The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 265: Where we say goodbye.

Chapter 265: Where we say goodbye.

Suddenly the world around Haru went dim and everything stopped moving including his body that was previously being pushed through the sky. It was as if time had stopped as he began to feel a weightless sensation in his chest.

The feeling became more intense as a red glow emerged from his chest to combat the red light that was shining down upon him. 

"No!" Haru tried to shout out but he couldn't make a sound as the red glowing orb flew into the light. The glowing orb suddenly changed shape into a humanoid figure and then Li Jun took its place.

Li Jun put his hands out towards the light and began to push it back slightly before turning around and looking at Haru with a smile on his face.

"I guess you could say I foresaw something like this happening. When I gave you the fragment of my soul I did so knowing that you would find yourself in trouble today and I couldn't bear to see my student die. 

I know that we hadn't known each other for very long but in all honesty, you have given me hope for the human clan. If someone like you can rise up to the peaks I once stood at I am pretty sure that the human clan will manage to get out of its current decline. 

I know that you probably have a lot that you want to say right now. But thank you for coming into that cave all those years ago. It might have felt like a long time to you but to me, it was over in a flash. When you have been around for as long as I have. You find it hard to find things that make you truly happy so when you freed me from that cave I didn't expect anything. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

But I am glad to have met you Haru. This is where we have to say goodbye." Li Jun said before the red light swallowed his body completely. 

Haru was thrown back as an explosion took place in the sky right in front of him and he was thrown back into one of the last remaining buildings. His body struck the concrete and he bounced back off the wall slightly as his spine cracked. He fell to the ground with a thud and his legs gave way underneath him as he coughed out blood. 

"Li Jun!" Haru called out and tried to reach forward towards the fireball that was floating in the sky in front of him but instead he fell forward onto his face. 

The force from the explosion had thrown him so hard that he broke his spine upon contact with the building. Even if he was a cultivator there was no way for him to heal himself. He was out of the fight and now hundreds of metres away from the still ongoing battle. 

He could only sit by and watch as the rest of them fought it out on his behalf. But his mind was only concerned with Li Jun and he couldn't forgive himself for being foolish enough to let himself get hit by the light from the cannon. He had seen what it could do yet he took his eyes off it and gave the person flying the ship a chance to hit him.

'If I would have just dodged then Li Jun wouldn't have to die. Or if I was just a little bit stronger then I would have been able to block the attack. Why did it have to happen like this?!" Haru began to blame himself for Li Jun's death. He didn't mean for this to happen and even knew the risks when Li Jun decided to give him the fragment of his soul just in case. 

Haru's eyes glazed over as a tear ran down his face. He couldn't believe that his teacher and best friend was gone. Before closing his eyes and falling unconscious. 

"Haru no!" Teacher Lin shouted as he targeted the ship once again. He brought down another one of his hands from the sky but this time the attack landed on the hull of the ship and he ripped off a few of the panels from the ship as a green light now erupted into the sky. 

The light was unlike anything that had happened yet and it only meant one thing. Lao was beginning to take the fight seriously. The light stretched out for more than a mile and blinded everyone nearby as a roar shook the ground all across shanghai. 

The light was so bright that everyone including the demon leader had to close their eyes to stop themselves from going blind and it interrupted the battle for a few moments but as the light died down and everyone was able to see again they stopped dead in their tracks. 

In the place where Lao was previously standing was now a tower of snake-like scales that seemed to climb high up into the heavens. No matter how far they tried to follow it with their eyes they couldn't look to the top of the tower of scales.

"That's a dragon A real dragon" Sect master Shen said to himself as he looked at the sight in front of him. He had never seen a dragon before despite coming from the upper realms and his great grandfather being the black star monarch.

Li Jun's life was a mystery to even his own family so it came as a surprise to see that a dragon had made its way to earth and it had the ability to transform into a human. That was a skill passed on to only people who had the blessing of an ancestral dragon. 

Lao roared out in pain as he sensed that Li Jun's soul had left earth for good. His first friend in millennia had now left him. As he roared out flashes of lighting poured down upon the city as thunderstorms gathered in the sky

"You dare to harm my disciple and his student!? You deserve death a thousand times over." Lao called out with each word from his mouth loud enough to shake the earth. 

Before suddenly his head poked through the clouds and looked down upon the city with golden horns on top of his skull. He opened his mouth before slamming his head down to the ground on top of the demon leader.

A shock wave shook the city as more buildings collapsed, including the one Haru had crashed into. The building's supports gave out and tumbled down on top of Haru and covered him in dust and rubble as he lay face down on the ground. 

A flash of light shot across the sky as the building fell down before Haru's body vanished from the ground.

"It's okay, I've got you." A familiar voice called out as Haru faded in and out of conscousness.

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