The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 210 Sisters' Blind Fight [Hell - END]

- POV General -

"FREYA !!!"

As the Empress felt her head spinning, her closed eyes suffering from the sudden changes due to her new skill, a voice had called out her name. She could see nothing but feel everything and in that moment when the war was finally over, a woman had appeared. She didn't know who she was or where she came from but this person who came for Freya was none other than her older sister Kalaa.


"It's okay."

Gaya, still in her dragon form, approached her wife who was only a few meters away, as confused as everyone else. However, with a gesture, the she-wolf stopped the worried dragoness before whispering a few words that only she could hear. The next moment, the Queen began to change back to her humanoid form as ice formed around her body.

Meanwhile, a little further away, the King lay on the ground surrounded by his Paladin and Knight soldiers, who were busy panicking. He had been the first victim of Lucifer Nightshade's own Death Gaze skill and was therefore stuck in an illusion from which he could not escape. Theophylactus was convulsing on the floor, his limbs were stiff and the most terrifying thing was that his eyes were not even closed.

The human soldiers farthest from the King, not knowing what was going on, had their eyes fixed on the south where Kalaa had appeared. Two walls of black ice had formed in the middle of the flames the Commanders had created, giving her a few seconds to cross. Her hair was as black as Freya's and her eyes were still purple and gold, giving her the impression that she had galaxies in her eyes.

Kalaa, drawn by the magic Shiro had cast for Angel that had resonated within her, had finally arrived in front of the one she had been targeting for months. She didn't run, she moved with a calmness that hid a storm and didn't care at this moment about the humans and bodies on the ground around her. The woman had her eyes fixed only on the Empress before she gradually noticed the Lieutenants and the Queen.

"Gaya. With the Lieutenants, finish the human army and capture the King alive no matter what to end this war. I'll take care of our new last minute guest, don't worry about it."

"B-But you don't see anything. Y-You..."

"It's okay, my love. I feel something special about her even though I can't figure out what or focus fully because of my eyes. Regardless, it's up to me to handle it and then I'd like to find out how she knows my name."

Indeed, with her eyes closed, Freya could no longer use her "Analysis" skill on the one that had just appeared, nor could she see what she looked like. However, despite the almost complete loss of Kalaa's powers, her blood vibrated and her instincts were on full alert. Understanding, Gaya nodded her head trusting her wife despite the fear she had when she realized that Freya had encountered an unforeseen problem.

"All right, but still be careful with yourself. I'll keep you in the corner of my eye, if anything happens to you, special thing or not, I won't hesitate to intervene."



This time it was the Empress who didn't even have time to answer as the Queen was already turning around to call the highest ranking officers of the battlefield. Freya hadn't seen it but felt it, Gaya had been very serious and despite her injury, didn't want to stand idly by. For some reason the dragoness didn't know, her senses were also on high alert and despite the not very powerful aura that Kalaa gave off, there was something more.

As the Queen, Lieutenants, and army moved towards Zal's army, they all bypassed the Empress and the young woman in the center. The humans were again preparing themselves without much hope given the situation that was at their disadvantage. Sir Myles, Saint Leto, Jade known as Lady Erina and the King himself were all out of action leaving their soldiers to fend for themselves.



"At last we are face to face"

Kalaa's voice was calm but carried all the regret, resentment, anger, and sadness she felt. She was only level 15, but she was confident enough in her abilities to deal a fatal blow to the one before her. The former Goddess of Time circled around Freya who remained silent, far too busy concentrating, listening, feeling, and visualizing the scene.

Thus, Kalaa Nightshade, too blinded by her anger ruminated for thousands of years and deceived by the appearance of Freya, was in front of her little sister without knowing it. As for the ancient Goddess Lucifer Nightshade, deprived of her sight and deceived by the different aura that Kalaa gave off, was standing in front of her older sister without knowing it. Neither of them thought they would find each other, instantly chasing away the slightest little doubt.

"Who are you ? How do you know my name ?"

"You don't need to know, I'm just here to get the one you've kept for far too long and deliver a message to one of your friends".

"A friend of mine ?"

"The one who gave you the gift of her two elements ice and chaos just as she did with me long ago. But now all that is over, here begins my descent into Hell, my path to vengeance and you will be the first to suffer my wrath !"

Freya felt the immense anger that the mysterious woman was holding and understood that she was talking about Titania but understood nothing of her speech. So many things were mixed up in her brain already busy with dulling the pain in her eyes and making all her senses work. How did she know Titania ? How did she know that the Goddess was connected to her ? Why, despite her weak aura, did she feel chills ?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Once again, the Empress was intrigued by this new encounter as she had been with Jade and at the same time provoked. However, she didn't have time to answer when she already felt mana attacks coming straight at her. Kalaa didn't want to argue and conjured up swords of black ice before throwing them at Freya. She was only level 15 and was up against a level 45 person but she wasn't shaking.

As a former Goddess, Lucifer's older sister did not have a level that could be quantified by a number as she was much more than that. Having kept all her memories, she carried with her the experience of combat which allowed her not to tremble before Freya's aura. Kalaa's attacks had appeared very quickly and even though they were only made up of three swords, they were formidable.

The three ice blades spun at great speed and were controlled so perfectly that they seemed to come alive and target Freya until they hit her. They spun in the air and moved with great ease, always aiming at their target's blind spots. The she-wolf had drawn her katana and, with the help of her senses, pushed away every sword that was perfectly aimed at her heart, head, stomach or neck.

"This is just the beginning !!"

Seeing that her opponent was holding her ground, Kalaa made other black walls appear around the Empress to restrict her movements and hit her. One wall, two, then three, then four, one by one, layers of ice mixed with the element of chaos enclosed her, cutting her off from all light. Inside, Freya still eyes closed, fought like the wolf she was, savagely destroying every obstacle.


However, also made of chaos, the walls of the former Goddess of Time, sucked everything that came in contact with them and even the flesh. To get out, Freya had decided first to go barehanded before feeling the front of her fist being suddenly sucked. All the skin had been torn off causing her an unpleasant pain but which had to be quickly ignored to keep a great concentration.

" let's play."

Still dodging and parrying every blade that came her way, Freya locked herself in a little more by creating her own walls of ice by sticking them to those around her. Her mana was always dropping a little more due to her Death Gaze skill still being active but it was the only solution she could find. Once her walls were created, the she-wolf began to lean on them to fight even more easily.

Using the ledges as a stepping stone, the closed-eyed Empress whirled around, leaping into the air always armed with her katana which she wielded with precision. Thanks to this, in a few seconds she had managed to hit two swords that she had broken with her brute force. Caught up in the intoxication of this rather atypical fight, Freya started to smile before hitting her own walls with all her strength.

"My turn !"

Glued to those of Kalaa and thus propagating the power of the blows by shock waves, all without exception broke instantly making a young woman with blood red hair appear. To put an end to this fight quickly and to finish with this totally unbelievable situation, Lucifer had again resurfaced in front of her big sister's eyes.

Freya's aura had suddenly changed, taking Kalaa by surprise as she found herself overcome by memories she had not anticipated. However, there was no time for daydreaming as the red demon was already at her feet with a big bloody smile on her lips. Dropping her katana, she used only her hands with her fingernails that had turned black and lengthened.


The former Goddess of Time was not sure of what she saw or what she felt because the idea of having her little sister in front of her was in her mind impossible. Was this aura, this presence, once again the work of Titania ? After all, when Lucifer had gone to meet her on the day she disappeared, the Goddess of Ice and Chaos had been there. Everything was confused in her head, but the truth had still not arrived in her mind.

However, this time it was Kalaa's turn to not have time to speak as a salvo of wild attacks came at her. Creating new ice swords as fast as she could, she threw them to use as a protective shield while she thought. The two women were far from each other's level and yet the mysterious stranger was holding her own against the Empress even though she was getting tired.

"Tell me if you can stop this !"

Playing the whole for the whole knowing her own limits, the big sister of Lucifer jumped in the air far enough to avoid all the deadly attacks of her opponent. Then suddenly, as the red haired one was about to join her, Kalaa took a very particular position. Moving her left foot forward, moving her right foot back and placing her arms stretched like two wings, she started to turn on herself.

Freya couldn't see this stance, but she would have recognized it because it was her older sister's special attack that she knew well. The idea was to gain speed with each rotation while concentrating her mana and attacks around herself to create a deadly and unstoppable spinning top. Kalaa Nightshade was ready to go all out in order to deliver a fatal blow.

Like a tornado surrounded by sharp blades, she was sure to hit Freya because until now, no one had managed to stop this attack. It was not so difficult to perform but due to the speed of rotation, it was difficult to react in time and find her weak point. It lay in Kalaa's footwork and feet which at that moment had perfect timing capable of being analyzed and countered.

"I-I know this."

Freya, who still had her eyes closed, concentrated on every sound, every beat, every vibration, and that special rhythm produced by the feet of the mysterious young woman...she recognized them. Somewhere deep inside her, these pulsations were familiar, as if she had already dealt with them in the past but where ? When ? At this moment, her mind could not remember but her body knew.

And so, Kalaa Nightshade as fast as a tornado, as destructive as a storm and as sharp as the finest blade, approached Lucifer to strike her blow. The wind swirled in the air, dust flew and their red and black hair shone under the blazing light of dusk. As if carried by her own body and helped by the sounds, the Empress instead of backing down, against all odds, threw herself on her.

Finding the weak point quickly and instinctively, Freya slid her feet on the ground towards Kalaa to stop her. They seemed to dance and as they were finally about to touch, the Empress slapped her hands on the ground to give herself an impulse. The older sister, shocked and destabilized by her sudden action, could not believe her eyes.


Most of the time, when she used her technique, her opponents chose to flee through the air or dodge to the side which was a very bad idea. However, Freya had done it perfectly and as Kalaa seemed to realize something she never thought possible, their feet collided. The former Goddess had hit the red-haired demon's mask while she had been hit hard in the legs.

In an incredible shockwave drawing the eyes of the Elysium soldiers who were about to end this war, both women fell to the ground. Kalaa's back was on the bloody dirt, her leg almost broken and Freya had fallen on top of her. Their faces were only inches apart but neither of them moved. Having felt the same, Kalaa with a trembling voice spoke her first words devoid of hatred.

"W-Who are you ??"

As Kalaa spoke these words, suddenly, cracking sounds could be heard as the rest of Freya's helmet broke in two. The violence of the blow had split it in two and the two pieces separated before sliding gently down her face. At that moment, the wolf Empress above her opened her eyes, revealing her unique purple color and finally discovering who this mysterious stranger was that looked so familiar.

Kalaa who until now had not been able to see either the face of her little sister or her eyes, was also finally discovering the one who for her was using Shiro in the profile of the Goddess Titania. The two women had the eyes on the other and neither of them could move, speak or even think of anything. Shock had taken hold of their hearts and for all the world to see, the sisters had frozen.


"L-Lucifer ?"



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are recovered) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the unique Sins Demons (to unlock it, please gather the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 148 000 / 170 000 MP : 30 000 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya Nightshade

Daughter : Shiro Nightshade

Twins (sound & daughter) : Tyle & Altaïs Nightshade

Little sister : Kira Nightshade (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 2239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):


- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 7)


- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 6)


- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 4)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 3)

- Healing Blood (lvl 3)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

Passive :

- Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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