The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 327: Lightning steps.

Chapter 327: Lightning steps.

"Major Samson! What are you doing here? Just what exactly is going on?" Captain Liegan exclaimed as Major Samson walked along the battlefield with the General that she had met on the ship the day before. 

"Well, that is none of your business, Captain. General Morita here has warned me about Private Kitagawa potentially being a traitor to our army. It seems like he has finally decided to show us his true colours. We're taking him back to headquarters to await his trial." Major Samson said as he gazed around the area at the fallen camp before his eyes lay upon Kazuo, who was clutching his wife in his arms with a weary look on his face.

"Seems as though there is another traitor to our country. Take him down too." Major Samson instructed as a flash of light shot from the same direction that it did before it had hit Haru.

But suddenly, the flash of light stopped in the air to reveal a sharp metal syringe that was launched from a distance.

"What is the meaning of this! Don't resist! It's only going to get worse for you if you do!" Major Samson yelled out at Kazuo as he looked back in confusion as the syringe remained floating in the air above him. 

"I-it's not me who's doing that." Kazuo replied as Haru rolled over onto his back before sitting up with a smile on his face.

"Wow, Those new weapons of yours pack quite the punch, don't they. And that tranquiliser was far by the best one I have ever encountered. You guys are doing very good these days, aren't you?" Haru asked as he looked up at both Major Samson and General Morita, who he had only met once.

"You! You're still conscious!? How?" Major Samson called out before retreating and taking a few steps back. But as he did, there was a tight grip on his shoulder as General Morita reached out his hand to stop him from retreating anymore.

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"That's to be expected from the sole survivor of the Shanghai incident. I didn't expect a simple tranquiliser to be able to take you out. But could you please explain to me how you neutralised the narcotics? We designed those with you in mind." General Morita said as he put one of his hands inside his pockets while speaking to Haru.

Haru stopped smiling as he felt a little uneasy that they knew he was in Shanghai when the demon clan invaded. He wondered how they knew and came to two conclusions. 

'There are only two ways that they could know about that. The first being that they read my medical records, and they were the ones responsible for covering up what happened and put it down to be a car accident. Or they somehow have footage of what happened there. Which wouldn't be surprising with the technology they have packed onto satellites these days.' Haru thought as General Morita started to laugh to himself.

"Cat got your tongue? Well, there's no use resisting. You might as well just come with us quietly if you want to survive." General Morita chuckled as lights began to illuminate the distance like stars shining in the night's sky as dozens of soldiers began to approach with guns drawn and pointed towards Haru.

"My tongue is just fine, thank you very much. I was just wondering how you would know anything about what happened back there. But I take it as you didn't see footage of what happened yourself, or you would have brought more people than this." Haru laughed before standing up before Captain Liegan jumped in front of him.

"Stop! There is no way that Haru is a traitor. He has fought this whole time diligently since we have been here. He even went out of his way to help the Chinese forces.

We just received news that the enemy was going to Beijing, so he wanted to go there to help fight against the enemy. He isn't a traitor!" Captain Liegan yelled as she tried to get Major Samson and General Morita to drop their assumptions about Haru, but as soon as she spoke, she was thrown to the floor as a fireball burnt its way through her jacket and pushed her back. 

"Quiet! How dare you go against General Morita's orders! I thought I trained you better than this! Or do you plan to rebel as well?" Major Samson questioned as he attacked Captain Liegan with magic.

Captain Liegan lay on the floor for a moment and looked up with both shock and horror. She had served under Major Samson for years, and she had never seen this side of him before. She never expected that he would use magic against her, and she began to feel like she was the one who was betrayed. 

"You-" Captain Liegan began to yell before Haru held out his hand in front of her. She then stopped as she looked over at Haru, who turned his head to smile at her. But it looked a little sad. As though he was saying goodbye with his smile.

"Haru What are you going to do?" Captain Liegan whispered to herself as she didn't know what to expect before suddenly a blue light began to emerge from Haru's hand.

"Stop what you're doing right now and come quietly.  This is your only warning, or else we will open fire!" General Morita shouted out as he too focused his attention towards the blue light coming from Haru's hand.

"Is that so? Let's see if you can." Haru said as the blue light in his hand began to crackle as it turned into a stream of electricity that quickly enveloped his whole body.

"I haven't used this move outside of my soul ocean before. But let's see how effective it is against real people." Haru thought as he used a movement technique called lighting steps to quickly dash between each of the soldiers before they could even pull the triggers to their guns while placing his hand on their shoulders for a few moments.

The electricity from his hand enveloped the bodies of all of the soldiers before he moved to General Morita and Major Samson.

'You can take some electricity too.' Haru thought before touching General Morita with his hand and watching as his whole body began to glow blue while time seemed stoped around him before glaring at Major Samson with a vengeful look in his eyes.

'You conspired against me I put trust in you, and this is how you repay me. You dirty old man. This is what you get.' Haru thought before bringing his foot back and kicking Major Samson directly in his crotch.

Haru then left the scene without saying anything before time resumed once again once he stopped using the movement technique.

All of the soldiers, including General Morita, dropped to the floor as cages of electricity circled around them and constantly shocked them whenever they tried to move.

But as for Major Samson, he lay on the floor groaning in pain as he held his crotch with both hands. 

"What just happened? Where did private Kitagawa go? Did he do all of this!? I didn't even see it happen." Second Lieutenant Mishi asked as he looked around at all of the soldiers to see that Haru was nowhere to be seen.

But as for Captain Liegan, she felt nothing but disbelief.

"He was actually hiding this much strength? I never would have expected there to be anyone this strong, let alone to become friends with them. Just where in the world did he learn how to do that?" Captain Liegan asked herself as Haru continued to make his way across the land with one goal in mind. 

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