The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 195 The Beginning Of The End [Hell - Part I]

[N/A: I tell you in advance, don't worry you will discover the new power of the Commanders directly during the war.]

– General POV –

A few days before the meeting of the two armies on the lands of the Dark Forest, in the meeting romm of the Imperial mansion, all the representatives of the Empire stood. The humans were about to march towards the forest and for the first time it was not a small group at all. The hour was serious and an implacable seriousness could be read on the faces of the Commanders, the Lieutenants, the Queen, the Princess and the Empress.

There was also Alayna who stood close to Luna in silence and Vig who hadn't dared approach and who was placed near the door like a guard. The presence of the former Princess and the former adventurer was essential given their stories. Being the only two humans from the Kingdom of Zal, the information they held, however small they were, should not be dismissed.

A few minutes before, they had all seen in detail the change of those who had evolved during the night to define the best strategy because in addition to having undergone physical changes, the power of the Commanders had also increased. The ten young women were more powerful than ever and, like Freya, were proud of their evolutions and what they had accomplished.

It was now time to establish a strategy for the army of Elysium to fight and defeat the 3000 men and women who were about to hunt them. On the large table in the middle of the room was displayed a large map of the forest where the army of humans was represented. Everyone was silent, everyone was watching the map in detail to think about the best strategy.

Everything was indicated there, the supposed number of Knights and Paladins, the smallest corners of the forest, the different biomes and strategic points. Many might think that a direct and surprise attack was the best solution, but for Freya nothing should be left to chance. Although Commander Luna's section had done an excellent job of collecting information, there was always a lack of it and it was never enough.

"3000 humans…"

Breaking the silence, Freya's voice echoed through the large room as all eyes turned to her with curiosity and seriousness. She was standing at the end of the table, hands at either side, her brow furrowed as her mind raced at breakneck speed. Gaya sat to her left on her throne as Kira to her right, physically attending a meeting for the first time.

"With the advantage my system gives us, a level 15 Elysium soldier is necessarily more powerful than a level 15 human. Our army is only half the human one but quality trumps quantity, however…

No one spoke and waited respectfully for the Empress to finish what she had to say or to propose for the war that was about to take place. At first sight, a free-for-all might have been the best solution but there was something important that should not be forgotten. Despite the many advantages that Freya and thus Elysium possessed, the Empress did not want to fall into arrogance and make mistakes.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

…however, there are undoubtedly powerful Knights or Paladins in their ranks and we absolutely need to find a way to know their levels. During a war, knowing how to be informed is essential, whoever has the most information about their enemies has a considerable advantage. Conversely, ignoring everything about those against whom you are fighting is like walking on a tightrope with your eyes closed… the slightest jolt, the slightest unforeseen event can lead to the most brutal fall."

The Empress was thinking aloud and yet everything she said made a strong impression on the minds of those who listened to her with admiration. The idea was to find a way to collect as much information as possible before the confrontation even began. Unfortunately, in spite of the work of the army, the question of the levels was always in question and Luna had understood it well whereas she took the floor.

"My section counted 2500 human Knights who seem to be for the most part swordsmen, archers, spearmen devoid of magic. Regarding the famous Church of Humanity, they only sent 500 Paladins but given their attire they all seem to be mages without exception."

At her words, Persea and Ynir who also had soldiers in the forest nodded to confirm everything their friend had just said. Ever since the humans had been detected at the edge of the woods, the Guardians of Persea and Ynir section and Luna's espionage and intelligence section had taken it upon themselves to watch them discreetly. While Freya was still thinking, Trioa the demi-human wyvern spoke up.

"If…if I may Your Highness…regarding the level of these humans…You are the only one who can find out. Thanks to your… system, it would be possible for you to do it, unfortunately, your new power and new aura are difficult to conceal."

"Mmm you're right. Since we came back from the crypt, I still have a hard time hiding my aura which is only growing. To be able to inspect their status at all, I need time and to be near, unfortunately I would not be able to get closer without being spotted"

Freya having discovered her identity as Lucifer and unlocked new powers directly related to her Goddess blood, was no longer as discreet as before. Indeed, wherever she went, a sense of death was never far away, which could cause the weakest to suffocate and faint. Concealing such an aura took time but this time, Freya did not have it because the human army was at the gates of Elysium.

In the Empress's mind, it was inconceivable to lead an army of 1500 new soldiers in their first war without knowing the strength of humans. Even though the system was a great help, she wanted to have this information but couldn't have it without starting the war sooner. Everyone was aware of this crucial question but no one had an answer when suddenly a timid voice rose.

"Y-Your Highness, I might have a solution.."

To the Empress's right, a beautiful young woman with almost transparent hair and rainbow highlights had risen timidly from her seat. Ynir, Guardian section Commander alongside Persea seemed to have an idea that might be able to solve the problem. As she spoke, Freya had looked up at her, narrowing them slightly, curious and interested in her further statements.

"Since my evolution, my field of action concerning my illusory dust has become much larger and much more powerful. If somehow a section catches the humans' attention, I can throw them into a short illusion. From there, it will be easy for you, your Highness, to analyze them with your system, although… 3000 humans is still a big number."

At her words, everyone in the room exclaimed happy to have an option, starting to make simulations and hypotheses based on this new and valuable information. One of the Commanders was particularly excited at the idea and didn't hide it, making the lava of her hands crackle against the table without realizing it. Indeed, Ralph had risen in a hurry with a wild glint in her eye.

"But then why can't we kill them all while they're trapped in your illusion ?? Even if it's only 5 minutes, we could do a lot of damage right from the start, right ?"

"You are right but it is impossible. My illusions use the light of the moon or the sun for their power and mix with the mana of my targets. The slightest mana interference like the use of other magic, the intent to kill, could undo everything, especially to such a large extent not to mention the fact that this will be my first attempt. Oh and also, be careful Ralph you're burning the table…"

"Oh !"

As the overly excited Ralph snatched her hands away from the table she was slowly burning with her palms, Freya was thinking. Everything was going very fast in her mind and in just a few seconds, she had made her decision. Taking a deep breath, the Empress looked up to stare intently at Ynir before responding to the suggestion she had made.

"Mmmh, if you're sure you can immobilize them, I could take the time necessary to analyse the 3000 humans. Once this is done, it will be easy for me to convey to you in thought the most important information and the arrangements to be made. Either way, we need to know the strongest as well as prevent any retreat or advance."

"Empress! We could create a massive, mile-long wall of fire enclosing them inside. The Guardians have sufficient knowledge of the forest and the necessary elements not to let the flames spread and burn everything."

Persea the dryad was the one who spoke and suggested the idea of ​​flames knowing full well how to control and manipulate them to perfection. Many details remained to be seen to make these plans real but Freya now had a smile on the corner of her face. Sitting on her throne alongside her wife and little sister, she answered in a dangerously excited and ominous voice.

"Very well ! So let's create Hell !"


Back during the first real war of Elysium, the decided plan had been implemented and had left the humans in complete misunderstanding as planned. Ynir from the sky had used her magic several times to be sure to have even the strongest ones. They had only been passed out for 10 minutes but that had been enough for Freya who had collected all the information before showing up, creating a panic in the human army.

Persea, accompanied by her section and that of Luna who knew the forest perfectly, had taken care of setting up the fire trap out of sight. The idea was to take the humans by surprise and take the opportunity to surround them and launch the coordinated charge. Thanks to Ynir and her illusory dust, Gaya and Kira who had held back the strongest of the warriors, everything was now ready as the plan wanted.

The Empress had already given the information and created groups that were better able to defeat the strongest of humans. The first to have to fight were obviously, the Commanders, the Princess, the Queen and herself while the army of Elysium was taken care of by the Lieutenants. The soldiers, themselves, had to surround and beat down in the center the Knights and Paladins being between level 15 and 25 to trap them.

"~Welcome to Hell~"

Now fire crackled all around the human army circling the entire area they had previously destroyed, stopping at the trees still standing. The King, Myles, Leto, Erina and all the others didn't even have time to have their questions answered when they were already imprisoned. The mysterious monster that was Freya for them had, with a single sentence heavy with consequences, sealed their fates.

"Formation, hurry !!!! Let…Let the top 10 level 30 Knights and level 35 Paladins stand in the front line alongside Erina !!"

Theophylactus in panic, had reacted exactly as the Empress had planned and sent the strongest ahead after seeing the power of the she-wolf. At his words, despite the fear that had gripped the humans, the strongest obeyed their King with great confidence. The strategy of Zal's leader was to destroy the threats posed by the Empress, Princess, Queen and Commanders as soon as possible.

"Idiot... fufu~"

Freya's face was neutral behind her helmet, but she was gloating inside at the King's decisions, which she knew were made in the panic and haste of the situation. Raising her arm, all the Commanders at her signal stepped forward behind her, her wife and her little sister as the Elysium army retreated. So thirteen people stood before twenty-one humans, making the King smile naively at the difference in numbers.

"Commanders !!! The time has come to defend our Empire !!!"

Unfortunately for Theophylactus, his little hope was about to be swept away very quickly because at the Empress' words, four young women transformed. Before the terrified eyes of the soldiers, some of the beasts that had been detected a few days ago, appeared before them. A brown wolf, a snake, a panther and a black cat of incomparable size stood behind Freya and alongside six other equally powerful young women.

"We...we...we must win !!! Don't... Don't be afraid, be strong and make the crown and the Church proud of you ! Fi-fight these monsters and let's get out of...this Hell by our strength alone and...and our convictions !"

The King at this sight tried to encourage his soldiers but while his mouth was saying one thing, his body was showing the opposite. Without realizing it, he had fallen back behind the ranks of Knights and Paladins, unable to lead the charge. His body trembled as much as his voice, for what lay before him was unlike anything he had ever seen in his life as a King and Warrior.

The Knights and Paladins, though mostly as terrified as he was, despite their levels, were forming up, advancing slowly led by Lady Erina. Then suddenly, while until now everything had been observation, the Commanders were leading the charge at an impressive speed while the humans were already preparing to undergo the savage attacks of these bloodthirsty beasts.


Even before the Empress' ten best warriors reached the humans, the most powerful human had shouted her orders without a tremor in her voice. Unlike most, she had only watched until the but had never trembled at the little tricks of the Elysium Empire. Erina was ready to take command of these twenty people and although their beliefs differed, even the Paladins agreed.

In an instant, the formation was done and on time because already the Commanders were arriving at their level, some in beast form, others having kept their human form. A battle between ten-level 30s against ten-level 30s and ten-level 35s was about to take place and propel the forest even deeper into the Hell of Flames and Death. A little behind still stood Freya, watching and analyzing in detail the one who was doing the same.

Indeed, Erina had not moved and despite the fiery Chaos around her, her eyes could not take her eyes off the Empress several meters ahead. Since her appearance, the redheaded Knight had not put her out of her mind, both excited by this powerful new woman and fascinated.

In the Dark Forest, with the afternoon sun high in the sky, the fate of thousands was being decided in a circle of fire. Who would win ? Who would emerge victorious with the head of the enemy leader at their feet ? No one knew yet, but one thing was certain... Hell was just beginning.

[N/A: Sorry for those who thought the action would start there but explanations take time, I don't want to give a stupid reason to speed things up. That said, promise the War and Bloodshed starts now!]

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