The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 267: Don't do it!

Chapter 267: Don't do it!

"Hong Xia, Well what do you know. I was just looking for you. It looks like fate has brought you to me." The leader of the Chang family laughed as soon as he saw Hong Xia standing there in front of him. He didn't notice her at first but as the man pointed her out he couldn't miss the long silver hair that was unique to the Hong family. 

"Mr Cheng? What is it?" Hong Xia asked and then began to retreat as Mr Cheng took a few steps towards here. His size alone was enough to intimidate her since he stood at least two head heights over her. He looked like a giant with a large muscular frame. 

But that wasn't the only thing about him that intimidated her. It was also the fact that he was a nascent soul cultivator just like her grandfather was. 

She had sparred with her grandfather many times in the past but she never even came close to beating him. She knew that she had no chance against him if he decided to try to harm her. And there was currently no one nearby that could stop him. Apart from Haru who was lying unconscious on the ground. 

She looked up at the healers who were all standing idly by, not daring to make a move in fear of being killed by Mr Cheng. He had a reputation for killing anyone that stood in his way and he wouldn't hesitate to kill someone if they tried to stop him from getting revenge. 

So the only thing they could do was stand by and watch as he walked towards Hong Xia with an imposing manner and an evil grin pressed against his lips. 

"Hmm. And I guess this is the bastard that dared to cut my son's handoff. Look at how defenceless he is right now. I bet he could die at any moment given his injuries. I doubt that there is a healer nearby that could even begin to heal him given the fact that they can't reattach someone's hand. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I wonder how they would treat someone walking a line between life and death. Would they save him or just let him die?" Mr Cheng asked out loud as he looked down at Haru who was laying with his eyes closed and inhaling with a shallow breath. 

At just a glance Mr Cheng could see how bad Haru's injuries were and he couldn't help but smile. 

"This must be retribution for daring to cut off my boy's hand like that." He said before laughing. He then looked around the room as it fell silent. 

"It was a joke. You are supposed to laugh." He stated as he exerted his Qi once again upon everyone in the room. Including Hong Xia. Everyone forced themselves to laugh and Mr Chen looked around to make sure that they were smiling and looking like they were enjoying themselves. But as he did so his glance fell back to Hong Xia who was struggling to resist his power.

"Why aren't you laughing? Are you saying that my jokes aren't funny?" Mr Cheng asked with a frown, looking like a child when their parents told them they couldn't have something. 

Hong Xia didn't reply to him and continued to struggle to stand up as he pushed more of his Qi towards her in an attempt to make her submit to him. 

"You think you are strong huh? You think that you can actually go against me huh?" Mr Cheng asked and then walked even closer to her before kicking her in the leg. 

A loud crunch echoed out as Hong Xia's leg snapped in half just below her knee. An immeasurable amount of pain ran through her body as the kick was infused with his Qi. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before and she dropped down to one knee while still struggling against his power.

She had just seen Haru stand up against hundreds of demons and defeat them single handedly. There was no way that she was going to fall behind him and submit to someone who was just a little bit stronger than her.

Although Mr Cheng was only one stage above her in cultivation the difference was the same as if a bodybuilder was to fight against a toddler. There wasn't much that she could do to defend herself but she was sure as hell going to try.

"You're mighty strong for a girl. I don't think I have seen anyone your age with so much courage before. But I can tell by your face that you aren't worried about yourself right now.

You are worried about him, aren't you? Even after I kicked you, your eyes drifted over to him to see if he was okay. I'm not stupid despite what you might have heard about me. 

So I wonder. How will you hold up if I turn him into my target? What will you do? Will you cry and watch as he dies or will you submit to me? You know. My son is looking for a wife." Mr Cheng said with a smile. 

Hong Xia looked over to Haru once again and then up at Mr Cheng.

"Don't! He's in critical condition. He can't take any damage right now! Even just the slightest touch might kill him! Don't touch him!" Hong Xia shouted out as loud as she could as Mr Cheng began to approach Haru as he lay on the ground still struggling to breathe. 

"That's the point. He dared to go against my Cheng family. Did you think that I would let him live after that? The only reason that I didn't kill you is that you are also from an imperial family. If I killed you then I would be waging war with your family.

And I doubt that your grandfather would fight against me for just breaking your leg. As for this little shit He has nothing and no one. Where did he even come from? Ah, what does it matter?" Mr Cheng said as he walked towards Haru's unconscious body.

He then held out his hand and channelled Qi into the palm of his hand while looking down at Haru's face. He then raised his hand above his head and prepared to attack. 

"No! Don't do it!" Hong Xia dug her leg into the ground and used all the strength she could muster to stand. As she did so the Qi that was holding her down seemed to vanish and she was free to walk move once again. 

But as she looked up again she saw that Mr Cheng's hand was on his way down and was just about to slam against his chest.

"Haru!" She screamed loud as she closed her eyes. She couldn't bear to watch as Mr Cheng's hand came all the way down with a boom and shook the room as he released his Qi. A tear dropped from Hong Xia's face as she stood still, refusing to open her eyes to see what had happened.

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