The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 173: Trouble Makers.

Chapter 173: Trouble Makers.

Halfway through getting changed Haru heard the sound of the control panel ringing once again but it sounded closer than it was. He looked around for a second to find where the sound was coming from and then saw the second control panel this time lying on the dresser next to the bed. 

Unlike the one wired to the wall downstairs, this one was more of a tablet-like device that he could carry throughout the house with him if he chose to. He swiped up on the answer button to see Yun stood at the gate looking confused. 

"You got here fast. I will leave the door open for you." He said and then ended the connection before selecting the options to open both the gate and unlock the front door.

"Haru, This place is" Yun managed to get out before he could close the connection between them but it was too late the connection ended. Yun stood there confused as the sound cut out but then as she was standing there a buzzing sound came from the gate and she pushed on it. 

The gate opened up revealing the main house and she was just as awestruck as Haru was when he first saw it from within the gates. 

"What did he do to earn so much money to afford a place like this?" She asked herself before closing the gate behind her and then walking down the driveway toward the house. 

"He said he would leave the door open right?" She said before hesitantly trying the door handle. And to her surprise, the door opened. She sighed in relief as she didn't see another doorbell anywhere she figured that if the door was still locked she would have been stuck in the driveway until he came and opened the door.

As she entered the house the first thing she noticed was the control panel next to the door as she closed it behind her. She looked at it for a few seconds before pressing a button to watch the camera. As she stood there watching the cars go past one of them stopped suddenly outside and four men wearing tracksuits got out and walked up the gate. 

She turned on the button to hear the sound to see what was going on but she didn't need to. The men all walked up to the gate as one of them reached forward and pressed the doorbell. 

Yun answered the call before it could even make a noise to see what they had to say. 

"Hello" She said nervously as the man who pressed the doorbell looked straight up at the camera. She could see the countless scars on his face and tattoos he had on his neck. He looked like a gangster but she didn't want to say anything just in case it was one of Haru's friends. After all, he said a friend invited him to a party the night before.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Where is the boy?" The man demanded abruptly. His voice sounded cold and angry like he had been full of hate for many years.

"What boy? No boy lives here. It's just me and my parents." Yun lied to the man. If he really was Haru's friend he would at least ask for him by name. Surely he couldn't;t just call him the boy. She didn't know what they wanted but she did know they were up to no good. 

"Do you think they gave us the wrong house?" One of the men asked the one who stood at the front covered in tattoos. 

"No, It's impossible. My aunt said this was the right house so it is the right house." The man said in protest to the man behind him and then looked back up at the camera. 

"Listen here, girl. If you don't hand over the boy within ten minutes you won't like what I will do to you. It's best if you just hand him over." The man covered in tattoos addressed Yun angrily just as Haru walked downstairs into the hallway.

"Sorry I kept you waiting. I was just taking a shower. I got in pretty late so I didn't have time to yesterday" Haru said to Yun as she stood by the door. 

"Shh!" Yun put a finger up to her mouth as she turned around to look at Haru with her eyes wide with panic.

"You hear that guys? Looks like the boy is there after all. Hey, listen to me. If you don't open the gate within five minutes I will ram it down. You better come out here and accept your punishment." The man on the other side of the shouted into the microphone of the camera causing his voice to vibrate throughout the house. 

"Haru you can't go out there. I think they want to hurt you!" Yun said and then ran over to Haru before grabbing his arm to make sure that he couldn't go outside. 

"Hurt me? Who wants to hurt me?" Haru was confused. He came downstairs too late to hear the whole conversation he just heard the man screaming outside his gate. He tried to walk over to the control panel to take a look bt Yun pulled him back.

"You can't go out there!" She said with the same amount of fear in her voice that she had the first time. 

"Calm down. I'm going to look at the camera." Haru tried to reassure her. She reluctantly released her grip and let him walk over to the panel but as he did she kept an eye on him to make sure that he didn't open the gate. 

"You hear me!? Open the god damn gate right now! You have five minutes! And don't even think about calling the police!" The man shouted as soon as he got close enough to the door to see the four men. 

"Who are you?" Haru asked. He had never seen these men before in his life. Where they the people that Han had warned him about? He thought for a second and then figured that they probably weren't. They looked too ordinary to even be a threat to him. 

After determining that they were nobodies he didn't even give them time to respond before he disconnected the call. 

"Wait, What are you doing!? They said they would ram the gate down!" Yun shouted at Haru after seeing him not take the situation as seriously as she was taking it. 

"It's fine. If they do that they will be trespassing. They will get arrested." Haru said matter of factly and then held out his hand. 

"Come on sit down. I will get you some tea." He showed her the way to the couch but she didn't budge. She refused to move from where she was stood in the corridor. 

"Haru! They look like criminals. I doubt they care about trespassing. You need to call the police right now! Or else I will!" She demanded and then pulled out her phone. 

"Fine, fine Just go and sit down I will call them." Haru stated and then pulled out his phone. 

Yun reluctantly sat down on the couch while keeping her eyes on Haru.

Haru's phone rang out for less than a few seconds before the person on the other side picked up. 

"Hey, There's a group of trouble makers at my gate. Send the police please." Were the only words he said to whoever picked up the phone call before hanging up.

"That's it!? How are the police officers supposed to know where you live!?" Yun shouted at him. She had the suspicion that he didn't even call anyone and then pulled out her phone once again.

"What are you doing?!" Haru asked her. 

"Calling the police. You obviously didn't call anyone so I will. I don't care what kind of trouble you're in. Just tell me about it and I will ask my dad to help you out if you get arrested."

"You don't believe me? Then before you call them watch this." Haru said before turning on the TV to view the gate's security camera on a bigger screen.

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