The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 176: Permission granted.

Chapter 176: Permission granted.

"Hello, Uncle Andrew?" Haru asked after taking the contact listed as "Dad" from Yun's phone and calling it with his own phone. A few seconds went by before there was an answer. 

"Haru Is Yun with you?" He asked right away knowing that there was no way Haru would call him if it wasn't related to one of his daughters.

"Yeah... Uh, she told me to call you and ask for your permission to let her stay over at my place." Haru said sounding confused. He wasn't sure how his uncle would react since he seemed to be protective of his kids so Haru braced himself to hear a thousand different reasons why that would be a bad idea but all he heard was a single sigh.

"Sure, why not. If anything happens to her I won't have to look too far to kick someone's ass." Andrew said with a defeated expression to his voice like something sad had happened recently and he was recovering. 

"Uh, before you go. I wanted to ask you for a favour. If it isn't too much trouble of course?" Haru said before Andrew had time to hang up. There was a brief pause between them talking as he sighed again.

"Tell me what it is" Andrew spoke in the same defeated tone before going silent as he was awaiting Haru's request.

"I need to take some time away from university. I was wondering if you could ask the principal for permission? He said that he knows you and I don't have his contact information to ask for it myself." Haru said as he knew that soon he would have to take a trip to the Korean border to go to Changbai mountain. 

Li Jun and Haru still weren't sure if the dragon corpse was still there but that was where they saw him take his final breaths as he chased his son down to the bottom of the volcano.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You need some time away from university? How much time are we talking here? A month? Six months? I promised your mother that I would look after you like you were my own son. So that means I'm going to make sure you keep your grades up." Andrew finally started to gain some passion in his voice as the authoritative air around him returned.

"It's nothing too long. Just a week or so. I need to take a trip to Changnai mountain so I won't be gone for too long." He said telling him the exact place he was heading since he knew the question would come up anyway. 

"Just a week? I will see what I can do but why are you going to Changbai mountain? It's miles away and there is nothing out there." Andrew said. He didn't see a reason for Haru to go there especially so early into the college year. Although he was doing it the right way. He was actually asking for time away instead of just going and making him look like a bad student.

"That's the point there are no people there and I can be alone. It makes the most perfect place to train." Haru smiled as he spoke since what he was saying was half true. He would be able to train there if he had time left over after looking for the dragon's body. 

"Is that so? Well, I will let you know when I get around to speaking to him." Andrew said wrapping up the conversation like he was no longer interested in what Haru had to say.

"Okay, then I will look forward to speaking to you again." Haru smiled before putting his thumb over the red cross on his phone screen. 

"Oh, Haru?" Andrew asked quickly before he could end the call. 

"Yeah? What is it?" Haru asked as his voice faded to the defeated one once again. It was strange how his mood was changing so much but he didn't comment on it in fear of hurting his feelings.

"Tell Yun I'm sorry about earlier. She will know what you mean. And have fun but make sure you keep her safe okay?" Andrew said and then before Haru could say anything else he hung up without another word. 

"Okay Well, that was strange." Haru said to himself and then walked back into the living room where Yun was sat watching the tv drama before he handed her phone back to her.

"You already spoke to him? That was quick. What did he say? Do I have to go back home now?" She asked with a questioning glare. She was worried that she would have to go home since both she and Haru knew that he was overprotective of her.

"Surprisingly he said yes. You can stay over tonight. But then he also told me to tell you he was sorry about earlier Did something happen?" Haru asked with concern as he saw her face drift from a moment of happiness after hearing the good news to a look of misery. 

"Oh, it's nothing. We just argued before I got here. I told him that you had gotten a house and I was going to see you and then he told me that he wanted me to stay away from you since you had gotten yourself into a lot of trouble last night. Then one of his old friends turned up so I snuck out. 

I was expecting him to shout that's why I made you ask him so I wouldn't have to deal with his grumpiness." Yun laughed a little bit and then sat back on the couch and patted the cushion next to hers. 

"Come on sit with me. This show is about romance. You might find a girlfriend if you take some tips." She laughed. 

"I'm sure I told you that I have a girlfriend didn't I?" Haru asked but she didn't care. She just patted the seat and then looked back to the screen. 

"Whatever you say. Just sit down and watch it with me." She giggled.

"Well, it's not like I would learn anything from it anyway. You obviously like this show yet you are still single." Haru laughed before sitting on the couch next to her. 

"Shut up! I've had tons of boyfriends I will have you know!" She shouted, offended by Haru telling her the truth. 

"Oh yeah? And how many did you tell your dad about? I'm guessing his standards for boys are pretty high." Haru laughed at her again to which she responded by punching him in the arm. 

"I see so that's how it is. You're going to hit me when you get mad. No wonder you never had a boyfriend. If you're this violent to a family member then I pity the unfortunate soul you decide to date." He laughed again. Yun just shook her head in disappointment.

"Just watch the damn show." She sighed and then didn't look back at him until the show had finished.

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