The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 149: You..?

Chapter 149: You..?

The stench only became stronger as he descended into whatever hell hole they had put at the bottom of the staircase. As he reached the bottom he began to hear screams of pain and terror as what seemed like hundreds of people all lay on the ground in various positions and were chained to walls with some of them being locked in cages like wild animals. 

Haru couldn't believe his eyes. He had never seen so many tortured prisoners before even during the hight of a raging war. This was one of the most disturbing things he had seen. 

He looked up at the wall straight ahead of him and almost recoiled in shock. There was what looked to be a five-year-old boy strung from the wall with shackles holding him to the wall.

His face looked battered and bruised and he looked malnourished but as Haru's gaze changed to the boy's body he felt a wave of anger like never before deep within his heart. 

"He is just a child! what could he possibly do for them to justify doing this to him!?" Haru shouted out as the rage began to set into his very core.

The boy's lower half had been sliced completely in two, his eyes lay lifelessly gazing into Haru's as his upper body hung from the wall with his arms outstretched to form a cross. His organs spilt from his stomach and dropped to the floor in a puddle of blood. And within that puddle were the remaining parts of his legs. 

Splintered bones littered the floor, creating a crunch as he took a step back. He couldn't hold his anger anymore. He imagined what he could have done to them if he had known that they had done a thing like this. 

"What the fuck is wrong with people!?" He shouted once again before striking the wall behind him with the back of his hand. A bit of the brick flew from the wall and rolled across the floor before the sounds of one of the chains moving rung out. 

"You don't look like those bad guys" The voice of a young girl stated to herself in a quiet tone from behind him. 

He was too focused on the horrendous scene before him that he didn't notice the girl that was less than a metre away from him.

He turned to see a girl that was around nine or ten years old and had a bandage covering her arm. She had long brown hair and eyes that matched. Her face was just as bruised as the boy that was hanging from the wall but the look in her eyes radiated a gentle warmth. It was a complete contrast to the mud that was rubbed all over her face.

A poisonous Qi radiated from where the bandage was placed. It was the same Qi the old woman had released before he killed her. He didn't even think about it before he started to absorb the poisonous Qi and then purified before it entered his dantian. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He looked at the shock in her eyes as she no longer felt the pain in her arm, She then looked back at Haru as her eyes widened.

"Are you here to save us!?" She shouted in a nervous yet hopeful voice, not even questioning the fact that her arm had been healed. Haru knew this girl had seen many horrors that a child at that age should never have been exposed to.

It felt nostalgic in a weird way when he thought about what she had been through. It was similar to what happened to him when he was her age but instead of witnessing the mindless murder, he was the one who committed it. Who knew how long she had been in this place for? For all Haru knew it could have been years. 

So he wanted to make sure that she would come out of this less mentally scared then he did. He knelt down at a distance and then looked at the girl while now on eye level. 

"Yeah, I'm here to save you" He smiled and tried his best to sound believable, but the rage hadn't left his voice and he ended up speaking in a threatening tone. 

Though the girl didn't mind. She seemed used to being spoken to like that and didn't even flinch as Haru spoke. She in fact smiled after hearing the good news and then looked at Haru with the same hopeful eyes. 

"You mean you aren't here to kill us?" She asked with the happiest looking smile he had seen in his life yet the words that came from her mouth were words she should never have needed to ask in the first place. It tugged at Haru's enraged heart and he felt a deep pity for what she would have gone through as he looked at her. 

This wasn't the kind of thing that people could recover from in their whole life. These images would most likely stay with her until the day she died. 

He waved his hand in the air and sent out four small shadow blades to break the chains around her and then appeared beside her in a flash, before wrapping his arms around her. 

"It's okay, I promise that nobody will hurt you." He reassured her and then picked her up into his arms. 

The girl gave no resistance as he picked her up into the air and then turned back to the stairs. 

"Are you taking me away from here now? Where will we go? What if the bad men notice that I am gone?" She asked and then leaned back to look Haru in the eyes. It was at that moment he felt a spike in Qi come from her body and a flash of blue light appeared in her eyes. 

'Is that?' He thought as he looked at her but then dismissed the thought immediately, deciding to answer her questions instead.

"Yep, Everyone here will now be able to go home. And as for those bad men, You don't have to worry about them ever again. They went to a place so far away that they won't be able to hurt anyone at all." He smiled slightly as he thought about how stupid the things he had just said sounded.

But the girl didn't mind. She seemed too occupied with her own thoughts to judge him speaking to her like an infant. She just nodded her head with a slight hum and stared at the wall as they ascended the stairs.

"Then what about the mean old lady? Is she also in a faraway place?" The girl asked and then looked back at Haru with the same look. Her eyes glistened a kind of blue colour as Haru continued to walk.

"Yes, She is in the same faraway place. You don't need to worry." Haru reassured her and kept the thought of what he had just seen at the back of his head. He would ask Li Jun about it when he had the time to. But for now, he would have to make a phone call and let Lian know what has happened. 

When he got back to the alter room he noticed that the man he had knocked out was now sitting up and having a conversation with the old man sat beside him.

"Do you trust him?" The man asked with the old man's jacket wrapped around his lower body.

"If he could get passed all of the guards then he could certainly kill us. He was also wearing normal clothes, Those lunatics would never even show their face. Let alone wear anything over than those robes" The old man answered the question just as Haru opened the door and stepped into the room while holding a child in his arms. 

You're back? How bad was it? How many survivors are there?" The old man asked as soon as he heard footsteps enter the room. 

"It was one of the worse things I have seen. But there are a lot of survivors. I will need to make a phone call though. Don't go anywhere I will be right back." Haru said to the old man and then looked at the little girl. 

"I need you to close your eyes until I tell you to open them. Can you do that for me?" Haru asked of her?

She smiled and then nodded before quickly closing her eyes and then covering her face with her hands. Haru held her a little tighter before lining himself up with the hole he had created on his way down there and then he leapt back up. 

He moved as quickly as he could so the girl had no time to look at the bodies of the people who had captured her. He didn't want her to feel scared again if she saw them. And within a few seconds, he had made it back to the gate.

As he exited, he heard a voice call out. It was the voice of someone familiar. He had heard the voice before but he couldn't quite place where he had heard it. 

He then looked at the cursed man who had brought him to the sect and saw a smile on his face. He didn't realise before but during his fight against the behemoth, the man who had brought him here had used his name. He called out "Haru" clearly yet he hadn't told him his name

A fluctuation of Qi emerged from the rock beside the cursed man as the shape of human began to form out of thin air. It then took on the appearance of a man who looked to be in his late thirties. Haru's eye's widened in shock as he recognised the man.

"You? I thought you were dead..." Haru said with a look of confusion covering his face.

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