The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 199 The Fox And The Dark Elf [Hell - Part V]

- POV General -

The battle of the Empress had gone very quickly and had even ended under the gaze of the soldiers of both armies facing each other in this circle of fire. Lucifer Nightshade had appeared for the first time in front of humans and had even offered them a show as terrifying as powerful. The hundreds of warriors of Elysium themselves had discovered her in this form and felt nothing but pride, admiration and fear for her.

Although the battle between Freya and Jade had been fairly even at first, the Mage Knight of the Kingdom of Zal was soon overwhelmed. Her warrior skills were unquestionable and despite what had happened, Jade was quite incredibly powerful and unique. With one look, the Empress had understood this and had developed a particular interest in the young woman.

What was a royal blood vampire doing among an army full of humans who hated all other races and praised only their own ? Why hadn't she awakened the soldiers during the illusion, even though she was capable of doing so ? Many questions crossed Freya's mind and she was happy to defeat her. So Jade Wolfury, a level 45 Mage Knight of Zal, had been taken prisoner by the Elysium Empire.

Of course, the Empress had no intention of treating her defeated opponent as a real prisoner of war and planned to respect what she had said. However, for the moment, despite what the two young women had said to each other, it was not the time for discussion as the battle between Zal and Elysium was just beginning. Everyone had done exactly as Freya had ordered and everything was going according to plan.

The Commanders and the others had witnessed her battle, theirs having stopped instantly when the two women had crashed to the ground. Lucifer had won and the ten most powerful women warriors in Elysium were speechless. Silence still reigned and while everyone was paralyzed, Freya who had grabbed Jade stood up before speaking in a powerful voice.

"Please continue fufu~"

Her clothes were torn, her helmet was still broken revealing her mouth and the she-wolf was covered in blood from head to toe. However, for some reason unknown to all, she retained that frightening imperial presence and her nonchalance only made her more dangerous. At her words, emerging from their trance, the Commanders turned once again to their opponents, Knights and Paladins all terrified.

The fighting could continue or really begin and for the first time, Kira, Freya's younger sister and Princess of the Empire, fought alongside Caipy. They were both against a Fire Knight and a Lightning Paladin, both of whom were as white as the others after the scene that had played out before them. Kira stared at her opponents more than ever determined to do almost as well as her older sister whom she admired.

"Caipy ! It's time to show what we can do !"

"Yes Princess !"

"Call me Kira. With me, on a battlefield when it comes to defending what we hold dear, there is no title or difference between us."

"Hai, K-Kira !"

Unconsciously, Kira's words had resonated in the dark elf's heart and brought a confident smile to her face. The silver-haired vixen was also smiling and grabbed her red and black-bladed scythe with ease. As she twirled it several times in her hands, silver-blue lightning bolts crackled out of her entire body a sign that the fight could continue.

"Yosh~ There's no reason for Onee-san to be the only one having fun huh pffhahaha~"

As she finished her sentence, Kira winked in the direction of Caipy who nodded in response, pulling out 10 poisoned needles that she held in both hands. A good distance separated them from their opponents, but first, the vixen calmly moved towards them. Caipy stayed behind to observe but was ready while the two humans, not wanting to die, started to incant their spells.

"Knight, protect me !"

"Yes !"

The two men didn't even know each other's names but a desire to survive animated them especially after witnessing the Empress' performance. Both level 35, they surpassed for sure Caipy's level 30 and Kira's level 15 but physical strength wasn't everything. The psychological pressure that had fallen on them a few minutes ago could change absolutely everything and that was Freya's plan.

By showing her superiority, by revealing herself as Lucifer in front of all these soldiers who had come with incredible arrogance, she had struck an important blow. Seeing Kira approaching, both of them unconsciously trembled but prepared themselves to support what was about to fall on them. The young fox walked silently before pressing her pace and running, her lightning still crackling with excitement.

"The subrace is coming ! Don't...don't forget to keep an eye on the one with the pointy ears !"

"YES !"

The Paladin who had a large blonde beard seemed to have taken command, shouting his instructions to the Knight who followed them without protest. Indeed, as the Paladin had so aptly said, Kira was coming charging in with a smile on her face as she formed even brighter lightning bolts under her bare feet. The Knight, on the other hand, had flames appearing on his legs going up to his waist, burning with a crazy ardor.

He prepared his long sword where the sun's rays were reflected on it, but as he raised it into the sky to counter the young woman, her silhouette blurred. The Princess of the Empire seemed to be just an image appearing left and right as if in a dream. The man in armor didn't understand as she blurred further and further before disappearing from his field of vision completely.


Concentrating as hard as he could, suddenly the Knight felt a presence at his back making him move instinctively and at a great speed worthy of his level. His sword stopped in mid-air as a sound of crossed iron was heard coming from his weapon. There was nothing and no one there, but the blade had been stopped in its powerful momentum by something invisible.

Then suddenly, a small chuckle sounded right in front of the man as space seemed to twist in front of him, wavering ever so slightly. Gradually, in front of him, a shape appeared in the form of a beautiful young female fox with three tails. In a small cloud of lightning, Kira was there and smiled with all her teeth obviously proud of her because the next moment, the Knight was struck by lightning.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Aaaaah !!!"

The Princess's lightning bolt had passed through her entire body before passing through her scythe and the sword of the man serving as the driver. However, it hadn't been enough to shake him, but that didn't matter because any blow even a tiny one was important. As the Knight shook, Kira threw her scythe again to slice him but this time she didn't have time to strike as a huge ball made of orange lightning came at her.

"Die witch !"

The Paladin had finished incanting and with his hands, he formed balls of lightning that he threw at Kira to protect his slightly disturbed comrade. With a good prodigious move, she dodged the attack before going to place herself again near Caipy. The latter had not moved and for a good reason, she was observing every movement and had now detected the weak points of the two men.

"K-Kira ! The human who masters lightning has much diminished physical attributes compared to the one in armor and mastering fire. His movements and mobility are less precise even if he seems physically resistant but it's only an impression. You are level 15 so in close combat, despite the big difference in level between should be able to kill him. However don't forget, his mana is much more powerful than yours, if he hits you with one of his attacks... it will be the end for you."

Caipy spoke in a serious voice without ever taking her eyes off the two humans as she told Kira about her findings. The Commander had no magic but her experience was just as formidable and she intended to put it to good use. The silver-haired vixen listened intently to her every word before she planted her weapon in the ground, asking a question.

"Mmmh I understand, it's obvious I would be very careful, thank you very much Caipy. What can you tell me about the knight ?"

"Well... This man has mastered fire and uses it especially in his legs to speed up his movements and make them almost imperceptible. He is very physically trained and his reflexes are very fast as you have seen. His level is also physical blow and you might not be able to fight anymore."

Kira was fighting for the Empire for the first time, but of all the 20 most powerful human opponents, she was the weakest. The Commanders had raised their levels to 30, but the young woman had only 15, which was far less. However, the reason she was fighting was because despite that, Kira had gained her older sister's combat experience after being by her side and in her soul for so long.

"Very well, then I'll just make them use up mana without ever getting hit by their magical or physical attacks. Onee...ahem...Freya traumatized them and that's great for us because it makes our job easier. Let's go !"

Just as Kira finished her sentence, she let her aura explode as her silver hair began to glow and float down her back. Her entire body was almost covered in lightning and even her red and black scythe glittered and crackled. The Paladin having felt this sudden wave of power, continued to form lightning balls with more gusto which he began to send at the fox and the dark elf.

"Kira !"

"Yes !"

The moment Caipy had yelled, Kira had answered before they both split up to go deal with the two men. The Commander was running straight at the Knight who was far too powerful to fight the Princess while she was running at the Paladin. Kira ran without hesitation and dodged the powerful lightning balls that came at her at great speed.

She reeled in her scythe and every time a ball hit the blade, the orange lightning resonated with her silver-blue lightning creating small explosions. Like Freya, she seemed to dance as she dodged, moving her body in all directions with a fierce and fiendishly precise grace. The Princess would hit the balls with her weapon and send them flying away, always getting a little closer to her panicked target.

"Don't come any closer !"

As she finally got close to the man with the blonde beard, he sent an even bigger attack than the previous ones. A crackling, orange and imposing ball of the size of a big rock arrived on Kira who, launched in her race could not stop. She had only a few seconds left to dodge, but in the eyes of the Paladin who was smiling broadly, it was already over.

​ "You won't be able to dodge this one hahahaha~ it's too big, too fast and you are running into it yourself hahaha~ die !"

At the moment he said this sentence his smile was very big and he could already see himself winning against this young woman that he called a subrace. However, he was surprised because against all odds, the young fox woman did not even try to slow down or dodge and continue to run straight at this huge ball. Was she driven by a sudden desire to kill herself ? The Paladin would soon find out.

While she was only a few feet away from the attack, in her rush, Kira shifted slightly to the side before swinging her scythe. The ball passed within inches of her, but as it was about to fly away, she caught it with the tip of her blade. Using the force of the deadly attack, the Princess began to spin around very quickly while sending her own mana into the ball.

"Imp-Impossible !!!"

Gradually, a whirlwind of lightning formed around Kira as she continued to spin faster and faster using her rotation to control the ball. Orange in color at first, it changed to become more and more silver and blue, a sign that her mana was taking over. Suddenly, she planted her feet firmly on the ground before sending out with all her might this new ball that she had shaped with her own magic.

"Mister Bearded Paladin, I loved your little is mine !"

Kira, prodigious as it seemed, had been clever enough to use the strength of the attack to turn it against her opponent. The power had been level 45 worthy and if she had tried to stop it normally... her fight would have ended immediately. Instead, spinning had given her the strength to withstand the power and the time she needed to turn her attack into her own.

The young three-tailed fox had come up with the idea in an instant and at that moment Caipy who was busy fighting the Knight was impressed. Now the Paladin had been caught at his own game, the situation had changed drastically and an attack he didn't suspect was now coming right at him. It was all very fast but he didn't want to lose, not now... not to some common subrace to exterminate.

"You won't get me !"

Preparing as much mana as he could, the Paladin wanted to dodge in turn and counterattack with a magical attack of the same power. Also shifting to the side, his face filled with anger and hatred, he would throw an equally large ball again so that the two would collide and explode. As the man watched the result, a cheerful and threatening voice was suddenly heard just behind his ear giving him goosebumps.

"Hello there~"



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are recovered) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the uniques Sins Demons (to unlock it, please gather the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 170 000 / 170 000 MP : 50 000 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya Nightshade

Daughter : Shiro Nightshade

Twins (son & daughter) : Tyle & Altaïs Nightshade

Little sister : Kira Nightshade (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 2239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):

Attacks :

- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)

Défense :

- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 5)

Attack/Defense :

- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 3)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 2)

- Healing Blood (lvl 2)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

Passives :

- Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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