The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 214: Luo Yang?

Chapter 214: Luo Yang?

"The bastard that gave you that house? I knew there was something not right about him." Lao said with a smile that said I told you so as Haru thought about what to do next. If it really was Han that had sold him out then he would probably have something else in mind just in case that it didn't work. As Haru was thinking another ghastly scream came from the building.

Lao, Haru and Major Niu all looked over again to see that a red mist had begun to glow from the top of the building and a few of the soldiers had begun to walk towards the door that was closed and lined up outside. 

"Get your men back now. They will all die." Lao warned Major Niu but she didn't do anything to stop them. She wanted to see just what could manage to kill her highly-trained unit. 

As soon as one of the soldiers placed his hand on the door handle. A black claw-like shadow grabbed his arm and pulled him through the door as if it didn't exist. 

"Agh!" The soldier cried out in pain as the sounds of bones crunching and smashing could be heard from the outside. 

A few of the soldiers stepped back and retreated out of fear but the ones that remained were too cocky and thought that they would be able to kill whatever stood against them.

Another screech cried out, each time sounding less human. Everyone nearby was losing faith in the fact that they were dealing with something human. They didn't know what was going on but they had lost two men to whatever was in that room.

"Do you have eyes on what that noise is coming from?" Major Niu asked the soldiers that were closest to the building but not a single one of them had an explanation. They could see the faint shape of something on the inside.

The silhouette almost looked as if it was wearing the same military uniform as they were. 

"Come out with your hands up. This is you one and only warning." One of them shouted and signaled to the rest of them to stack up on the outside of the door and prepare to breach. 

The old man that had attacked Haru the first time couldn't scratch his curiosity and flew up into the sky to take a look at what was happening but as soon as he did. A pitch-black claw gripped his throat. He looked down at the claw and saw that it was connected to an arm that was inside the building. 

He couldn't quite see what was inside and he couldn't escape the clutches of the claw. It was as if the thing that had grabbed him had the grip of a vice. It slowly began to close in around his neck until he couldn't breathe. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The old man's face began to turn blue from a lack of oxygen.

"Ninety four! Get down here right now!" Major Niu shouted he couldn't do anything about it. Haru looked up and saw that he was struggling to breath and didn't understand how that was possible. 

The soldier that had gone into the building and had gotten possessed by the blade was only a low level. Unless the blade also had the power to increase the cultivation level of the person it takes over.

"Oh No, I didn't consider this." Lao said to himself as he watched on. But Haru couldn't just sit by and watch. He didn't want to let someone die if he could do something about it so he opened up a void corridor around the old man's body and then placed the exit next to Major Niu.

The old man vanished from the air and appeared next to Major Niu before collapsing to the floor.

"What was that!? I just! That thing it was! I was in space?!" The old man couldn't gather his thoughts and was spouting nonsense since the pressure from space had forced all of the strength out of him like it had done to Haru the first time he experienced it.

"What's going on!? What did you see when you were inside that building?" Major Niu demanded an explanation from Haru but he wasn't at liberty to tell her as he didn't have all the facts for himself. He turned back to Lao and asked him the same question with his eyes. 

"Haru, This is worse than I thought. It isn't just a Cursed Beacon. I think it is a soul beacon. It hasn't enraged the person's soul. It has in fact replaced his soul with someone Else's." Lao explained as the door to the building was kicked open by the soldiers and they had all ran inside. 

Screams cried out in unison as limbs were ripped from their bodies and blood splattered everywhere. The scene that took place inside the room was an unimaginable massacre as every single one of the soldiers were killed in the most brutal way.

Haru wasn't a superstitious person but even he could feel the presence of death in the area where a terrible murder had happened. And this was the same feeling he had gotten when standing on battlefields in the past. 

The scent of iron drifted in the air and blood coated the ground outside the building as footsteps splashed in the puddles, getting louder and louder as they approached the door. 

Major Niu took a deep breath as she no longer cared about what happened to the old man. She was focused on the doorway to the building where she felt impending doom would be coming from. 

A large man with dark purple skin stepped out from the building wearing half of the military uniform. The shirt and lower half of the pants had been ripped completely as his muscles expanded from the small human's size to the size of a demon. 

He had two pitch-black horns upon the top of his that curled and twisted violently on his head to form semi-circles that followed his long black hair down to just behind his ears. 

"Another alien Major Niu to headquarters. We have come into contact with an extraterrestrial. Please send the shadow walkers to dispose of it." Major Niu spoke into her radio and asked for back up when she saw the member of the demon clan that had stepped out from the building. 

"Delicious. Human flesh always tastes better when the prey is weak and pitiful." The demon said before sticking his finger inside his mouth and using his fingernail as a toothpick to pull a bit of flesh from beneath his teeth. 

He pulled his finger back out of his mouth and looked at the flesh for a few moments before shrugging his shoulders and putting it onto his tongue and swallowing it. 

There was no response from the radio after Niu had asked for back up but that didn't seem to bother her. She leaned over and helped the old man back to his feet while he was still clutching his neck from where the claw had grabbed him.

"Why are they becoming more common? That is the third one we have come into contact with this year." The old man asked in a whispered tone but Major Niu didn't answer. 

"Hmm that's interesting. I can't sense your cultivation stage. You there." The demon spoke and then pointed his finger at Haru who was slightly worried about what was going on. He looked up to Lao who seemed to be lost in thought.

"Yes?" Haru asked casually. It wasn't the first time that he had met someone from the demon clan and he was still holding on to the hope that he was like the woman he had met that day in the meeting with the temple master in the soul tempering ground.

But by the massacre that had just taken place he knew that wasn't the case.

"You have a flooded soul ocean don't you?" He asked with a smirk on his face. 

"What's it to you?" Haru asked with hostility. He didn't like how he was being looked at by the demon. It was if he thought of Haru as a food source and it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on edge.

"Calm down. I just need your help that's all. I'm here to find someone and after I do you will help me go home. It's important that you have a flooded soul ocean so don't even think about forcefully breaking though." The demon said with the same sinister smile. 

"You're here to find someone? If you promise not to hurt innocent civilians then I can help you find whoever you are looking for. I am from a group that helps run the country and can definitely help you with that condition." Major Niu was quick to interrupt the conversation between the demon and Haru. 

It was her job to protect the civilians and help keep order in the country after all. She knew that this man was stronger than she dared to imagine and thought it would be easier to help him so another massacre didn't take place.

"You can help me huh? What help do I need from a woman? If you really want to help me then you can take off your clothes and-" The demon began to say with his cheeks turning a light shade of red as he looked at Major Niu. 

"Who are you looking for?" Haru asked, interrupting the demon's fantasies. 

"Hmm A man called Luo Yang. Ever heard of him? If you can help me find him within three days I will leave your little world peacefully. And if not, well I don't need to tell you what will happen do I?" The demon laughed as he saw Haru gulp.

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