The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 72 Feelings Of A Little Sister And Changes

-- POV Freya --

The sun was beginning to rise and outside the sound of the waves and the birds were gradually waking me up from my sleep.

*Oh my head*

I grabbed my face in my hands as I could feel the pounding in my skull. As I breathed softly, lying on the bed, the memories of the night before came back into my mind. I remembered our first night which had been incredible and especially the wonderful news that for the first time in this world had made me cry.

*Gaya !*

Quickly straightening up on the bed, I looked for my wife to check that she was okay. The dragoness was sleeping soundly beside me, her hand under her face with many strands of her crimson hair. She was smiling and her eyes were slightly swollen from crying a lot during the night.

Gaya had a peaceful, happy face and seemed to be swimming in a pleasant dream. She was still naked, her body was red in some places with bite marks on her inner thighs, neck and breasts.

*I...I hope I didn't hurt her*

As I thought about last night, I leaned down to place a kiss on her forehead before slowly getting up to find something to wear. Our clothes were still scattered on the floor as I made my way to my personal closet, which was quite small at the moment. I put on a large black robe before tying my hair in a ponytail and walking out onto the balcony facing the sea.

[Good morning onee-san, did you sleep well ? hehe~]

As I sat on one of the sofas looking at the sky, I could hear my little sister's voice.

*Kira...Gaya is pregnant*

I hadn't even thought of saying hello to her when I was already telling her the news. I had gotten my wife's permission the day before and I had decided to tell her before Shiro because it seemed normal. She had been with me from the beginning, we had discovered this still mysterious world together. Kira had the right to know and as I finished my sentence she remained silent.


*Kira ?*

Then I straightened up slightly from my seat worried about her silence, her little voice was moved and I could almost hear her crying which was not possible.

[Onee-san...I...I'm so happy, congratulations ! Our family is growing..I ...I wish I could hug you...]


[But don't worry about me it's not important haha~! Congratulations again !]

Despite what she was saying, I could sense something else in her words. Kira was sincerely happy but my previous life had taught me well to recognize when there was something else. Her voice at that moment had the same hint of loneliness that I carried in my voice in my past life. My little sister didn't know all of these feelings yet and had a hard time hiding the variations in her voice. I knew better than anyone what this sadness and loneliness was that weighed on Kira.

*Little are just as important as my wife or my daughter. We were already a family before all this, remember ? I swore to protect you and make you happy and I will keep my promise. Am I not your big sister after all ?*

I wanted to reassure her that she wasn't alone and that I would do anything to make sure she could walk beside us one day.

*Kira...I also promised to find a way for you to have a body. I haven't forgotten that promise and I think about it every day in a corner of my mind. *

Speaking to her in my mind, I then took on a voice that was both serious, grave but also maternal and loving as I continued.

*But don't ever say that none of this is important because you are important to us. I don't want you to hide what you feel from me, how else could I look after you ? I love you and today I'm not afraid to say it, so don't be afraid to tell me when it's not right, okay little sister ?*

My heart was clenching in my chest as I finished speaking. My chest hurt and an urge to hit something was rising inside me. I was angry at myself for still not having found a solution when suddenly Kira's voice rang in my mind.

[Onee-san calm down I...forgive me. I'm really happy for you and for our family but when I see you three...I...I wish I could be with you. I love you all and you big sister are still the dearest person to me. Not being able to hold you in my arms is becoming more and more unbearable...I...I love you too. Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you...]

*No Kira I understand from the bottom of my heart what you are telling me. This unattainable happiness is what we have all experienced in our own way. I know you are happy with us, but as your happiness grows, this pain intensifies...*


I then suddenly stood up and walked over to the railing of the balcony that overlooked the sea. Staring at the sea, I spoke again, more determined than ever.

*Little sister...when the child that is growing in Gaya's belly is born, you will be able to hold it in your arms. Do you hear me ? Until then, please wait a little longer...please..*

I, Freya, who had never done this before, bowed my head and almost begged her to trust me. My trembling hands were on the railing and as I waited for her answer, the stone began to crack and to split. I didn't pay attention to my strength anymore and started to release it little by little, too focused on the conversation.

[Onee-san, your strength ! I...Okay okay, don't worry about it ! After all, it looks like I've inherited your strength of character, so I'll continue to trust you as I've always done so far !]


Without letting me continue, she continued.

[Now hurry up and check all your changes, or when I get a body I swear I'll keep little Shiro all to myself haha~]

*Oh ? I'd like to see that my dear little sister kufufu~!*

While we had regained our good mood, Kira's voice had resumed its brightness.


*So, let's see !*

Since we had finished building the Empire and the coronation ceremony, I had quite a few notifications to check and attribute points to distribute. To start, I wanted to see the changes in the Kingdom menu.

*Kira, please open the Kingdom menu*

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

-- PING --

[ The Kingdom menu has been updated ]

[ The Kingdom has become an Empire ]

[ Congratulations ! All hail the Empress ! ]

As I read the notification, I sighed wearily, unable to understand this strange automatic system that sometimes seemed quite clever and alive.



Empress : Freya

Wife and 2nd ruler : Gaya

Princess : Shiro

Management : Gaya

Commanders of the armies : 10 / Nixia - Ralph - Luna - Caipy - Ynir - Persea - (Naïa) - Trioa - Thorunn - Emilia

Chief Builders : 4 / Tar - Kan - Naghel - Eurytion

Chief Blacksmith : 1/ Yuric

Chief hunter : 1 / Wol

Chief Guardians : 2 / Ynir - Persea

Chief manufacturer : 1 / Taegen

Chief cook : 1 / Irrena

Chief of intelligence : 1 / Luna

Agriculture administrators : 2 / Ylindros - Kayla

Chief childcare workers : 1 / Viana

Chief medical officer : 1 / Caipy

Location : Dark Forest

Subordinates / citizens : 385

Soldiers : 170


When I had tried to contact Gaya telepathically a month ago, I had noticed that there had been a few changes. I wanted to check them with my own eyes as I selected my wife's profile.

-- PING --

[Individual named : Gaya



Physical and mental state

Telepathy ]

*This is all new ! I guess the "Status" allows me to see what I already know, however the "Information" and "States" options I had never seen before.*

So I wanted to start with the "Physical and mental state" option to understand a little more what it was all about even though it seemed obvious. As I concentrated, a new window opened in front of me.

[Individual : Gaya (wife)

Mental health : Excellent (rested)

Physical health : Excellent

Particularity(ies) : Pregnant - 0/4 months ]

As I scanned the information in front of me, I discovered an interesting piece of news.

*Oi ! I..I thought we would have to wait 9 months..! It looks like in 4 months our child will be born !*

[That's great news !]

*So that means I have 4 months exactly to figure out what to do with your body. That's more than I need !*

[Thanks Freya...]

For the first time in a long time, Kira had called me by my first name. As I smiled slightly, I continued to inspect the many windows in front of me. For the "States" option, I could get an overview of the complete status of one of my subordinates. From the moment his name was on the list, I had access to almost all their information. My heart was relieved because it meant that I could also look after my family no matter what.

*It's great, even if we're separated, I'll know how they're doing no matter what *

For now, this discovery was very good news. I was hoping that my other notifications were all equally important as I went through the system history.

[You now have +100 attributes.]

[ All your subordinates have gained 1 level ]

[You have earned 11,000 EXP ]

[ Requirements to advance to the next level (33) ]

[You now have +100 attribute points ]

[ Devouring Chaos skill increased to level 5 ]

[The skill Chaos Storage has been increased to level 4 ]

[Ice Demon Wall skill increased to level 6]

[Ice Creation skill increased to level 5]

All of these notifications were sent out after the intense month of building we had. Several of my skills had gone up in level and so had all my subordinates. The system took care of my subordinates by only leveling up their attributes because for their skills, it was up to them to level them up with serious training.

*Let's start with the attribute points. I have 200, that's perfect !*


Strength: 390 > 425

Defense: 386 > 421

Agility: 400 > 435

Stamina: 403 > 428

Speed: 392 > 427

Intelligence: 390 > 425


Again, the same feeling of fullness invaded my body and mind. This time I felt like I was floating in the air, I didn't feel anything, only every part of my body was changing. My body became harder and colder while my mind expanded. I had passed the 400 mark everywhere and this time my five senses were expanding as well and I almost felt like I was everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

My hearing was sharper, I could hear the rustling of leaves and when I concentrated I could locate a particular noise. As I stared at a rock in the sea several feet down the beach, the sound of the waves crashing and the rock crumbling filled my ears.


My eyes could see into the night, but this time I could see the surrounding mana swirling in the air. For the moment it was only faintly, but my vision had greatly improved.

*I have to test something*

While I was still in my black robe on the balcony, I got up from the couch, cracking the floor.

*And shit..*

[Don't forget to be careful, as your strength increases, you have to be extremely careful. Over time you retain your strength naturally, but after each little evolution you need a few hours]

Kira was right, I had to be careful not to hurt others and destroy everything. Being careful this time, I sat cross-legged, closing my eyes and concentrating only on what I felt, heard and perceived. My mind was working at a blistering pace as my own mana linked with the surrounding mana.

-- PING --

[ Host learned the skill of Mana Detection (lvl 1) ]

*I knew it !*

The stronger my body became in this world, the more I was able to interact with this world. I didn't really know what the system was, but it allowed me to gain new things with each step. The possibilities were infinite and a lifetime might not be enough to understand and discover all its secrets.

As I slowly opened my eyes in satisfaction, I could hear my little sister whispering.

[Do you want me to show you the details ?]

*Yes of course, thank you*

[ Mana Detection (lvl 1) : Skill that allows you to feel and see the mana around you. As the level increases, you'll develop more control over your surroundings ]

As I read the details of this new skill, I smiled wildly because it meant that from now on with a lot of practice, I would be able to act directly with mana which was everywhere.



Name : Freya

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Major Demon

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 33/70

Exp required for next level: 100 / 34 000

HP : 90 000 / 90 000 MP : 45 000 / 45 000

Strength : 425

Defense: 421

Agility : 435

Stamina : 428

Speed : 427

Intelligence : 425

Charisma : 410 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to: Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates : 387

Humans killed : 148

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 5)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic aura of the empress (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice demon wall (lvl 6)

- Demonic cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 3)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 1) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 5)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

- Mana detection (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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