ !!

- POV Freya -

The crowd was finally dispersing because I had just finished my speech about my soldiers, my family and especially Titi and Ati as Shiro had nicknamed them. We had been in front of the city for several hours and the event had gone perfectly. All the citizens had cheered the soldiers and then the two babies newcomers. In spite of what was ahead of us, I was happy and I couldn't help but feel good.

All the people of Elysium were going back to their usual occupations and only my Commanders and the section Leaders were left, who were also there. Not all of them had arrived at the beginning, but they had eventually left the mansion to attend the presentation of my children. Now that this was over, the late morning schedule had to be implemented and without further delay.

A big meeting was to be held in the manor with those present before me, where we would discuss our exploration and discoveries. The topic of the upcoming War was also one of the most important ones, as I wanted to strategize now. On the way to the mansion, I was also scheduled to stop by the hospital that was near our estate and next to the Elysium soldiers' barracks.

My wife had told me about what had happened with this strange little boy who had fallen from the sky and although I trusted her, I couldn't help but be suspicious. How could an unexpected little brother fall from the sky ? What were the odds of that happening and especially with the events that were taking place at the edge of the forest. I also knew from Gaya that he had been marked by mana, so this matter had to be dealt with as soon as possible.

*One mistake can turn everything upside down*

I didn't like it...I didn't like it at all and now that the announcements had been made, it was time to head to the hospital before we held our meeting.

"I will be expecting you in the Imperial meeting room in two hours where we will hold our second War meeting. You are all expected there as it is of the utmost importance, so make sure you are organized so as not to be late ! Commanders, you can go and meet your loved ones and tell them more about your adventures because I know that many are looking forward to your return fufu~"

As I finished my sentence, my gaze gently slid over the many people waiting a little further away with a more than palpable desire to join us. There was of course Alayna waiting for Luna but also soldiers from different sections of the army as well as citizens. I felt a bit cruel to give them only two hours but time was against us.

While everyone was nodding, I turned to Caipy who I had to talk to because as the Commander of the medical section, her help was valuable. I didn't really know what the boy's condition was and I certainly wasn't a medical expert in this world. On Earth, I knew how to kill without leaving a trace, I knew the human body perfectly, but here, in this magical world, I had to listen to the expert.

"Commander Caipy, I am going to the hospital with my family where a very special patient is currently. I will need you and your knowledge of medicine to tell me if you know with a little more precision what he has and how to cure him."

"Well your Highness ! I would be happy to lend my expertise to this situation which although unknown, seems to be close to your heart."

Nodding once more, I could see all the Commanders and section Leaders bowing before leaving. After only a few minutes, I found myself alone with my family in front of the city, pensive and worried. I kept repeating in my mind that I had so much to do and it almost made me a little nervous.

Here I had discovered what it was like to love and be loved in the purest and most sincere way, but I also had to experience what came with it. The uncontrollable, hidden fear in my heart that kept growing in the darkest moments. I not only had the weight of my life to bear, but the weight of an entire Empire and more importantly, my entire family that I had to protect.

*Humans...not all of them are bad, but most of them are unfortunately. Why is that ? I don't know...but if Kleisaria is Earth, then it proves that humanity has never really changed. We may be in a different time with many differences, but in the end...everything repeats itself*

I had my eyes closed and as the cool morning breeze caressed my face, rather dark thoughts crossed my mind. I, who had lived in two different eras of the same world, was becoming more and more aware that everything was the same. The means were different, the mentalities too, but in both cases, Humanity, in general, seemed only capable of the worst.

Why couldn't we all live together and respect each other instead of hunting each other ? Why couldn't we shake hands and forget our differences ? Why should one be better than the other because his religion or race is different ? Finally, at that time or at the other, the questions remained more or less the same and this Humanity that I criticized...I had been part of it.

*It took me a whole life, a family, companions, an Empire to protect to realize that the path to happiness is not so complicated. Yet even today I must fight hard against those same people who seek power through the crushing of others...those who are different...*

I felt my fists clench, my jaw grind and my body tremble, as much from sadness as from anger. Why ? Why should we be the evil, horrible, inferior creatures that captured an innocent Princess ? A Princess who, tired of the actions of her own people, had fled of her own free will, even if it meant dying. Why couldn't they realize that the problem was in their hearts ?

*This War that is coming may not make me any better than I was in my past life, but at least I will fight and spill blood for those who should never have to see it. I will not destroy Humanity as I wanted to do when I arrived...but I will destroy all those who dare to prey on the weak and innocent. I am willing to bear the burden of my crimes and the status of a monster for my entire life if those I love can be protected from this rotten world and its horrors...*

As my blood boiled in my veins again, I suddenly felt a hand resting on my right shoulder, a head resting on my left shoulder, and little arms grabbing my legs. Slowly opening my eyes, I could see my family smiling at me with all the love they felt for me. As if each one had felt and heard my deepest thoughts...Gaya, Kira and Shiro were there.

"Honey...we are here and we will go through all the trials of life together so please don't torture yourself like this and let us help you like we always have."

"Mmmh ! Mommy~ I may still be too small and nowhere near as strong as you but...but I too would protect you ! I...I...I can protect your smiles with chookies and lots of hugs hihi~!"

One after another, the loves of my life were speaking their hearts and even though I already knew all this, I couldn't help but smile radiantly. My wife had her head on my shoulder and almost whispered those words to me while Tyle and Altaïs smiled without saying a word. My little moon was also there and was hugging me while laughing and reassuring me from the top of her 6 years.

"Hey onee-san ! Let us protect you because even an Empress, as powerful as she is, needs people she can count on. Gaya is right, don't you dare carry the burden of an entire Empire on your shoulders, especially now...I have some too pfffhahaha~"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

My little sister had removed the hand she had on my shoulder to bulge her chest and bend both her arms making her biceps stand out. Her smile was radiant like the others and the sincerity, love and confidence was evident on her face. They were everything I needed, everything I had dreamed of, and just a few words from them was enough to calm my anger and sadness.

Without another word, I hugged them before we began our walk back to the mansion. We were alone, happy, full of love and together... together we would move mountains and make the impossible possible. With a final smile that meant "let's go", we started to walk back up to the hospital where I would meet this young boy who had fallen from the sky.


- POV General -

On the large paved street in the middle of the Empire, the Empress and her family walked among the somewhat impressed citizens. It was indeed very unusual to see the imperial family walking in the street outside of an important event and the few people who were there did not know how to behave. However, seeing that neither the Empress nor the Queen was paying any attention to them, everyone went back to their own activities.

Most of the people had gone home because noon was approaching and Freya, Gaya, Kira, Shiro and the two babies, could be a little more quiet. Behind the family, Inferno was keeping pace, his head held high, his mane flaming and his eyes looking everywhere. On this large street, the Empress was carrying her son in her arms, the Queen her little girl while Kira and Shiro were having fun several meters ahead.

"Shiro my cute little cinnamon cream puff...I haven't forgotten what you said earlier hehe~ will you protect me with hugs ? I couldn't survive without aaaah~ if this Goddess of cuteness wants to save this poor little fox in distress, it's now !"

The three-tailed vixen Princess was playing drama queen as she didn't hesitate to mimic distress by falling into her lap. Kira was acting and lying on the ground with her hand over her heart, making noises representing pain. Shiro in front of her couldn't help but giggle making her little pigtails wiggle and almost dropping the little tiara she wore on her head.

"A-Auntie...pffpfff~ Auntie Kira noooo don't die ! I'll heal you with my legendary strength like mommy ! Yaaaaa~"

"Oh yes ! Save me O sweet Imperial Princess, great Goddess Shiro !! Hahaha~"


The little moon then jumped on Kira who was on the ground opening her arms wide to hug her while laughing with all her heart. Freya's little sister was also laughing and hugging her niece back as their bodies fell to the ground. The scene was absolutely adorable, their laughter rising into the blue sky of Elysium under the loving eyes of the Empress and the Queen who she smiled not without raising her voice.

"Shiro sweetheart...don't roll around on the floor like that, it's not very clean ! After we pass by the hospital it will be meal time so don't get dirty and don't mess up your dress. "

"Yes mooooom~"

At her mother's words, Shiro immediately stood up smiling with all her teeth while Kira did the same with an embarrassed face. While the Empress found this scene hilarious, she would turn her head to see Gaya looking at her with a raised eyebrow as if to say "do you have something to say ?". Freya was turning her head after shaking it slightly when suddenly, Kira's voice echoed ahead.

"Wooow !!! Now that I am able to feel and see everything, I find this place beautiful and much bigger than I imagined. I didn't have time to get a good look when we came down because of the crowd's huuuuge !"

They had arrived at the Empire's main square, which was right in the middle of the city, where Elysium's first festival had been held and where the city's largest tree stood. Kira was whirling around, jumping around with her tails expressing her state of mind. They were swinging furiously from left to right and at that moment, the Fox Princess looked like Shiro, her face beaming like a child.

"Oyaaa~ ?? What am I seeing ??"

Kira had stopped right under the giant tree where a fountain was enthroned with the statue of Titania as the centerpiece. At that moment, she turned to her big sister with a look of the most innocent while she approached the statue slowly by climbing on the fountain. No one was in the Elysium square and as Kira began to speak again, Gaya and Shiro looked at her with a questioning look.

"She's really well made, don't you think ? Very representative of the Goddess ! Yuric and the other dwarves did such a good job of capturing her divine essence, don't you think onee-san ?"

Suddenly, as the silver-haired vixen jumped up to face her sister and her family, her foot slipped on the edge of the fountain. With an almost dramatic...overly dramatic look on her face, Kira fell backwards towards the water. Trying to regain her balance, her arms were catching the statue but instead of holding it, the Fox Princess was dragging the sculpture down with her.

"Oh noooo, my god I'm so clumsy !"

With a loud thud of broken stones and water, Kira was landing butt-first in the fountain, thousands of tiny pieces of the statue on her body. Her strength and the speed of the fall had exploded the beautiful representation of Titania that had sat in the Empire since its creation. Shaking off her hair and blowing out one of her strands, Kira looked back at her family speechless.

Shiro's mouth was wide open at the scene as she looked at her mothers and Kira in turn a face between panic and laughter. Gaya had a hand over her mouth fearing that her sister-in-law had hurt herself while Freya turned her head away slightly. The Empress was shaking slightly trying not to explode with laughter while her little sister shrugged with an unconvincing look of apology on her face, before uttering only one word.

"Ooops~ !!"

[N/A: Fanarts of Shiro here ! (Shiro "wow" and Shiro "chookies")]



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are recovered) - 20% off

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the unique Sins Demons (to unlock it please collect the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 170 000 / 170 000 MP : 85 000 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya Nightshade

Daughter : Shiro Nightshade

Twins (son & daughter) : Tyle & Altaïs Nightshade

Little sister : Kira Nightshade (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):

Attacks :

- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)

Défense :

- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 5)

Attack/Defense :

- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 3) - (under condition)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 2)

- Healing Blood (lvl 2)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

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