The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 96 Master Of Souls [Dark Forest War II - Part XII]

-- POV Freya --

-- PING --

[ You have earned 100,000 EXP for killing 2 humans of level 31 and 35 ]

[ Condition met to advance to next level (34) ]

[ Condition met to advance to next level (35) ]

[ Your HP and MP have increased ]

[ You now have +200 attribute points ]

[ Frozen Wrath skill has been upgraded to level 2 ]

[ Pain Resistance skill has been increased to level 4 ]

[ The skill bite of Hell has been increased to level 6 ]

[ Ice Creation skill increased to level 6 ]

[ Mana Detection skill has evolved to Detection and control of mana ]

[ Detection and control of mana skill has been upgraded to level 5 (new information available) ]

[ You have gained 10,000 EXP ]

[ You now have +100 attribute points ]


My mind was flooded with notifications that kept ringing but I ignored them because I wanted to check on them later. Sarah and John were dead and only the weak and terrified humans were left. The clearing was silent and everyone was kneeling around me for some reason I didn't know.


[I think they were deeply affected by your demonstration]

Without paying any more attention, I once again created walls of ice around me to return to my human form and put on the clothes I was storing with my chaos skill. As the walls disappeared and I appeared for all to see, all the voices of my army rose as one.

"We salute her almighty Highness ! We, the soldiers of the army, once again swear unwavering loyalty to the Empire, the Empress, the Queen and the Princess !"

Seeing all my soldiers kneeling and hearing their words brought an imperceptible smile to my face. There they were, brave, strong, determined, loyal, and they were each, a light, a star of the Empire that I wanted to preserve and continue to see shine.

"Warriors, rise up ! I have heard your vows of loyalty, and I can only answer them by vowing once again that I will protect you all ! You who protect the lives of Elysium with all your heart, entrust me with yours and let us grow stronger ! Together, let us continue to build this unattainable, impregnable Empire that will one day shake the whole world. An Empire more terrifying than Hell for our enemies and a paradise for our allies, our families, our companions and our fellows !"

"Hurrah for the Empire !"

"Long live the Empress !"

"Long live the Empress, the Queen and the Princess !"

"Long live our Elysium Empire !"

Everyone had risen to their feet and while I was still standing in the middle of the arena, two completely shredded bodies at my feet, behind my face, I smiled.

[You really know how to deal with a crowd onee-san]

*Well, I think I'm getting better with time but enough said, we still have more people to execute !*

As the soldiers continued their ovation, I walked towards the female Commanders who were smiling but keeping their calm. They were beautiful, proud, strong, imposing and these women had real Commander's presences. As I reached their level, the 10 half-humans raised their right arms at the same time, instantly bringing the clearing back into silence.

[Wow, when you do it, I'm impressed, even though I'm used to it, but this...I must admit, it's very classy.]

*Isn't it ? They are still the Chaos Commanders of the Empire little sister kufufu~*

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I was proud of them more than any of my soldiers and to see such authority coming from them gave me a few chills. I still kept my face impassive without showing what was going through my mind as I stopped in front of them to speak.

"Give me an update on the condition of the adventurers still alive."

This time, against all odds, it was Naia the fire fox and vice Commander who stepped forward to answer me.

"The twins are conscious as are the two men who participated in the hunt. As for the ones you encountered earlier, they are now just zombies but still seem to feel pain your Highness."

"Mmh, perfect !"

Approaching the ones that remained, the sisters caught my attention. They had immense fear in their eyes but kept their heads up as they shook, their gazes in mine.

*Oh~ ?*

I would then crouch down to their level to ask the question that was running through my mind.

"What are those looks ?"

June was silent as May began to stammer a few words.

"I...we...would like to ask you...a question.."

"Human, if you think I'm going to spare you then there's no point !"

As I continued to stare into May's eyes to understand, besides fear I detected something else. Despite everything they had seen, the two twins were eager for something that seemed to be beyond them.

" your Highness ! We...we would like to did you manage found a place free of hate and...discrimination ?"

Her question was unexpected to say the least and left me in silence for a few minutes. Why was she asking me this question ? What were they trying to do ?

[Are you going to take the time to answer this human ?]

I didn't know. I certainly didn't have to answer these two sisters who were going to die soon anyway, but their question was interesting. Creating an ice throne in front of June and May, I sat on it while they were at my feet.

"Very well, I will answer your question !"

"A thousand...thousand thanks yo...your Highness..."

The two sisters were strangely compliant under the shocked gaze of the soldiers and the two men named Jet and Loyd. Crossing my legs, I raised my voice again.

"To create a place free of hate, discrimination, sadness, death and danger you simply have to want it. You have to get rid of your prejudices, be open to other worlds and certainly not denigrate other races. All members of the Empire are without exception people who have suffered in their lives because of humans like you and wanted to find a place of their own. In the end, a place without hatred is not so difficult to create if everyone remains benevolent and respectful. You humans only know how to destroy without ever asking yourselves if the world would not be happier if we all accepted each other without exception. In the end, you are complacent in this absurd and soiled way of life and you do not want to change. Here, this is different."

"Forgive me your...your Highness...but...if...if you hate humans so much...why...why are Vig and Lu..Miss Alayna here ? Why did you accept them ?"

It was June's turn to speak even though they were both very different from the first time I had seen them. At that moment, the twins reminded me of two little girls who were discovering an incredible truth for the first time. Their trembling voices carried a hint of passion and regret that intrigued me. After all, they had never been as hysterical as the ones I had met so far, so I agreed to answer once again.

"Alayna and Vig are different, they share our vision and are willing to help us fight against the tyranny of their fellow humans. Although I have yet to test them, they are the only ones who have risked their lives for some of my citizens, but you should know that, right ? Furthermore, we do not discriminate against any race and anyone is welcome in Elysium as long as they have a good heart. No human error will be repeated here and everyone is free to live their lives as they see fit without ever having to fear rejection."

I wanted everyone to hear my words. I wanted those who had followed me here to understand that we would never become like humans. As I finished my explanation, the twins' faces went from shock to sadness, to regret and to tears. The two sisters were whispering softly to themselves and no one could hear what they were saying except me. I was silent and listened carefully, curious about what June and May were thinking.

"June...all our lives we have been wrong. We, who live in this world where it is normal to hate other races, have managed to lose ourselves. By dint of distrusting everything, we finally missed out on something important...the love of a heart."

"Mmh I finally understand, finally everyone is looking to be happy just like us. There will always be people finding their pleasures in murder but not us. We both just wanted to live safely without having to be constantly suspicious and fearful of tomorrow.."

The answers they were looking for were so simple and yet the twins had never asked themselves the right questions. I was completely shocked to hear them say this and I couldn't help but think that there were always people who were not so bad. Of course they were also guilty of murder, but June and May said they never tortured anyone or made anyone suffer for the sake of it.

*These twins took the path to redemption themselves. They have realized their mistakes and now they realize how horrible their actions were. In Elysium we kill cruelly, resentfully, mercilessly and fearlessly, but never without reason. If these humans had asked themselves the right questions before getting their hands dirty, they might even have ended up by our side. June, May...what a pity you didn't realize all this sooner...*

[Do you regret having to kill them ?]

*Not at all. It was their choices that brought them here and I have no desire to defend them. Those twins must die and I would kill them without hesitation like the others*

June and May would not be spared despite their awareness and I was not in the habit of regretting anything. Tonight would be their last night and nothing and no one would stop me from making them disappear like all those who entered the forest.

"Th...thank you your Highness for answering us...we do not deserve your pardon and we will not ask for it.."

"...we accept whatever fate you have in store for us. We must pay with our lives for our sins and stupidity."

Their voices no longer trembled as I thought still sitting on my throne.

*These young women are very determined and I would not spare them, indeed. However... to know how to show remorse, I will not torture them and I will make sure that their deaths are quick*

[Mmh I agree onee-san]

After I had let off steam with Sarah and John, I was in a good mood and I felt like giving them that despite the beliefs that had divided us so far. I had no sympathy for them, but June and May seemed much more normal to me than the crazy people on their team.

"All right, I've answered your questions now it's time..."

As I stood up facing June and May, I prepared my katana to slice their heads off. The twins understood what was going to happen and lowered their heads, accepting their sentence with dignity and courage. As I was about to cut the two humans quickly, my little sister suddenly stopped me.

[Onee-san wait !]

*What ? If you interrupt me to ask me to spare them, it's no and you know it*

[No, it's not that ! I...I just wanted to offer you another alternative that will also help you test one of your new skills]

Intrigued, I sat up and listened to what Kira had to say. Everyone was wondering what I was doing, but without worrying about their looks, I listened carefully.

[Do you remember that since your chaos skill has reached level 5, you have the ability to absorb living things ? I don't really know what it can do, but these two young women will pay for their crimes and stupidity. I don't think it's possible to take living things in and let them out unscathed. It may be that this way you can unlock an interesting skill while keeping your word]

As I listened, I found the idea actually much more appealing than head slicing. I wasn't sure if it was painless but what I could unlock was more interesting.

*I'll follow your idea, it's perfect*

[Thanks onee-san hehe~]

I put away my katana to everyone's surprise while I placed both my hands above the twins' heads. I didn't say anything and they didn't know what was going on when suddenly a black mist came out from my hands.


"Don't move !"

June and May began to stir as the dense cloud began to envelop them faster and faster. They were completely absorbed as I could see their bodies dissolve and hear their panicked voices.

"I...I can't feel anything, it's dark I...where am I? Juune !"

"I can't hear anything, I feel empty, I dead ? Maay !"

Everyone in the clearing could hear what they said and see their skin melt away, then their muscles and finally their bones. As June and May disappeared, their voices grew fainter and fainter before fading away completely. The twins had literally been swallowed up by my skill.

-- PING --

[ Congratulations ! You have unlocked the skill : Master of Souls (lvl 1) ]

[ A soul counter has been added to your status - Souls 2/3 ]

[ You now have the possibility to use them and expand your possibilities. It's up to you to discover the many uses of this skill. Good luck ! ]



Name : Freya

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Major Demon

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 35/70

Exp required for next level: 12 600 / 36 000

HP : 100 000 / 100 000 MP : 50 000 / 50 000

Strength : 425

Defense : 421

Agility : 435

Stamina : 428

Speed : 427

Intelligence : 425

Charisma : 410 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 350

Married to: Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates : 387

Humans killed : 151

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

- Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

- Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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