The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 274: Medic!

Chapter 274: Medic!

Haru lay on the ground as the rain poured down and covered his body. He felt empty. 

'What is the point in having this power if I can't protect the people I care about?' He asked himself as he held Suyin's hand that had now started to turn cold. He couldn't bring himself to let her go.

He knew that she was dead. But he didn't know what else to do. He lay there for a while until sirens began to blare out through the streets as the police got the word to head back into the city. 

Even if they had evacuated the city, they still had to ensure that no one stayed behind as was injured, but that wasn't any of Haru's concern. 

He lay with his back against the rain-soaked floor and stared up at the destroyed ceiling of his house with a blank expression. 

He had no words and no thoughts about what had happened and stared off into the clouds as if he was just the vessel of a human. It seemed as though his life force had also faded. 

But as the sky turned dark, a flashing red light bounced off the walls of his house and reflected into his eyes, bringing him out of his mindless state and back to reality. But even so, he didn't want to move. He couldn't bring himself to do anything and had completely given up. 

The engine of a car began to head in his direction as it drove up the street before stopping directly outside his house. 

"Hello, Is anyone there?" A man asked from a distance, but there was no response. 

"We know you are there. The helicopter got a thermal image of you. Is everything okay? Do you need help?" The voice called out once again as the sounds of stone rubbing against cement scratched the ground beneath his feet as he made his way over all of the rubble and approached the front door, which was now just a hole in the wall.

"Sir?" The voice asked again as a flashlight began to illuminate the room before shining down upon Haru, who was lying on the floor. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Are- You okay?" A man dressed in a dark blue uniform stepped into the room and looked down at Haru before running the light to the side a little to see Suyin lying lifelessly beside him. 

"Ma'am?" The police officer called out, but the lifeless look in her eyes told him everything he needed to know. 

"Sir, What happened? What happened here?" The police officer shouted out, but Haru made no effort to respond to him. His mind had completely collapsed on itself. 

He had hope that he would win the fight against the demons and drive them away from earth. But he never expected that it would cost him three of his loved ones during the process, as well as the two hundred or so people that were guarding the city.

"Wait a minute, isn't that?" Another voice called out as a woman entered the building and shone her flashlight in Haru's direction. She then moved the light beam towards Suyin as she quickly recognised who the dead body belonged to. 

"No I can't believe this." The woman said in a hushed tone as she looked at Suyin a little closer. 

"What is it, Shina?" The man asked as he looked at her face, which she covered with her hands in shock. 

"That's the singer Suyin! How did this happen!?" The woman cried out as she looked down at her idle. 

"Young man. You have to tell us what happened right away, okay?" The man ran over to Haru, who was still lying on the floor. They could tell he was alive by the fact that he was breathing in and out, but the way Haru was staring at the ceiling was as if he felt guilty about something. 

But before the man could get anything out of Haru, the woman ran over and grabbed him by the shirt.

"Listen here, you little punk! You will tell us everything that happened right away, or else I will beat you to death. You got it!?" The woman yelled while looking down at his emotionless face as a tear dropped from his eye and rolled down his cheek. 

"What are you doing, newbie? This isn't protocol; If you are reported, you will lose your job." The man warned her, but the woman didn't listen as she still held his shirt with one hand and then began to draw a button from her belt. 

"I don't care about protocol. I swear if he was the one who did this, I will tear his head off and burn his body to ashes!" The woman shouted but lowered her hand as tears began to run down her own cheeks. 

"What has gotten into you?!" The man asked as he grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her off Haru. But as soon as he did so, the woman managed to wiggle free from his grip and then ran away in the other direction. 

"Dispatch. We have a situation here." The man sighed and then called into his radio that was clipped to his shirt. 

"What is it?" A woman's voice asked as soon as he finished speaking. 

"We have two victims of the fighting here. One mortality and the other a possible head trauma can you send paramedics to my location as soon as possible?" The man asked the woman with a sad sigh.

By the look on his face, it looked as though he was having a rough day and had probably been at the scene of many dead bodies being found all across shanghai. But he still kept a smile on his face even if it looked sad and tired. 

"No problem. I will get them there as soon as possible." The woman from dispatch said, and then the man turned down the volume knob on his radio and looked back outside to his car, which was parked where Haru's gate used to be. All that was there now was broken rock and shattered concrete. 

From where he was standing, he saw his partner sitting inside the passenger side of the car with her head pressed against the dashboard. 

"The famous singer Suyin huh? Such a tragedy to die so young." The man whispered to himself quietly as sirens began to approach the location, which was soon followed by flashing lights as two ambulances pulled up to the gates. 

As soon s they did, the police officer turned his back and began to walk out to meet the four men who had come in two ambulances. 

"Be careful. This is going to be a bit sensitive, so make sure that her family are informed before it gets out to the media." The police officer instructed the paramedics before they got to work and unloaded two stretchers from the back of their ambulances.

More police cars began to show up as the officer had informed them of mortality. They would need to investigate the area to make sure that it wasn't a murder. Even though the situation suggested that it wasn't, they could never be too safe in cases like this.

They quickly gathered around and blocked off the roads. Before, the paramedics did everything they needed to with Suyin. But there was something that they were having trouble with. 

They couldn't move her once she was put onto the stretcher since Haru was still holding her hand. He didn't dare to let go of here and had no idea what was going on around him. His mind was fixed to the sky as the emptiness in his chest spread around his whole body. 

"Come on. You're slowing down your own treatment. We can't load you onto the stretcher until you let go." One of the paramedics said, but there was no reply from Haru. 

The medic then looked into his eyes. They looked almost dead and void of all life. 

He raised his hands in front of Haru's face and then suddenly clapped them together to try to make him flinch from seeing if he was actually aware of his surroundings. But as he did, so there was no response at all. Not so much as a blink. 

"We're ready to load her up. Just tell us when you manage to get his hand off her." One of the other medics said with a sigh before standing up. 

"Hold that thought. This doesn't look good." The medic kneeling beside Haru said with a worried expression as his plan to make his patient react didn't work. 

He then pulled out a small pen-shaped light from his pocket and moved his hand to Haru's face before pulling his eyelid wide open and shining the light directly on his eyeball. 

"What is it?" The other medic asked as he saw how the one treating Haru had acted. 

"He's completely unresponsive. It might be possible spinal or brain damage. Someone bring me a brace and general anaesthesia. We need to get him into a stable condition right away. Go ahead and let the hospital know that we need an airlift as soon as possible.

How long has he been like this?" The medic asked the first responding officer. 

"I don't know; It's been around fifteen minutes since we arrived." The officer replied. But that wasn't something they could go off.

"Got it!" A medic came running back with a neck brace in one hand and a syringe that was filled with a clear liquid. 

The medic that was treating Haru took the supplies from the other one and then started with putting the neck brace around his neck. They needed to make sure his neck was supported before they thought about moving him. 

The medic gently lifted Haru's neck and wrapped the brace around on both sides. Before moving down to his hand and taking the safety cap off from the syringe. 

"Let the ICU know that we need a bed ready for an induced coma until we can find out what is wrong with him. Let the neurology and orthopaedic departments know that we have a referral," The medic said before finding a vein on his arm and jabbing him with the needle. 

A warm feeling ran through Haru's body as Anastasia made its way to his brain. But he was still yet to react. The night's sky suddenly faded from his eyes, and he was cast into darkness.

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