The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 262: Please be careful.

Chapter 262: Please be careful.

Ruella was shocked by what she had just found out. When Lao went around and recruited all of the people that Haru had put on the list Sect master Shen told him about Ruella's sect that was located not too far away from Shanghai and then went along with him to ask for her help.

The condition that Ruella set in exchange for her help was to find someone that was able to defeat her in combat. But Lao thought she was too weak and said there was no use in even asking her to help out which Ruella took offence to and then challenge him to a fight in front of the disciples of her sect to maintain her pride.

She unknowingly challenged a dragon to a fight and was defeated in a single move. She did wonder how someone could become so strong but she figured that he was most likely an old master that had also come from the upper realms. She never expected him to be a member of the dragon race. Since nearly all of their descendants were suspected to be dead due to their lack of activity.

A dragon living on earth was something that no one would even think of and there was even less of a chance of that being a reality. Or so she thought but now that she knew the man she fought against was in fact a dragon she couldn't help but be amazed. 

There were countless legends about people fighting against dragons in the upper realms and most of them ended up in the person being killed or eaten alive. She felt lucky that she lost her pride during the process. As she was thinking about what she had done a loud horn rung out through the city, drawing everyone's attention up towards the sky. 

The other two ships were now surrounded by small black dots. But on closer inspection, the black dots that surrounded the ships were in fact hundreds if not thousands of demon clansmen all lined up together information while floating in the sky. Haru was confused by what they were planning since they had remained in their ships until now. 

But he figured that they were fed up with losing more of their fighters while they sat up there in their ships and refused to come down. 

"What's going on?" Major Niu asked as she also watched on before realising that the dots floating in the sky were in fact hundreds of demons flying in formation. She looked back at Haru and Ruella who were still too focused on the sky to notice her look at them. 

"We are so outnumbered. There are way more of them than there are of us." Major Niu shouted out. 

"This is the worst-case scenario. I thought that the ceremony would be accurate but it looks like they just saw how many demons were on the ship that we already destroyed. 

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Was this their plan from the start? They wanted to use a ship to sacrifice to test our fighting strength so they could come up with a plan? But that doesn't seem like something the demon clan would come up with. They are usually only focused on brute strength, not strategic planning.

We are fucked beyond belief." Ruella said as she stared up into the sky at the hundreds of demons floating above them all. 

Even if the two thousand cultivators Ruella brought joined the fight there was no chance of them winning at all since they were only in the lower stages of their journey into the world of cultivation. 

There were only around three hundred people that were capable of fighting against the demons and some of them were probably dead within the first few minutes of the battle starting. They had only been fighting for less than an hour and it seemed like the demons were beginning to get fed up with waiting. 

Suddenly a green light shot through the air at a speed that was too fast for even someone at the nascent soul stage to see. But the streak of green left behind in the sky was the only thing they saw as a flash of light erupted from the centre of the biggest of the two remaining ships. 

The flash of light was followed by a long and silent pause as the whole sky erupted into a ball of fire as the colossal ship was ripped into multiple pieces that quickly rained down upon the city of shanghai. Around half of the demons that were near the explosion were vaporised and some of the others a little further away were injured by the blast.

That one thing thinned out the demons to a more manageable size and didn't now seem like it was an impossible task to defeat them. 

"What was that?" Ruella asked as she watched the sky burn with different coloured flames. But the most significant colour of flame was a light green colour. And there was only one thing that was capable of leaving something like that behind. 

"That was Lao," Haru stated with a smile as he recognised the aura that was burning up in the sky. Another flash of green light shot out before an explosion took place on the side of one of the skyscrapers in the area before turning it to rubble. 

A dark shadow grew over the city and dimmed the green flames before extinguishing them completely. Haru's eyes twitched as he strained to look into the distance. Where the building had collapsed there was a sudden flash of green light from two glowing orbs behind a layer of dust that was obstructing his view to see what was really going on. 

Lao emerged from the dust with ripped clothing but his body seemed to be perfectly fine. Haru's heart sunk into his stomach upon seeing that. He wasn't sure what had caused Lao to be sent flying into t a building but as the sky grew darker it was becoming more obvious that something was seriously wrong with the situation. 

Lao was the strongest being that Haru had ever met and yet he was thrown through the sky and down into a building before crushing it with the force that pushed him through the foundations of the building. The building dropped down on top of Lao yet he came out unscathed and looked back up at the sky. 

"So that's how you're going to play it?" Lao said to himself before flying back up into the sky to where the dark clouds were now forming. 

Another green flash of light shot out like lighting brewing within a thunder cloud and then again as the dark cloud started to clear up. As the cloud faded a single demon was floating in the sky and staring Lao in the eyes with fury. 

The demon that was staring at Lao had no presence at all yet surrounding him there was a thick layer of Qi yet it didn't seem to come from within his body. It was more like the Qi in the air was bending to his will. Haru watched on bewildered by what was happening until a loud bang shot out again but this time from behind him. 

As he turned he saw another red beam of light strike the ground a few hundred metres away but this time the beam came from the remaining smaller ship that was still flying in the air. Suddenly the remaining demons that were flying in the sky turned their attention to the ground and began to fly down in beg groups. Suddenly ten or so cultivators flew up to meet them in the air. 

The cultivators that all flew up to meet the demons were all at the nascent soul stage and included Sect master Shen, Teacher Lin, Drobo and Granny Lin. They headed towards big groups of demons and then began to hack them down like overgrown weeds.

One by one the ten cultivators began to kill the demon clansmen before they could reach the ground and start killing the weaker cultivators that were with them. 

Haru, Ruella and Major Niu looked at each other as they saw what was going on. They didn't have time to warn anyone about the leader of the demons having an artefact that made him stronger but Haru figured that Lao already knew about it. 

Lao wasn't the type of person to act rashly and clearly had a plan in mind and Haru thought that he knew what was happening. Lao was keeping an eye on the largest ship the whole time before he joined that battle so he clearly knew that the leader was there. He was waiting for the perfect moment to attack him and that seemed to be at the moment when the demons were about to start their major plan. 

It was the perfect time to strike and it most likely ruined the demon's coordination and left them without a leader to command them since he was busy fighting against Lao in the sky. Which would leave the perfect opportunity for the remaining cultivators to take down the rest of the demons. 

"It's fine, Leave it to Lao. He hasn't transformed into his true form yet. That must mean that he is buying time for now. Their leader doesn't know what he's up against yet. 

Take the chance to kill as many of them as you can." Haru said to both of them and then without a word, they both vanished as they instantly flew towards the major battle that was taking place. 

Haru on the other hand was left alone. He looked up at the sky to see that Lao and the demon's leader had yet to move.

'Please be careful.' Haru thought as he looked up at Lao who was smiling in a sadistic manner.

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