The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 317: Would you like me to accompany you, ma'am?

Chapter 317: Would you like me to accompany you, ma'am?

A loud boom emerged from the hills in the distance, and a cloud of dust shot up into the air as it sounded as though something exploded close to the base. All eyes shot towards the sound as thoughts of panic ran through everyone's eyes as a loud chant followed the explosion as the silhouettes of people marching emerged from behind the hill. 

"What's going on?" Jake asked Haru as everyone began to get into defensive positions as they thought that the enemy was coming for them. But as Haru used the technique to sense intentions, he discovered that the people that were coming towards the base didn't have any hostile intent.

In fact, they seemed happy to be back as well as a little hungry. Haru looked back at Jake as the other soldiers raised their weapons out of fear and alerted the officers of what they had just heard. 

"It's nothing to be worried about. It's just the soldiers that were previously fighting. They're coming back, that's all." Haru explained to Jake quietly as the two officers came out of the tent with worried looks on their faces. 

"Get into position and spread yourselves apart! We don't want to be caught in a pincer attack, so make sure you block all entrances." The man that had led Haru and Jake to the base ordered the rest of the soldiers as he outranked everyone there.

It went quiet as he ordered everyone into position as they awaited whatever fate was about to become of them as the chanting became louder, and footsteps soon began to beat out a rhythm as they marched towards the base.

"You two! What are you doing! Don't just stand there! Block one of the entrances!" The man ordered as Jake and Haru remained still and continued with their conversation as the chanting became louder and louder until a voice called out from the other side of the wall. 

"We're back! I hope you guys have prepared a feast for us!" A man shouted out as the soldiers he led made their way to the entrance where the others were blocking it with their weapons drawn. 

"Wait, stand down! That's Second Lieutenant Mishi." The sergeant that was already stationed at the base called out as the group stepped through into the camp and looked around to see the soldiers were all on edge.

"Did we miss something? I don't remember there being this many people here before." Second Lieutenant Mishi said as he led his soldiers back into the base.

"Wait, It's you! Why are you here?" The Lieutenant yelled in surprise when he saw the man who had led Haru and Jake to the camp. 

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"Long time no see. Second Lieutenant Mishi. I didn't think that you would be here either. What a pleasant surprise." The man said in return as he looked at  Mishi with a smile on his face.

"Lieutenant Hayashi I can't say that it's pleasant for me, sir." Second Lieutenant Mishi said with a sigh as he didn't seem impressed to see Lieutenant Hayashi. 

"Now, is that the way to talk to your superiors? Be glad that we're here to help you guys out, or I wouldn't mind settling our score in front of all your men too." Lieutenant  Hayashi said as a grin formed on his face as he looked back at the soldiers that had led from the ships as well as the soldiers that had been under Second Lieutenant Mishi until now.

"Listen up! I have ordered from headquarters to take over this camp here and use anything to our advantage in order to stop this war before the damages are irreversible, so I will need you all to be compliant and listen to my every command until this is over. Do you all understand what I'm saying?" Lieutenant  Hayashi asked as his attitude changed drastically as he felt the need to prove himself upon seeing Mishi had been fighting on the battlefield since before he had even arrived in China.

All of the soldiers looked back and forth at each other as it was unusual for someone to take command over someone else's unit unless it was absolutely necessary, but it seemed to them as though he was just showing off his authority by abusing his rank.

'Is this really how things go in the army after all these years? Do people act arrogantly even in war? This is how lives are lost. If the men who died in the great war could see what had become of the force that they gave their lives for, they would turn over in their graves.

I'm not about to let him disgrace the name of the people who died defending their country and people by being petty children.' Haru thought as he began to step forwards, but as he did so, another Voice called out from the gate.

"Now, now, those weren't your orders, were they? Don't go making things up just to exert your power. Don't you remember what happened to that one sergeant a couple of months back? Don't make me report you for misconduct." Captain Liegan called out as she stepped into the camp now that she was conscious again.

"And on that note. Our orders are to aid Second Lieutenant Mishi with anything that he may need. We don't know the situation out here, so we will follow his command since he has been here for a few hours already." Captain Liegan explained as she took control of the situation before her eyes met Haru's. 

Captain Liegan smiled as she saw him but had a hint of confusion to her gaze as she quickly turned away once again to look at the other two officers.

"Haha, That's great. It's a pleasure to have you here with us, Captain Liegan. Thank you for coming." Second Lieutenant Mishi said as he exaggerated his welcome to Captain Liegan while staring at Lieutenant Hayashi with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for the welcome. Would you mind explaining to me what has happened over here? We were sent in blind, so we don't know the situation." Captain Liegan asked as she tried to gather as much information as possible so she could lead the soldiers successfully. 

"Of course, ma'am. Follow me." Second Lieutenant Mishi said as he began to walk in the direction of one of the tents nearby. 

"Would you like me to accompany you, ma'am? I know a few things about the situation here too." Lieutenant Hayashi asked with a hopeful look on his face as he still felt competitive with Mishi.

"No, that's fine. You have done enough for one day. Stand down." Captain Liegan said as she knew what he was up to and didn't want to incite any discourse into the rest of the soldiers but as she turned around to look at him. She looked at Jake and Haru, who were talking to each other once again.

"Actually, Sergeant Ainsworth and Private Kitagawa, you two come along too. I could use your input on what to do next." Captain Liegan said as she purposely called out two people with a lower rank than Lieutenant Hayashi's to show him that rank doesn't mean anything to her, and she wasn't going to stand for him oppressing others just because he had a higher rank.

"Yes, ma'am!" Jake replied immediately while keeping as professional as he could before making his way to Captain Liegan's side.

"Yes, ma'am" Haru said with a sigh as he lazily walked over to Captain Liegan, but as he did, he looked over at Lieutenant Hayashi, who was giving Haru an angry glare.

Haru looked back at him for a few seconds before releasing a slight amount of killing intent so he wouldn't get any ideas about targeting him and Jake. 

Lieutenant Hayashi gasped for air as the pressure from Haru's killing intent was enough to stop him from breathing for a moment as he became stiff from fear and felt defenceless. 

'What was that!? Is there something wrong with me? Am I sick or something?' Lieutenant Hayashi thought as he couldn't explain what had happened as Haru walked past him with a slight smirk on his face.

'I don't have the patience for people like that. If he steps out of line again, I will kill him.' Haru thought as he followed behind Jake and Captain Liegan all the way to the tent that had been set up to plan attacks on the enemy with a map of the terrain in the centre of a large table.

"This is how we've been planing our attacks so far. This is an old map of the city, but it doesn't tell us anything now that all the buildings have been destroyed, so we have measured the distances with GPS. But from what we worked out so far, there are two enemy camps nearby, and the Chinese forces have been forced up towards the north.

They appear to be trapped there, so we have been trying to force the enemy to chase us to give the Chinese soldiers a chance to push them back. But we haven't been able to communicate with them yet since they are surrounded." Second Lieutenant Mishi explained as they all gathered around the table and looked at the map as he pointed out the locations he was talking about as he spoke.

"You haven't been able to contact them at all? Why not send someone with flight magic to drop into their camp?" Captain Liegan asked as it wouldn't be difficult for someone to do something like that.

"Well, that's because all the soldiers we have encountered so far have been mages too. Our first battle here ended up with twenty of our soldiers being injured. But luckily, we managed to save everyone and finish them off before they could call for backup.

If we send someone with flight magic, they could be intercepted by other mages and killed. I'm not willing to send people to their death like that." Second Lieutenant Mishi said as he looked up at Captain Liegan.

"Well, I will give that job to Private Kitagawa then. Not only is he fluent in Chinese, but he is also the sneakiest person I have ever met." Captain Liegan said to Mishi, all the while staring at Haru.

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