The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 256: Colossal ships.

Chapter 256: Colossal ships.

"Well then, I guess it's a good thing that you aren't asking me to do it." Li Jun smiled once again. But Haru was still hesitant. He didn't feel right letting the person who taught him how to cultivate run the risk of dying if he wasn't careful. 

"But" Haru began to complain but Li Jun didn't want to hear it so cut him off before he could say anything else.

"It's really okay. Just think of it this way. There is nothing left for me on earth if you die and you are the only thing keeping me here. If you die then I will just stop resisting the pull. What is the point in living here if my student is gone?" Li Jun asked. He made a point but Haru was still too scared to accept.

He didn't want Li Jun to die for him but it was beginning to look like he didn't have a choice. And it wasn't set in stone yet there was still a good chance that he wouldn't have to use it. He just had to make sure that he didn't get into a situation that was too risky. 

"Fine, I get it I just don't want you to blame me then if your soul is destroyed." Haru put on a brave face and accepted the gift that Li Jun was forcing upon him. 

"Good, I'm glad that we understand each other. Just make sure you keep the fragmented soul by you at all times." Li Jun said and then without warning, the little red ball of light started to rise up into the air. 

Haru didn't know what to think as the ball of light began to approach him before disappearing into his chest. It was as if he had absorbed it but he still felt the power of Li Jun's soul. It was at that moment when he remembered where he had felt that power before.

He thought back to his first visit to the black star sect when he learned how to cultivate and when he had swum down to the bottom of the cave pool. He remembered something calling out to him and then a burning pain as an unknown power entered his body. It was the same power that was hidden within Li Jun's soul.

He remembered how he was saved by Li Jun the first time and he was determined to make sure that he didn't need to do something like that. Haru had gotten so strong over a short amount of time and he was determined to show his teacher his full strength, even though he had yet to show his power to himself yet. 

All the fights that he had been in so far were either against people so strong that they defeated him before he could react or he was holding back against them. He wanted to know the depth of his strength against someone who was equally matched against him and the fight ahead of him would hopefully allow him to see that.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Haru nodded his head in response to Li Jun and then sat down on the grass beside Lao who was fiddling with a small metal ball. 

"What's that? Haru asked. To him, it just looked like a piece of metal but there would be no need for Lao to be looking at it so intensely. He rolled it around in his fingers for a moment before looking up at Haru and then held out his hand. 

"It's a mechanical observance device. It's used to watch the battlefield from the sky. It might not look like much but it will come in handy if we want to win this battle" Lao said and then injected his Qi into the little metal ball and it began to float in the air on top of his hand. Haru looked at it for a moment before Li Jun bent over to be on the same level as them both and looked at it for a few seconds.

"I haven't seen one of those for a while. I guess the last time would have been the battle that took place on the god-king road. Wow, that really is a distant memory. 

Lao is right. This will be unbelievably helpful. But I doubt that the demons would go to a distant planet where they don't know the terrain without preparing something like this. I bet they will also bring some. You had better tell everyone about this before the fight starts so they know what to look for and can destroy it before they start to take the lead." Li Jun warned Lao but suddenly a screaming siren began to blare out across the city. 

.Haru looked up at Li Jun and suddenly Lao had jumped to his feet and had begun to look up at the sky. Harmful looked up at the sky too but couldn't see anything. 

"They've arrived," Lao said quietly to himself without taking his eyes from the sky. 

Haru's heart began to beat and thump as a pit formed in his stomach. The nervousness that he felt before had now come back and he felt a little light-headed. He knew what Lao meant by those words alone and hadn't quite come to terms that he would be fighting for his life yet. 

He felt scared once again but as soon as he realised that it was fear that he was feeling a soothing gust of wind seemed to wrap its way around him. He felt it for a few seconds and it calmed him down before fading again. But as it faded it seemed to seep into his chest, exactly over the point where Li Jun placed his soul. 

"Was that?" Haru looked at Li Jun who just smiled in response. After all the time that they had known each other, he had never known that his teacher was capable of doing such things. But he wasn't surprised. He had watched him reverse someone's age so he didn't feel that amazed by it. 

But he did feel like he understood Li Jun just a little bit more. If he had the ability to calm someone's soul then he had obviously been in a situation where he had needed to calm someone else's soul in the past. He was a nice man through and through so he wasn't sure why in the stories he had heard about his life, everyone feared him. 

It felt more like he had become infamous from a single situation and people began to fear him because the story was passed on like in a game of telephone. 

Haru felt a little sad by that fact but his thoughts were soon ripped from his mind and placed on his face as a dark shadow made its way over shanghai and something metallic looking tore its way through the clouds. 

It looked like a dark, curved sheet of metal but as soon as it became a little more visible another one followed behind. Each of the dark metal objects were more than twenty metres in length and seemed to shimmer in the light from the sun yet cast a shadow on the ground beneath them. 

"So they came with colossal ships There might be a lot more of them than we anticipated." Li Jun said but as soon as he finished what he was saying another one came through the clouds yet this one was twice the size of the previous two. 

"A celestial rank colossal ship? Are they planning to blow the whole planet up!?" Li Jun asked it seemed like the things floating above were a big deal but Haru hadn't heard anything about them before and felt confused as he looked up. 

They moved through the sky before coming down a little lower. This time letting Haru see what they were and to him, they looked like gigantic pirate ships that were floating in the sky. Yet they were made out of a metallic material that seemed to absorb light its self. Before he could say another word a deep rumbling sound shot through the sky as a red ray of light shot down from the ship and hit the headquarters for the cultivation association. 

The skyscraper seemed to vanish as it turned to dust before their very eyes.

Haru was awestruck and didn't know what to say. That very well could have happened to the resort he was standing in and it would have killed him instantly. It shocked his very core but then suddenly a voice called out from the large of the three floating ships. 

"Luo Yang, Today will be the day that you die." A course and strained sounding voice shot throughout the sky before making its way down to the ground.

Haru couldn't help but laugh. 

"If I knew that the name I chose on a whim would get so much attention I would have chosen something cooler," Haru said to himself before looking at Li Jun who also laughed a little bit. 

Lao on the other hand was too focused on the sky. It seemed as if he was waiting for something to happen. But then he also laughed but not at the joke Haru had made. He laughed at the sky as a giant hand reached down from the clouds and grabbed a hold of one of the ships before tearing it in half. 

"What!? The third ship is taking damage? Who dares to go against me!?" The voice called out again which made Haru laugh once again. He didn't know why he was laughing in such a situation but he found it funny that the person who had just threatened his life forgot to turn off whatever device was amplifying his voice before addressing his people.

"What an idiot It looks like they were the ones who were unprepared." Haru gloated as the damaged ship changed its course while flames shot out the back of it as the two pieces plummeted to the ground.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Lao said before another ray of light shot down from the largest ship. Only this time it was aimed at the resort where Haru was standing.

Rubble shot up in the air all around them and Haru clenched his eyes closed and held his breath out of reflex as his feet were taken up off the floor beneath him as he was shot backwards towards the building.

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