The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 308: It's really unconventional.

Chapter 308: It's really unconventional.

The tides churned as warships cut their way through the ocean as they set sail to china's coastline. It was going to take a few hours, but no one could rest. They knew what would be awaiting them once they arrived. Everyone looked to be nervous as this was the first time that they would see actual combat. 

Since the great war that shook the whole world, none of the major countries in the world had even dared to go to war with anyone until now. Nearly two generations had passed since then, and most of the soldiers that were going to fight had never even killed someone before. 

But as for Haru, he remained calm as he stood silently on the top deck of the ship as he gazed out to the waves below him.

"Hey, are you okay? We should be arriving in around two hours." Captain Liegan said as she walked up behind Haru and placed her hand on his shoulder.

During the time that they spent together instructing the other soldiers, they had both become good friends, and she could see that there was something bothering him even if he didn't show it on the surface.

"Yes, I'm fine," Haru replied as he looked back at Captain Liegan with a blank stare as it seemed as though he was looking right through her.

"Good, that's good. But if you ever feel anything at all, that might affect how you perform in a stressful environment. Then you must let me know as soon as possible. The last thing we want is for something terrible to become of you." Captain Liegan said with a smile as she joked and patted Haru on the shoulder once more before taking her leave to address the rest of the troops. 

'Hm, so this is it, huh? I never thought that I would be going back to war, especially since I became a cultivator. It seems a little unfair for them since there is hardly anything they could do to harm me.' Haru thought as he felt the breeze rush past his face from the surface of the water as the silhouette of Shenzhen appeared in the distance.

"Everyone prepare for combat immediately! The city is just over the horizon. We may need to fight as soon as we arrive, so don't hesitate! Once we evacuate the majority of the citizens, it will then be our job to hold back the forces and stop them from advancing to any of the coastal cities.

We are working with the Chinese special forces, and they have an ambush prepared in the mountains. All we have to do is hold down the coast and force them up into the mountains. Is that understood!?" A man Haru had never seen emerged from the crowd and began to address everyone. 

Haru looked down to the man's chest to see three golden stars pinned to his chest.

'A general? Why is there a general going out in the field? Those guys usually stay at home and leave everything to us.' Haru thought as he looked at the man and tried to figure out why he was there.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'Don't tell me. Is he here to get his hands on the technology the demon clan left behind? Does the Japanese government also know about them?' Haru thought as that seemed like the most likely explanation as to why one of the generals had come with them.

Haru stared at the general for a few minutes until they both made eye contact, and the general gave him a look of disgust for a few moments before calling him over.

"Get your ass over here, private. We are talking about the strategy, and you are off in your own world all the way over there. God so help me if anything happens because of your-" The general began to say as Major Samson walked out from one of the rooms upon hearing the commotion and then proceeded to whisper into the general's ear.

His eyes shot wide open for a moment before looking back at the other soldiers and then composing himself once again.

"Well, never mind it. Please just listen to what I have to say." The general quickly changed how he addressed Haru and then carried on with his explanation of what they were to do now that they had finally reached China.

'I wonder what he said?' Haru thought as he looked at Major Samson, who was smiling proudly. However, Haru knew that his mother was a soldier in the last great war. He wasn't sure how much influence she had. But as time was going on, he was slowly starting to see how much of an effect she had on the army.

It was to the point that just the mention of her name would make a high ranking officer lose his mind. He just couldn't imagine his mother to be that incredible despite how people reacted to her name. 

The ship shook slightly as a shockwave shot through the ocean from the city as a flash of light appeared in the sky. 

"Shit. They are bombing the place. Quick! Everyone who can use flight or travelling magic get there immediately!" The general shouted as he looked at everyone, but all of the soldiers looked on in shock as it began to feel real for them. They had never seen bombs used on people before.

But from the loud bangs that could be heard in the distance, they knew that innocent people were being caught up in a war.

"You heard the general, didn't you!? I didn't train any cowards, did I?!" Haru shouted as all of the inexperienced soldiers had yet to move. They remained still and looked confused as the soldiers who had seen combat before began to assemble and rush towards the shore.

"Cowards? You didn't train any cowards! We are Unit 892 of the Japanese defence force! There are no cowards here!" Private Orin shouted in response as he was one of the only soldiers who didn't look scared. 

Upon seeing and hearing the confidence in Private Orin's voice as he replied to Haru, the other soldiers began to feel more confident that they had the power to stop what was happening. They knew that if they stuck to their training and worked as a team that they would be able to save at least one person, which was still an achievement for them. 

A few moments of silence went by as Major Samson, and The general that had come along with them stared at Haru and the commotion he was causing as he shouted out to his fellow soldiers.

"Is that so? Then what are you all doing still on the ship!? Only cowards remain behind instead of helping us save people. If you're not cowards, then prove it and get your asses out to that coastline!" Haru shouted once again before turning to face the shore and then jumping up onto the railing around the ship. 

The wind shot past Haru and blow his jacket open as he looked out to the city of Shenzhen that was now under attack. 

'I promise that I won't let anything happen. Your brother and parents are in safe hands now. I will keep them all alive.' Haru thought as he stood over the rest of the soldiers on the ship like a phantom as he vanished before their eyes as he leapt from the railing down into the water below.

"Wha!?" The general shouted in confusion as to him it looked like Haru had decided to swim to shore. 

"Is he mad!? What in the world is he thinking?" The general said as he ran towards the edge of the ship as he hadn't seen Haru reemerge yet. But as he got to the edge. A blast of wind shot up into the sky from below the ship as Haru gathered mana into his feet and stomped down on the surface of the water.

Each step he took was like a miniature explosion beneath his feet which stopped him from sinking as he soon sped up and began to sprint across the surface of the ocean.

"Unit 892! Follow Private Kitagawa's lead! Let's get this over with and call it a day before the lazy officers get the chance to disembark from the ship!" Jake shouted out as he too followed behind Haru by using the power of the wind to propel his body forwards to soar through the air, much like how Haru could by using Qi.

As Jake instructed the soldiers to follow Haru's lead, it didn't take even a second for them to race towards the edge of the shit and race after the two of them as they headed for the beach. 

"This unit It's really unconventional. Who is in charge of them?" The general asked as he watched them all fly into the distance after Jake and Haru insulted the officers.

"That would be the blond-haired boy who just called us lazy." Major Samson said with a smile as he took no offence to what was said.

"What's his name?" The general asked as he turned back to face Major Samson. 

"That would be Sergeant Ainsworth. The grandson of General Ainsworth." Major Samson said with a smile as he knew what was coming next.

"Is that so? Just like his father, isn't he?" The general said with a sigh as he looked back at Major Samson once again.

"And as for the other one? Are you sure that he is their son?" The general asked with a serious expression on his face.

"I'm certain. After he came to the base, I got an angry letter from his mother, telling us to send him back home at once. It seems like they got into an argument, and he joined the army out of spite. But he has settled into life at the base just fine." Major Samson said as he remembered how Krista had written him a letter that he had thrown into the trash as soon as he read it.

"Good, you did well. I assume that there will be a lot of eyes on him today. After the footage we received during the destruction of shanghai, I assume that this issue will be a breeze." The general said with a smile as a dark cloud rolled over the sky above Shenzhen.

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