The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 286: Would that make you happy?

Chapter 286: Would that make you happy?

Haru worked with Luke for days on end without any retaliation from either the children, the school or the police. It seemed like they had forgotten all about what had happened until one morning Haru awoke to a knock on the door. 

He put on his clothes and then headed downstairs to answer it, but just as he got to the door, Krista walked out from the living room and opened it. Haru walked down the stairs to see three police officers standing at the door. 

"Hello, is this the home of Haru Kitagawa? We have a few questions that we would like to ask him." A female police officer said to Krista as she answered, but as she looked past Krista, she saw Haru walking down the stairs and looked up to see him looking back at her.

"Are you Haru?" She asked as she spotted him. 

"Don't say anything." Krista turned her head and instructed Haru as he reached the last step. 

"What is this about?" Krista turned again to ask the police officer, but it was too late. They had already identified Haru based on security camera footage. 

"I'm sorry, but since he is an adult unless he gives permission, I can't tell you anything." The officer said with a look of doubt as she tried to make sure that it was Haru on the stairs. 

"Mom, it's fine. I'm sure it's nothing. Let me talk to them, and I will tell you what they want after they leave." Haru said with a smile before squeezing his way past his mother and pulling the door closed behind him. 

"So, you're the man they warned us about?" The woman asked as she eyed Haru up and down. She had heard the report that he used spatial magic to escape the elite task force that was sent to the school a few days prior, but she doubted that someone as young as he was could use magic to such an extent.

"Yup, now tell me what you want," Haru said bluntly, already knowing what it was about but what he didn't know was what the outcome of his actions would be.

"Were you the one responsible for the situation that happened at the magic school the other day?" The woman asked, but this time she activated a type of magic that could be used to listen to someone's heartbeat from a distance. [Audio amplification] 

A green light surrounded her head as she awaited for Haru to reply. 

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"Nope, I don't know what you're talking about. If that's all you wanted to know, then I guess I will be going back inside." Haru said calmly before turning to touch the door handle.

"No, wait!" The police officer shouted.

"What is it now?" Haru sighed and turned around to see that the officers had now pulled out weapons from their Luxes and had them down to their side, prepared to aim it at him if he made the wrong move. 

"Put your hands up. You're under arrest." The woman said and then pulled out a set of handcuffs from her hip. 

"Are you serious? You want to arrest me?" Haru asked with a fed-up expression as he looked at them all, acting aggressively towards him.

"Yes, now put your hands behind your back. You're coming with us for more questioning." The woman in charge demanded as she stared at him with the handcuffs in hand and then began to approach him. 

"How about you come back with some evidence, then I will come with you. If you can't show me anything that says I was there in the first place, then I'm not going anywhere with you." Haru said and then began to open the door, but as soon as he did, the officer grabbed his wrist and put the handcuff on him. 

'This is now the second time I have been in handcuffs. It seems like they don't learn.' Haru thought to himself as he looked down at the handcuffs to see that they were a little different than the ones the police in China used.

"Ha, you can't use magic now. You have no choice but to come with us now. Don't resist." The woman said and then began to pull on the handcuff to try to drag him along with her, but Haru didn't budge one bit. She looked up, confused at his face to see why he wasn't going with her, but as she did, her whole body froze. 

"Who said I needed magic to deal with you?" Haru asked before pulling his wrist slightly and shattering the handcuffs in a single movement. His cultivation base had strengthened his body to the point where regular metal wouldn't be a match for his physical body, no matter the situation. 

All three of the officers stopped in their tracks as they looked at Haru with fear after watching him break free from their special antimagic handcuffs. That meant that his strength went beyond that of a mage. 

"What are you!?" The woman yelled out before taking a step back and then stumbling over her own feet and falling to the ground. She looked up at Haru with terror in his eyes as he stared at her for a few moments. 

"  I'm hungry. Anyway, as I said, if you come back with proof that I did what you said, then I will go with you. Don't just come to my house and accuse me of things." Haru said and then opened the door to his house before walking back inside.

'Jeez, If I knew that something like this would have happened, I would have left as soon as those guys entered the room.' Haru thought back to how the police officers had entered the room and assumed that they had found out he was from them.

"But we do have proof." The woman said as she sat on the floor with the other two officers looking down at her. But as they looked up, they were taken aback when they saw Krista leaning out of the window. 

"So, what did Haru do again?" She asked with a smile, eagerly waiting to learn what Haru had done now. He had only been awake for a month and had already caused trouble with the police. She was starting to worry about the type of man he would become.

The police officers explained everything to her and then invited them In for tea while Haru was eating his breakfast at the table.

"What the? Why did you let them in?" Haru asked, confused as to what his mother's intentions were, but as he looked at her, he noticed that she had a concerned expression on her face.

"They told me what you did last week. And don't play dumb, your father told me later that night that you walked a boy to school because a group of them broke the cafe window. We do talk, you know?" Krista said and then folded her arms to show that she was disappointed in him.

"Hm. And what of it? What would you have done in my situation?" Haru asked bluntly. The tone of his voice when speaking to his mother made the police officers uncomfortable as they didn't want to get involved in their family matters. 

"I would have spoken with their teacher. You know, using words instead of just hitting everyone." Krista replied, sounding hurt that he would even ask her something like that.

"Yeah, words and not violence, you're good at that. But what would you have done if, when you wanted to talk, you were told to piss off? And then when you confront the teacher, he tries to attack you with magic? Do I defend myself, or would you rather I just let him beat me up? 

Would you rather have your son beat and injured by someone, or should he defend himself so he can come back home and see his family again? And for your information, I didn't hurt him. I didn't leave a mark on his body at all. I just wanted to show him that he shouldn't use violence against someone who wants to talk.

But if you have that little faith in me, then I will leave. You don't have to worry what happens to me if I don't live with you anymore, do you?" Haru finally got everything off his chest while explaining what happened. 

He still remembered how she had treated both him and Luke in the past and felt hurt that she never once offered an apology.  He accepted that violence was a personality trait with Krista and didn't hate her for it. But seeing her preach that violence wasn't the answer made him mad.

"Sorry for intruding. We will come back another time." The officer in charge said after looking at both of her colleagues, who were also feeling awkward. 

"You're right, But why didn't you tell them you were defending yourself!? Why try to deny it even when they have video footage of you walking through the school hallways on that day? If you lie to them, how do you expect them to believe that you were just defending yourself now?" Krista asked while looking past the fact that he had just criticised her in front of the three police officers. 

"I don't care what they believe. Even if I killed the man, what would they do about it? What could they do about it? Don't forget I'm not the same as you people. There isn't anything that can hold me down. If anything does try to hold me down, then I will break it.

They can come with an army if they want to. It's not going to change the fact that I'm not going to sit down and accept punishment for not injuring him when I had every right to do so. If that bothers you, then I will leave. I will leave the country, so you don't have to worry about me getting into more trouble with the police. How about that?

Would that make you happy?" Haru asked and then began to stand up, leaving his breakfast sitting on the table.

"And you, If you try to touch me again, I really won't hold back. I will cut your head from your shoulders without a second warning." Haru stated as he looked at the three officers who didn't know what to say and then walked out through the front door.

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