The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 303: Court Martial.

Chapter 303: Court Martial.

Haru remained in the room alone and took a few seconds to cool himself down. He felt as though he really would kill them. He felt as though since Suyin had died, he became a lot more aggressive and easily angered. He felt as though the world owed him an apology for taking her from him, but most importantly, he felt a deep hatred towards the demon clan.

If they had never come to earth, then he wouldn't have lost Suyin. He pushed the majority of the blame onto them for being greedy and trying to take over as many planets as they could. But he also blamed himself. He hated that he wasn't strong enough to save her.

And he regrets causing trouble with the demon clan when he was in the soul tempering grounds. If he had never gone there, then they probably wouldn't have even found earth. He found himself in a difficult situation since he couldn't put all of the blame onto one of the parties involved.

So he felt anger towards everyone, including himself. He had taken countless lives in both his present and past life and had certainly no issue with taking more. But he was lost on what he could justify. He didn't want to become like the demons and murder everyone who ever uttered a bad word in his direction. But he also didn't want to be killed. 

So he had a hard time deciding if he should kill someone or not, which also added to his frustrations. As he looked around the room, he began to notice photographs on the walls with Major Samson standing or sitting with lots of famous people, all with their names marked on a plaque underneath their frames. 

"Hmm, what's this?" Haru asked as he stood up and walked towards them to take a closer look. He was intrigued as to what Major Samson did in his free time. But as Haru got closer, he began to notice people he had seen on the news channels before. 

Such as the presidents of Korea, Japan and China all gathered at a conference with Major Sitting beside the President of Japan. 

'Hmm, it seems that he has friends in very high places. So why is he only a major?' Haru thought to himself as he looked around more. 

There were pictures of him with mage's of all sorts, and one stood out above the rest a picture of Haru in his previous life when he was the great mage. He was standing on a battlefield with a whole bunch of other soldiers while looking off into the distance while Major Samson, who seemed to be in his early teens, stood to pose while Haru looked away.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'He was there that day?' Haru thought as he remembered exactly what had happened on that day since it was an important day in the war. 

The day that Haru had thought back to was a day that left an impression on him, and he never forgot what happened. Bombs had dropped on the streets of Tokyo, and in response to the constant bombing, Japan went across the ocean to raid an enemy base. But it didn't stop at just that.

The man who had led the attack wanted to show that Japan wasn't going to sit down and take the bombing, so instead of just fighting the soldiers in the base. He sent orders for the army to move into the city and kill the civilians. 

Haru was at the military headquarters when the general asked what was going on since there were reports of civilians being executed. But there was no reply from the unit, and the killing continued. The general thought that they had lost communications, so he sent Haru to get in touch with the unit leader to ask what was going on. 

But as Haru arrived in the American city and walked the streets, he heard screaming followed by gunshots as the Japanese unit was massacring the civilians. 

As he began to locate the soldiers, he found a young boy crying over the lifeless corpse of his dead mother. He thought that they were just caught up in the fighting at first, but as he watched on, he saw the unit leader walking around and shooting the bodies on the ground in the head to make sure that they were dead.

But as he got to the young boy and his parents, he then turned the barrel of the gun towards the child. As Haru realised what happened, he flew into a fit of rage and killed the unit leader on the spot. He then used magic to bind all of the soldiers that went along with his plan and took them back to join the battalion that had taken over the military base. 

He handed them over to the leader of the battalion who had led the assault and then explained what had happened before all of the soldiers involved were court-martialed and punished to death by gunfire for their crimes. Haru then walked back into the war-torn city and looked at all of the destruction to make an accurate report when he returned to headquarters.

That was when the picture was taken. A few of the soldiers had gathered around to see the great mage and the number one ranked mage in all Japan and took some pictures of him while his back was turned to them without his knowledge. 

'That's a little bit creepy.' Haru thought as he wondered how many pictures had been taken of him without his knowledge. But as he continued to look around, he also spotted a picture closer to the ceiling. 

It was Major Samson shaking hands with Haru's mother. They were both wearing their dress uniform and standing in some kind of hall. And Major Samson had a medal on his chest and was smiling as the picture was taken. 

On the other hand, Krista had a slight bulge in her stomach that was showing through her uniform.

"That was when she was pregnant with me?" Haru asked as he looked at the picture. This was the first time he saw a picture of Krista while she was carrying him. It felt strange to look at, but he couldn't take his eyes off it for some reason. 

"Did I make the wrong call? I know that she was just worried about me, but it felt like she was judging me for doing the exact same things that she does. Should I apologise?" Haru thought as his eyes remained on the photo. But as he did, the sound of Mana spiralling through the air filled the room before footsteps hit the floor and Major Samson was back. 

"Sorry I took so long. I just had to take him back to Tokyo for his punishment. General Ainsworth has taken over the situation, and knowing him, They won't get off easy. Especially since they have broken international law to punish our own soldiers." Major Samson said as he entered the room once again to see Haru standing by the wall. 

"Is that so?" Haru asked with his mind in another place. Everything that Major Samson had just said had gone completely over his head. He was too lost in his own mind to even care about anything that he was saying. Until a hand lightly grabbed his shoulder, bringing him out of his trance. 

"Hm, You found your mother, huh? I've been collecting photographs with people I looked up to all my life. It's a way to remember the past and how I got to where I am right now. That was the day that I was promoted to Major. It was nineteen years ago last week." Major Samson said with a smile as Haru turned to look at him. 

"Your mother was the one who gave me my rank since it was the same day that she retired. I never thought that I would be promoted by Krista Kitagawa, only to have her son join my battalion nineteen years later. The chances of that just seem a little strange to me. 

But knowing both your mother and your father, I am sure that you too will eventually rise to fame. I should probably take a photo with you while I still can, but that seems a little inappropriate now you have seen my collection." Major Samson chuckled slightly before releasing his hand and sitting back down at his desk.

"You know my father too?" Haru asked. It was the first time that he had seen somebody recognise his father since it rarely ever happened. 

Luke wasn't as well known as Krista was, but even he climbed his way to the top of the military rank and stood slightly behind Krista in rank. But his feats weren't as well known since he was only in the army for less than five years. 

But the things that he did were extraordinary. 

"I sure do. He even trained me at one point. He taught me how to use a few basic ice and water spells since there is no other mage nearly half as good as him in those areas" Major Samson said with and smiled before pointing to another picture frame on the wall. 

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